Ambient Sound for EFU

Started by Howlando, September 29, 2016, 09:39:15 AM

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Pretty cool.

Cavern of Lost Souls
Lost Mine
Dungeon II: Mechanical
Dark City
... in fact, many others being of particular relevance.

I wish I could use them for EFU areas, but until then feel free to turn off your NWN ambient sound and use these instead.


A friend of mine made a sound/music hak and had a DM tool to shift between sound effects / music in his module. I think that would be a wonderful tool for DMs to have around.


Been using tabletopaudio for my DMing IRL for a while now. Excellent website

zDark Shadowz

I think I did the same a long time ago as well Pentaxius, though for me I'd made the sound hak with a compilation Final Fantasy music with triggers to activate the 'boss music' when walking into a room and fanfare & music closing on the OnDeath script of the dying creature.

Doesn't seem to play too well when listening to it in the toolset, but IG it worked fine.

EDIT: Its a great way to walk near/use a piano and hear custom piano music too.


Dang man, I been lookin for good background audio for a NWN lifetime.


Ohh..this is awesome, into the bookmarks for my Tabletop game! Thanks Howlando!