EFU:CoR Leaving/Returning Posts

Started by Howlando, July 14, 2013, 11:47:38 PM

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Going to be gone 5–9th of April due to folks visiting from out of town.


Unavailable on the 3rd, 4th, and majority of the 5th as away on a works conference.


Taking a few days due to Illness, Please don't start any more wars while I'm gone


I am taking some time for self-reflection.


hello EFU, I am about to go on a two week trip! expect my activity from the 4th onward to be severely limited for awhile.


Due to academic and professional commitments, starting April 8th I will have greatly reduced availability, although not none, for the following 6 weeks. The first 3 weeks will be the worst, the remaining 3 should be somewhat better.
Redemption! Redemption!


Will be unable to log on until Sunday evening at the soonest.


Update: gone until Monday evening at the soonest


Not going to be available on Saturday/Sunday night. Should be more available the following week.


Out of town for the next few days.

Father Time

Having a rough time keeping myself interested in EFU lately. Going to step away for awhile.

I'll probably be back at some point! Cheers.



Whether my interests have shifted or the setting isn't doing it for me, I've not really been able to find much to keep myself engaged. But this has been a long time coming. Mostly I feel that for EFU to be fun, you have to invest a lot of your free time into it and I can't seem to justify that time sink anymore. Good luck and have fun ❤️
How long, Catiline, will you continue to abuse our patience?


Started a new job last week.

Playtimes likely to go down considerably but aiming to be as present as possible!


Been very sick for the last week or so. I will try to ease back into EFU.