Server status

Started by Damien, February 13, 2016, 09:15:15 PM

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I'm going to try word this in a way so both dm and players alike don't just get confuse and misconstrue this as some attack or some trolly post.

We've been in this setting now for what, 3+ years? And one thing that is becoming even more clear is we are gaining less players than we are losing.

On top of that we are in a setting that requires a lot of attention on the dm side due to it being so complicated, but they being human also are running out of time to come in and dm.

Can we please -SERIOUSLY- consider pushing things forward into a new state? We seem to just be stuck in a  transition of waiting lately, which is by no fault of dms or players, but is fucking painful to play in.

I'd much prefer we got to a state where we had clear view of our enemy instead of something omnipotent, the clan wars was settled, upper was finalised, and I still think questing should be revamped to the way it used to be where it was extremely enjoyable.

Granted I do not play, but I want to play and every time I log in I'm greeted by a deafening silence.


It's a manpower issue really - it takes a lot of time to script/build/write etc new things and when you have at a rough guesstimate, three really active people to push things forward, it's going to take even longer.  


Rarely if ever do I agree with Damien, but I agree whole heartedly with what he is currently saying. The server is slowly petering off over time and its only getting worse and worse. There doesn't seem to be any progression and its all very directionless. The war was the most interesting thing to happen all chapter and I am sure the changes are still being made, but it seems like nothing changed beyond a single faction being removed.


I agree with the sentiments expressed by those above. And even if we don't have a new setting, can we have a big, substantial change to the status quo? As to what Ironside said, do we really only have 3 active DMs? It seems like during week nights the population has been low for weeks and even on the weekends it is not picking up a whole lot. If people are bored of static quests and nothing big changes in the setting and there are no DM quests, are people avoiding logging in? That is my theory. Is it time to recruit some new DMs?

Edit:  I hope this is not needed, but I wanted to edit my post to reflect how much we appreciate the work of the DMs.  We all care about EFU.


The declining active players creates a lack of variety in the players and opposing factions which means less conflict, which means less motivation, which means less players. Just my thought.


I think some of the feeling is comparison to, say, efu:m where for the three months prior (maybe even before that) to chapter change there big events every week, sometimes twice a week,  riding up to the end. It is admittedly a little bit slower this time around but we have been promised efu:r -2 will be drastically different, and I am patient and hopeful for it personally. We might not see everything that is happening (yet) but I certainly feel the building pressure of acoming storm!

zDark Shadowz

Quote from: GrumbarGrumbler;n653849If people are bored of static quests and nothing big changes in the setting and there are no DM quests, are people avoiding logging in? That is my theory..
I started playing here recently, when it seems like I get to know a few people that would party with my character they end up disappearing, leaving or being assassinated by some prior hostilities, so I RP my character not being able to do anything about that, since there is nothing I can do, and roll up a new character to try participate and interact with the newer characters that have been running around lately... it's getting harder to log back into the server like this, though.

If it wasn't for Big Orc Man's events that tend to happen around my playing times I probably would've left a couple weeks ago.


I originally just thought this was the normal server, I mean I kind of expected it because Neverwinter Nights is an old game. Apparently I just joined in a rough patch, I generally join servers for the intricate crafting systems that are in place and I am blown away by the amount of work done on it in this particular setting.

I'm often very intimidated to go on dungeon groups, it seems like whenever I try to organize something I'm met with conflicting feelings; either I'm wanting to go "dungeon" because I'm bored, or because I have to because there isn't systems in place to advance in any other way. I'm not really a level-up person, I like a lot of story and conflict and working in the systems in place on the server, but I'm glad this is considered a dry spell. I think I've seen one DM and usually when I have a question they direct me toward a different DM, not that there is anything wrong with directing me to someone else, but it leaves a new player puzzled more often than not as to what is going on.

This wouldn't be a problem as I entertain myself pretty well and I'll continue to play because I've met some really interesting characters, but I feel if we're supposed to be patient we're just supposed to be patient. Perhaps a suggestion is to have the DM team flesh out the application process, I've just done a few simple searches to see what I can learn and I don't see anything pertaining to the correct way to format an application to the DM team as a developer or DM in game. It feels rather like most servers where DM-ship is exclusive to those that get along with the DM team, and everyone else who has an unfortunate playing time isn't worthy of consideration, or they face the forever argument of "I don't see you much so... it's best if I don't take a risk.." which is a logical and sad mentality because it shuts out so many.

I'm enjoying myself but I feel like I've stepped into a community so tightly knit that I'm just an awkward tag-along, so many people seem to "have it down" that as someone who is new, I often feel put down because I didn't dodge the trap script in the dungeon and got myself entangled.resulting in several people dying, I didn't know to side-step and therefore I'm a liability as a new player simply because I'm not familiar with the systems in place. I feel like I've met a lot of really interesting characters with interesting stories, but because I'm not a veteran I don't know what I'm doing and there isn't a lot of mercy to someone trying to learn. I like difficulty but a lot of it stems from memorization.

I just thought I'd add my two cents;

TL;DR This server has great systems in place, it's largest flaw is lacking clarity with the player-base. [In my opinion 99% of problems stem from communication being very minimal] Which is a common server issue.

I don't feel like this server is going to collapse or needs a drastic change, but in the effort of clarity I believe we can do a bit better.


This whole thing was started over 10 years ago, and it just happens that many are in a phase with their lives that demands a lot of attention. Personally I am in middle of Master's Thesis and finalizing my degree, and I know several other DM's are in same situation. Others have just entered demanding careers that take a lot of time, and hence, we are where we are with limited time with DM team. That is also why mostly all of the original team have moved on, as life caught up with them.

It happens. And never has EfU things and events been the same, nor has pacing always been the same - it is always up to setting and story that has evolved. Many of us are in transition phase in our lives, also. So some understanding in that regard would be kind. As SC mentioned, we would like nothing more than have few younger or more time sparing new DM's to test their wings in handling plots and other matters, and slowly learn other sides of the server managing, but we also have rather high standards for it as this position puts a lot of pressure on them and requires a great level of trust.


ShadowCharlatan, that is good to hear.  Thank you for the hard work, to you and the other DMs.


Of course, I didn't mean to come across as ungrateful, quite the opposite; I suppose we'll have some new blood soon. I'd apply but my life is pretty busy at the moment too.


This thread got me hyped you cannot imagine.



I'll just mention here that I'm aware of my own personal failings in terms of not being around for much of the "New Status Quo Plot" end-parts (reasons I'll not get into here), and do apologize for it. SC and others have done a heroic job of moving things forward, and I think cool things are in store. The DM team in general is definitely aware of the need for fresh-blood and hopefully things will improve soon.


For my part of inactivity, as a player who might be perceived as "not here", I just had  getting into a new character after my last one died, such I think is normal. The Meeting of the Minds killed TONS of characters, as did the war leading up to it. I ban honestly see that majority contributing to the current inactive phase