EFU:CoR Leaving/Returning Posts

Started by Howlando, July 14, 2013, 11:47:38 PM

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As it has been expressed to me that several DMs and players do not approve of my playstyle or attempts at contributing to the server, I will be on hiatus; I do not wish to expend as much effort as I sometimes do on this game if my endeavours are not welcomed.


My PC is experiencing hard disk failure and at the moment I am currently running a diagnostic and repair on it. So, until further notice Meriam Lily will be away.


Heading out on an arctic training operation. Back in a few weeks. Try not to burn the place down.


The hard disk failure seems to have been remedied for now. Will need a long period of time to test it more, but for now I'm back. Short break, I know.

el groso


EFU not holding my attention much lately(as might be obvious by my inability to get back into things over my last couple PCs), taking a break until I see something that interests me going on. I'll check back in now and then maybe play a little, but doubtful.
[url=https://www.efupw.com/forums/index.php?topic=706473.msg747918#msg747918]The Entirely True Legends of Velan Volandis[/url]


When I've reached some milestone in my thesis (publishing the first big paper) I will treat myself to a 3 months EFU intensive break.


I'll be poking my head back in for another PC here in about a week or so. Anyone who is looking to concept, feel free to hit me up in IRC.

Money, Money, Money

Hi EFU, I'm very busy lately. I'll be in and out of the game when I have some free time, but don't expect much. Sorry!


Believe or not, I've actually been here. Just... trying to find more moments in time where I can jump in tangibly.


Quote from: Davenfelth;n653762Heading out on an arctic training operation. Back in a few weeks. Try not to burn the place down.
And back. No fires. Nice.


I've been very busy lately and still am so I may not be on too much, I will try and hope on as much as possible when I have any spare time. Until things clear up, Bunwhal won't be seen around too much.


Well, good news!

I graduate the south carolina  fire academy fri afternoon, therefore my play time will increase dramtically, expect me around this weekend and from now on.

8 weeks of hell is nearly over lol


After an unexpected bout with fire, my hand is in acceptable enough shape to get back in game. Looking forward to it.

Starmonger, you should have been there.