Perk Suggestion Thread

Started by Talir, January 16, 2013, 10:50:18 PM

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Bard Perk

Artist Perk
Appropriate song.

Fighter Perk


level 1: Weapon focus Handaxe and Battleaxe
Level 5: + 2 carpentry / woodworking
Level 8: + 1 ab and damage versus Constructs.

/c fighter perk: +1d8 HP, + 5 damage versus Constructs, lasts 2 turns.


Sorcerer Perk:


Not all bloodborn find their powers in magic alone. Some, though born into it of a kind, find the weave as it is as deplorable as those defiant of the Red Star. For those that complete their journey, or are born into it, transformed into it, perhaps, they walk a path where magic is rendered in their wake.

Level 1: Monk AC feat, Divine Grace Feat, Ascetic Spell and Item restrictions. Can spawn Hostile magic eaters that scale per level, and raise in allowed summons at a time as per a summoner's point system.
Level 5: 3 dispel magic uses per day, /dispel command on weapon. Can Access Monk Stances.
Level 8: +5 Concentration, and Spellcraft. Can cast Greater Dispel as a level 4 spell.

It could be done that they were limited to just adjuration spells, if it were too imbalanced, but aside, I think the monk ac and divine grace could make them survivable while a really interesting reason to play. Aside, I would give them 100% spell failure, and give them lesser dispel, dispel, and greater dispel castings alongside other strip spells only, and the feats listed above.

Just an idea. =]

Anonymous Lemur

With some really neat new modifiers being seen in game for certain casters. I'd really love to see a perk set around filth, disease and pestilence. This would be a universal perk that is based around gaining strength from disease rather than being inhibited by them. So instead of losing 1d4 wisdom and int for being inflicted by burrowing maggots you gain a smaller amount of wisdom and int. The main drawback for the perk would be whenever you make a saving throw against disease all nearby allies must make a saving throw or be diseased and receive the negative effects associated with said disease immediately.

This would provide characters who follow the gods of pestilence like Talona and Moander with a way to create instant enmity to other players just by existing, while also allowing them to provide the thematic relief/affliction of diseases to supplicants. Characters without the aid of a cleric/druid will have the strange task of seeking out ways to inflict various diseases upon themselves creating a lot of weird scenario's for those involved. The character will have to -fail- the dc on the disease to benefit from it. This makes it more beneficial to characters with lower fortitude saves or those who invest heavily in items with negative saving throws against disease.

The only requirement for this perk would be to follow an appropriate deity such as Talona, Moander and perhaps Ghaunadaur. The positive effects of the disease would stack with other spells and so the numbers on the buffs should be suitably low given their duration.

Here are some examples of disease effects:

QuoteBlinding Sickness: +1 strength. End of 24 hour effect: +1 strength Ultravision
Mummy Rot: +1 Constitution. End of 24 hour effect: +1 constitution
The Shakes: +1 Strength. End of 24 Hour effect: +1 strength
Filth Fever: +1 int. End of 24 hour effect: +1 con
Red Slaad Eggs: 4d6 Magical damage taken as before, knocked prone for 2 rounds, no ability damage, but the slaadi becomes your henchman for 1 turn per character level. End of 24 hour effect: +1 strength +1 con

I realize this is all just fantasy and it would probably be an absolute nightmare to script, but I think it'd be a neat so I figured I'd post it.


Actually, your idea is -really- good, I like the idea of diseases and such empowering the "Blightbringer" so to say, and infecting those around them negatively. Maybe put in terms better suited for a perk suggestion if you don't mind me doing so Lemur: If I completely butchered your idea and you don't like it just tell me and i'll have it deleted, your post inspired this after all.


-Evil Only
-Must serve a god of plagues, sickness, rot, or wasting to receive the Blightbringer blessing

While disease, plague, and sickness has ravaged every corner of many worlds there have always been those who dedicated themselves to the very gods that created the first plagues, the very gods who would see the world waste away in rotting plague and sickness, and their disciples have found that whether through dark sorcery, or the blessings of these dark gods, they have managed to become harbingers of waste and plague, carrying the worst of illnesses everywhere they go, watching as everything around them becomes afflicted and wastes away.. And these disciples, they too waste away.. But the unnatural blessing or magic that sustains them only makes them grow stronger even as their body falls to ruin.

Level 1: The Sorcerer is afflicted with a random disease/plague every rest and cured of their previous sickness given from the past rest. -1 Charisma (Body Begins To Waste Away), Plagues and Diseases now give beneficial effects to the Sorcerer, the bonuses depending on the plague/disease they are currently suffering from

Level 5: The Sorcerer now receives an aura that forces all around him to make a save against disease or be inflicted with their current plague/disease. Contagion Spells DC's are boosted significantly and now inflict only the worst of plagues (Scripted so that it only chooses from specific plagues that are particularly hindering), Additional -1 Charisma (The Sorcerer begins to take on the appearance of a leper, his facial features warping and showing signs of decay), Flies

Level 8: Additional -1 Charisma, Upon Reaching 8th level the Blightbringer has become a true harbinger of plague and waste, a sickening champion of disease, it is upon becoming so afflicted and attuned with illness that the Blightbringer must roll 1d20 and be permanently afflicted with a deadly wasting plague, curse, or disease like no other, while these plagues and illnesses will empower the Blightbringer far more than any of the before plagues or diseases, the Blightbringer's time becomes limited, as even magic cannot sustain the Blightbringer's body from eventually dieing and falling apart from these powerful plagues. This plague is considered a supernatural plague that will not replace the Blightbringers previous disease/plague every rest, nor will his aura inflict this supernatural plague on others, it will inflict the plagues and diseases he gains from resting only, the supernatural plague is his to endure and suffer alone, at the boon of gaining greater power.

I have no particular suggestions for the benefits and empowerment that each plague or disease should provide, perhaps whatever you normally take penalties in, you instead gain bonuses in, with room for special effects for diseases like Red Slaad Eggs perhaps conjuring a 24 hour or until rest slaadi minion that isn't too powerful, but useful, I think a good suggestion for the disease empowerment though it could be weakened as mine might be asking a bit much, grant the complete opposite of what it inflicts, Mummy Rot inflicts 1d6 constitution damage? So gain 1d6 constitution instead that lasts for a decent amount of time, and once it runs out, decreases to only 1/3 or 1/4 of its bonuses that last as long as the Blightbringer is afflicted with that particular disease.

As to the 1d20 table a few suggestions
Bubonic Plague, Death Rot, Living Death, Scarlet Fever, Smallpox, The Withering

Resource for a few diseases:


Association Perks (Lower)

Cult of Ooze
Level 1: Receieve 3/day ooze placeable
Level 5: summon ooze (2) 1/day
Level 8: +1 acid damage to all attacks
Favoured of the ooze (Dm approval only)
Glows green and leaves an oozing trail behind them. Worn armour occasionally spits acid and reduces attackers ac by 1.

Cult of Ibrandul

Level 1: Receieve 1/day shadowstuff
Level 5: 1/day darkness item
Level 8: Can rest in the wilderness without a fire / +1 hide/ms in caverns
Favoured of Ibrandul (Dm approved only)
Worn helmet receives the shadowy effect &
When struck in combat small chance that the shadows will come to you aid (similar to chaos shield)

Cathedral of the Ascension
Level 1: 3/day light ability
Level 5: searing light item 2/day(5)
Level 8: Ultravision (as spell) granted on helmet (to represent their gaze piercing the darkness).
Favoured of the Ascension (Dm approved only) Recieve a faint glowing light aura, when struck has a chance to trigger a divine shield inflicting 1d4 divine damage to the attacker.


With the new EC faction, I feel its time to revisit the aberrant-aligned sorcerer perks.

Eye disciple
Level 1 : +4 spot, +4 search. On every reset, receive a single-use beholder theme focus if you do not already have one.
Level 5 : Can use eyeball rays (Frost ray 3/day, inflict wound ray 3/day, daze bolt 1/day)
Level 8 : Gain permanent see invisibility.

Level 1 : Lobotomized (random intellectual impairment to role-play) Inject drool 2/day.
Level 5 : 10% physical DI, Spit drool 2/day, immunity fear.
Level 8 : 20% physical DI, immunity mind-affecting.

QuoteInject drool
On a subdued PC, acts as a long lasting dominate person (turn/level)

QuoteSpit drool
Ranged touch attack. On a hit, victim saves fortitude DC 10+drooler level/2+Charisma modifier. On a failed save, the target is affected with a blue glow for 1 round/level, suffers 1d8+level acid damage and is slowed for 1 round/level.

Star-touched freak
Level 1 : +4 EFUSL astronomy. On every reset, receive a single-use aberration theme focus if you do not already have one.
Level 5 : Spell immunity : Evard's black tentacles
Level 8 : Far realm portals 2/day

QuoteFar realm portals 2/day
3 round incantation. Teleports the star-touched freak and his allies into the twisted realms above. Sanity ticker (similar to drowning effects based on WIS). This is similar the steward ley traveling except it uses the stars as a medium of teleportation. Used to access exotic, aberrant-themed places like the lower-dark.



Quote from: WriterX;n647052A New Rogue Perk (that might cause a sudden rise in the number of Rogue Mechanics), based on the recent systems introduced by Talir for Henchmen (like Houndmaster and Ooze Savant)

Level 8 Rogue Perk: Machinist

You get a small Animatronic Companion that may be "summoned" (turned on) and follows the owner around doing his every bidding.

Initially the Animatron is no better than one of the Salvagers, but the skillful Machinist can improve his creation through the use of scraps of metal and junk. The better the quality of the parts the better you can improve it, until eventually it will increase in size and strength. Eventually, perhaps, achieving something relatively close to what the Spellguard can create!

Alas, if your creation is destroyed all the parts are lost and you will have to start over.


Well, writerX? Eningeer bait right here!

Maybe something like an animal companion, permenant duration, with a chat system akin to the necromancy system? Or maybe just a reskin and rebuff of the necromancy system with a machine companion.


Spellguard/Engineer perk based PrC. The equivalent of a palemaster, except Machine themed.

Animator PrC

QuoteControl Animatron 5/day
Similar to control undead. DC 10+level/2+Int mod vs Will, Construct becomes an ally until death. Maximum 1

QuoteImprove Animatron
Similar to necromancy system, except applied to Animatrons. Costs Baublium.

QuoteSupreme Engineering
+5 EFUSL engineering +5 Craft trap. Receive a random, powerful contraption every reset



War champion

Level 1: Maybe 1/day divine shield? Could also even be bless or heck even +4 persuade




Bard perk, unique songs, immune to friendly magic (ascetic)

Sacrifice own stats and abilities to strengthen aura of song
Significant increase (+1 at 3, +2 at 5, +3 at 8) to every circle
Every soulsinger song provides scaling SR bonus and temporary DR for the bard whilst draining their movement speed.
Freedom of Movement does not negate.


Yours is a twisted, tarnished spirit. Marked as anathema by the very Weave itself, you have found yourself afflicted with
an arcane cancer that torments your mind and flesh with the havoc every act of spellcasting wreaks on your animus. Yet you,
 in your deranged ambition, have wrested power from your own soul and imbue its very essence into your music, resonating
with the very song that ripples through the foundations of the world.

Level 1:
Magic restrictions apply: the Bard can only benefit from its own spells. Items do not work.
Permanent -10% Movement Speed
Slow regeneration, 1HP/12 sec
1/- DR, 11 SR, -3 Universal when singing
Healing spells cast on self are empowered.

Unique song progression, buffs differ according to song purpose.

Level 3:
+1 casting slot to all spell circles (does not circumvent circle level progression)
3/- DR, 13 SR, -3 Universal when singing

Level 5:
+1 casting slot to all spell circles (does not circumvent circle level progression)
Slow regeneration changed to 2HP/12 sec
5/- DR, 17 SR, -3 Universal when singing

Level 8
+1 casting slot to all spell circles (does not circumvent circle level progression)
Slow regeneration changed to 3HP/12 sec
8/- DR, 24 SR, -3 Universal when singing

Song examples:


Level 1:
ALLIES: +1 AB, +1 STR, +1 CON, +2 Fortitude, 1HP/3 sec regen
SELF: -2 AB, -2 STR, -2 CON, -3 Fortitude, 1HP/3 sec regen, -30% Movement Speed

Level 5:
ALLIES: +1 AB, +2 STR, +2 CON, +3 Fortitude, 2HP/3 sec regen
SELF: -2 AB, -4 STR, -4 CON, -4 Fortitude, 2HP/3 sec regen, -30% Movement Speed

Level 8:
ALLIES: +2 AB, +2 STR, +3 CON, +3 Fortitude, 2HP/3 sec regen
SELF: -4 AB, -4 STR, -6 CON, -4 Fortitude, 2HP/3 sec regen, -30% Movement Speed


Level 1:
ALLIES: +1 AC, +1 CON, +1 Universal, 1/- DR Physical, +10 Temporary HP
SELF: -2 AC, -2 CON, -1 Universal, +10 Temporary HP, -60% Movement Speed

Level 5:
ALLIES: +2 AC, +1 CON, +1 Universal, 2/- DR Physical, +15 Temporary HP
SELF: -4 AC, -2 CON, -1 Universal, +15 Temporary HP, -60% Movement Speed

Level 8:
Allies: +3 AC, +2 CON, +2 Universal, 4/- DR Physical, +20 Temporary HP
SELF: -6 AC, -4 CON, -2 Universal, +20 Temporary HP, -60% Movement Speed


Level 1:
ALLIES: +1 AB, +1 Acid Damage, +1 DEX, +2 Saves vs Poison, +1 Reflex, +10% Movement Speed
SELF: -2 AB, -2 DEX, -3 Saves vs Poison, -2 Reflex, -80% Movement Speed

Level 5:
ALLIES: +1 AB, +2 Acid Damage, +2 DEX, +4 Saves vs Poison, +2 Reflex, +15% Movement Speed
SELF: -2 AB, -4 DEX, -6 Saves vs Poison, -4 Reflex, -80% Movement Speed

Level 8:

ALLIES: +2 AB, +3 Acid Damage, +3 DEX, Immune to Poison, +4 Reflex, +20% Movement Speed
SELF: -4 AB, -6 DEX, -6 Saves vs Poison, -5 Reflex, -80% Movement Speed


Level 1:
ALLIES: +5 SR, +1 Magic Damage, +1 WIS, +2 Will
SELF: -2 WIS, -4 Will, -40% Movement Speed

Level 5:
ALLIES: +10 SR, +1 Magic Damage, +1 WIS, +3 Will
SELF: -2 WIS, -5 Will, -40% Movement Speed

Level 8:
ALLIES: +10 SR, +1d4 Magic Damage, +2 WIS, +4 Will, Silence Aura
Self: -4 WIS, -6 Will, -40% Movement Speed



Bard perk. Application required.
Unique Eldritch blast and powers, bard song disabled.

QuoteEldritch Blast
1d6 fire damage per 2 level. Range attack. Replaces normal attack. Two eldritch blasts per round at level 8 (at -5 AB for the second). Spell resistance applies.

Modifies the basic Eldritch Blast. Similar to sapper grenades in function.


Manifestation of Shadows
Eldritch Blast becomes negative energy. Fort save DC 10+Warlock level/2+CHA mod or -2 STR.

Manifestation of Styx
Eldritch Blast becomes cold damage. Fort save DC 10+Warlock level/2+CHA mod or target is slowed for one round.

Manifestation of Null
Eldritch Blast becomes 1d4/2 level magical damage. Target is hit with lesser dispel magic (CL 5).

Manifestation of Limbo
Eldritch Blast becomes 1d4/2 level acid damage. Fort save DC 10+Warlock level/2+CHA mod or target is confused for one round.

Heart Of Oak

I'm not the best at knowing what can and can't be done with NWN but here are some loose suggestions for druid kits.

Vermancer. Neutral Evil

This druid has dedicated their life to the protection of and communion with the often less desirable vermin of the world.

Add vermin to the list for animal empathy (New skill/feat?)

Allow vermin as companions.

Monstrous Beetles and queen spider wildshape forms.

Gauntlets are equipped and cannot be removed giving the Vermmancer extra damage in unarmed combat, upgraded at lvl8

Web spell

Perday abilities; Disease cone, Poison cone.

Elemental Druid. Chaotic Neutral

This druid has dedicated themselves and continues to work with the prime elements.

Add Elementals to the list for animal empathy (New skill/feat?)

Below lvl 8 - basic elemental forms and summons. 1/day random flame/ice/acid/electrical berry.

At lvl 8 the druid must choose an element to attune to. Powerful single elemental form and summon. Alignment shift towards the chosen element

1/rest flame/ice/acid/electrical berry of chosen element.

Spells - Acid splash, electric jolt, flare, ray of frost.
Ice dagger, burning hands.

At lvl8 new spells become available according to the attuned element chosen.

Fireball, Gust of wind, Lightning bolt, Acid breath.

Hunter of Undeath. Neutral Good.

This druid has dedicated their lives to putting to rest the undead and slaying those who raise them.

Turn undead feat/ability

Protection from Alignment , disrupt undead and Aura of glory spell.

1per/rest random, improved version of holy water throwable or bullets.

Aspect of the Balance - Lawful Neutral.

Before the darkening and the loss of the surface world, this druid had become the very embodiment and a true guardian of the Balance that so many druids hold dear.
Even now, in the face of the shattering of that Balance, this druid maintains their vigil.

Feats - Monk AC bonus, still mind, purity of body and wholeness of body at their respective levels.

Spontaneous casting for healing spells.

Unique summoning theme. Instead of conventional summons the druid calls upon various "aspects" of the Balance (similar to the Law theme?) Birth- An immobile beacon that summons random animals to fight beside the druid over time. Life - an immobile minor healing beacon which heals allies slowly over time.
Death- an immobile beacon that deals negative energy dmg over time.


Vermin Keeper (Druid Kit)
The vermin keeper is one that has devoted themselves to the tending of the verminous creatures of the Underdark for so many years that slowly they have became less and less farmiliar with the ways the other creatures, lurking away even from other druid circles. Their companions and trusted fellows are the skitering beings that little by little are attracted to the Keeper, whose body becomes the host of several colonies of insects and arachnids.

Permanent Visual Effect: Insect Swarm

Restrictions:  [INDENT]Wildshapes restricted to insect and arachnid forms
Creature companions restricted to insects and arachnids
Is attacked by all sorts of creatures but vermin
Cannot AE creatures
-2 CHA
Cannot wield weapons
Summoning themes restricted to spiders or insect swarm
No Neutral Good[/INDENT] Bonues:  [INDENT]1st Lvl: Web 1/day; +1d4 negative unarmed attack (requires gauntlets); vermin swarm towards the druid (cannot be toggled off)
5th Lvl: Unarmed attacks have a small chance of inflicting Infestation of Maggots;2/- physical damage resistance, Additional Spell: Endurance 1/day (self only); Poison Cone 1/day; Disease Cone 1/ day; more vermin swarm towards the druid
8th Lvl: Bonus Feat: Deflect Arrows; Evil Blight 1/day; Creeping Doom 1/day; Disease Immunity; stronger vermin swarm towards the druid; Acess to special wildshapes: Insect Swarm and Beast of Pestilence
9th Lvl: Aura of Pestilence (1/day a random EFU custom disease starts surrounding the druid, forcing anyone nearby to make a fort save or be inflicted with it; cannot be toggled off)[/INDENT]


Dwarven Battle Charger

(Dwarf only)
Filled with the adrenaline of charging into battle side by side with their brothers and sisters in arms these dwarves excel at leading the charge. Dodging the swinging weapons of their foes they bringing honor as well as victory to their clan, even if they are a bit reckless.

Level 1: 5% DI, Mobility
Level 5: 10% DI, +3 Discipline
Level 8: 15% DI, Battletide

When raging
+4 Str/Con/Checks vs Fear
-3 Wis/Ac
10% Movement bonus
2+ blunt Damage

7 rounds + con mod

Charisma modifiers to Movement speed and Blunt damage
Level rage is capped at +10%/+2
Level 4 rage is capped at +15%/+3
Level 8 rage is capped at +20%/+4

Gentlemen of the Empire

Rogue Minor Perk: Fletcher

"Whether a crafty poacher or rooftop lookout, you have learned that the right arrow in the right place ends most disputes."

Spawns a bundle of magical arrows each rest.
+1 spot

Rogue Minor Perk: Hold-up

"Easy to use and a terrifying weapon in the right hands, there are few who would dare make sudden moves when your weapon of choice is pointed towards them. Those that do quickly learn a valuable lesson."

Spawns a bundle of magical bolts each rest.
+1 Intimidate