A Crew

Started by petey512, January 30, 2009, 01:36:52 AM

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If you are interested in playing a sailor, make characters with high lore and start looking for characters who have sailor backgrounds, I have a faction I want to start but don't want to spoil it here. If you do do this I'll meet you IG more than likely, because my character is trying to get a crew together.

I have many goals in mind, but once again, don't want to spoil it OOCly, but, in short, we'd quest together a lot, and drink in a pub a lot. If you need a concept then take the sailor thing as a foundation and then do whatever you want, because the sailor part is the only one important. You can be pirate, crewmeber of a merchant ship, etc. etc.. doesn't matter.
"Proving concerned parents from the 80's wrong, just in time for them to be dead. "


Take your sailors and devote them to Umberlee like proper sailors. Seriously, it'll be cool. I promise.





*quizzically examines the posts, unsure of their meaning.*

Riiight... Yeah all i'm saying is that your character doesn't have to fit any real criteria to get on the crew at all, (you should already know that,) I'm essentially saying the crew is going to be what YOU make it, I'm just going to help with it and roll with it, likely.
"Proving concerned parents from the 80's wrong, just in time for them to be dead. "