Non-Application Goblins and Kobolds

Started by derfo, July 16, 2013, 12:18:39 AM

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The DM team is happy to announce non-application goblins and kobolds are now available to players in EFU:R. This is a privilege that we allow players in good faith, and we expect you to play such characters accurately, yet with OOC courtesy and responsibility.

To create a goblin or kobold, select the halfling race at character creation, then click subrace and enter "Goblin" or "Kobold" (without quotes). The background of non-application goblins and kobolds generally includes wandering within the underdark somehow, followed by stumbling into the surroundings of Dunwarren (unless there is a reasonable application for something different).

Once prepared in the starting area, use the goblin/kobold start portal to enter the game world.

There are some necessary caveats in creating a non-application goblin or kobold:

Quote from: Goblin/Kobold Creation Restrictions
  • Goblins/kobolds may only be evil alignment, unless applied for otherwise

  • Goblins/kobolds cannot be the following classes: clerics of anything besides Maglubiyet/Kurtulmak for respective races, druids, monks, paladins, or wizards, unless applied for otherwise

Non-application goblins and kobolds also face the following in-game restrictions:

Quote from: Goblin/Kobold IG Restrictions
  • Goblins/kobolds gain a significant experience handicap, unless they are an application goblin/kobold, in which case they gain experience normally
  • Goblins/kobolds are only be able to reach a maximum of 15,000 experience (or level six), unless they are an application goblin/kobold, in which case, they can level normally
  • Goblins/kobolds cannot respawn at all, but can be raised or resurrected, unless they are an application goblin/kobold, in which case, they can respawn normally
  • Goblins/kobolds cannot be subdued or the victim of blackout. They may only be knocked into negative hit points, or subsequently killed, unless they are an application goblin/kobold, in which case, they can be subdued or the victim of blackout normally


  • A non-application evil goblin barbarian who dies on a quest cannot respawn, but could be raised or resurrected
  • A chaotic neutral goblin wizard who dies on a quest can respawn, be subdued in character on character conflicts, reach level seven, and gain experience at the speed of a normal character
  • An evil kobold rogue who expressed interesting goals and a desire to be a more involved character than a typical goblin/kobold could have an application approved, and thus not fall under the listed "Goblin/Kobold IG Restrictions"
The DM team would also like to state the following:

Quote from: Goblin/Kobold Disclaimer & Rules
  • Goblins/kobolds, even those applied for, endure a much more difficult life than most other characters. If you are not mature enough to handle the very inevitable and perhaps seemingly unfair loss of such PCs, we ask that you refrain from playing them
  • Goblins/kobolds are not allowed in "Upper Sanctuary" without the oversight of a DM. This would include, but is not limited to, areas prefixed with "Sanctuary - Upper". Even then, we warn that they are much more likely to be targeted and killed by a large variety of other NPCs and PCs. Breaking this rule will result in retirement
  • Playing a goblin/kobold is a privilege we allow to players in trust. In return we expect that they are represented accurately, courteous in conflict IC/OOC, and have good sportsmanship whether they feel they win or lose
  • We stress that players realize these are monstrous, even verminous races, that offer a significant and unique challenge. We ask people playing them consciously do so in such a way to enhance the enjoyment of others
  • All PVP rules still apply, whether you are a goblin/kobold, or against them. We reserve the right to quickly retire PCs and/or restrict you from playing these available subraces, if a DM believes that you are unable to do the things listed above responsibly

This post may be subject to change, but those that play with common sense will be fine. Any additional questions can be directed to me.


This includes using the command "/c pvp" or sending a DM message before initiating PVP, regardless of "blue" NPC presence. (Though you may proceed without DM confirmation if no such NPCs are present)

This goes for all PVP.