The Duskmore Observer HIRING!!

Started by UnholyWon, October 06, 2013, 08:41:09 AM

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The Duskmore Observer came into being because I wanted to do something for the server that would be what I thought, light work. Unfortunately it developed into a beast because I wanted to push the limits in providing a Newspaper with picture art, creative stories, and high quality stuff in my eyes.

My time in finding artwork and then clipping it down to size and spending hours writing several stories started to anger the Wife. That's the short of it.

Here is where you come in!

If you want to meet new people, wander the depths of the environments, or get into crazy adventures, write for a newspaper or play a journalist. Especially one for the Duskmore Observer

The Duskmore Observer is:
- Chaotic in alignment, with a generous sprinkle of Neutral (But feel free to play what you want to play, the Duskmore Observer allows for it),
- 50% Truth and 50% Lies, the majority of the time, or that's how I intended it to be,
- Non-Political,
- Willing to throw anyone under the bus, for the sake of news,
- Willing to promote both good and evil,
- For any character that can read and write,
- Finally, for anyone crazy enough to take up the challenge.

The Duskmore Observer was created by a character that is a follower of Brandobaris, so a large part of the dogma goes into the newspaper. The one with the wildest and craziest story is the most honored. That is what the Duskmore Observer is all about.

Because I can't be around all the time anymore, I'm still willing to give everyone all the support I can give when time allows for it. Here is what I can offer for now.

1. A Duskmore Observer Template to make it easier to write on.
2. FotoFlexer is the website I use to create all the Papers.
3. ImageShack is my uploader (1280X1024 19-inch monitor for the size)
4. Clip Art trimmed up and ready to go... or help finding and creating it.
5. A really cool idea for any new or current character looking to shake things up a bit.

This is my attempt to help keep the Duskmore Observer alive in my absence, if you have any questions feel free to PM me, email me, or catch me on mIRC.