Sir Ronald Fryth - Finally put in the dumpster!

Started by Perroy, May 22, 2013, 08:54:36 AM

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I really wanted an excuse to call him the "Blower" of Mistlocke, but he put "Sounder" in his titles instead :(


Great PC! Hero? Villain? History will decide.

...but has Delfina's journal become a Death Note???


You cant spell friend without FIEND
<SkillFocuspwn> no property developers among men only brothers


Lol best time with Fryth him chittering at Echr to break mind control. Good days,
Good pc +1


You can also blame defeat on the levels you lost saving the world from a Balor Lord.


It was great fun playing with you, perroy! Fryth 100% 183 cm.

The Old Hack

I only really ever interacted with him briefly on Lucita de Ferbourg, who in spite of mixed feelings greatly respected him.

And Caster was not the only one creeped out by his constant laugh. o.o


My one regret was not getting to stand over Fryth as he died, and pooping some gold on his foot as his last breathes.

An annoying side-enemy of Efrain!

I didn't get much direct interaction with him though. I am sure, given different circumstances, Efrain and Fryth would have been the best of friends.

RIP in peace Frything.


Love all your PC's Perroy.
Looking forward to what you roll out next!


Fun guy, and interesting take! =]


el groso

mhghm haHA-ha


Doctor Mambo

Definitely a fun character to interact with, both as a Red Plume sort of on his side and as a nightriser in opposition to him later on.