I am Howlando, AMA

Started by Howlando, September 09, 2017, 11:35:42 AM

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Quote from: Howlando on December 16, 2018, 05:49:55 AM
QuoteWhat ultimately happened to Charles Bresley?

Who were the parents of William Bresley?

What happened to the children of Yorrick Bresley, or did he not conceive any?

Why was Stephanos Simms selected as a sacrificial lamb? Was it because he defended the innocence of Ivlysar?

I think it's a bit premature to discuss such questions at this time.


I have an unresolved question, which was one if not the main pursuit of my EFU:R character over the years. What was the Mourning of the Elves really about? Was it anything like what I proposed, a means of something equivalent to reaching nirvana? Or was it some horrible twist of this idea as befits EFU? Any information on how it was something PCs could pursue and what kind of outcomes were possible is also of interest.
'Even life eternal is not time enough to see, all the folly and despair of poor Humanity.' - [url=https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=OJAoaCHdTJY]To Life - A Shoggoth on the Roof[/url]

It is through Art, and through Art only, that we can realise our perfection.


What happened to Matterheim?
Who were the man in the mask?

Also: In efu 1 there was a drow merchant at fort mur, who sold a key.. What did the key open?

el groso

When Mavell Smogson had Razul killed through the riot in Mistlocke, which led to his own death in the hands of the Mayor Zoe, did that break or spoil any core plot or premeditated story intended, for Razul being the prophet and all? That always bugged me.


Hello. I didn't play much during V3 and maybe clocked... 6 hours altogether in V4, so if this was touched on publicly, please bare with me.

1. What happened to Gaeseric the Unyielding after he was poisoned and stolen away during the Old Port Army incursion and plot?

2. What happened to Von Matterheim after the end of V2? I wasn't aware and I don't recall seeing or hearing of him after that.

3. Since it doesn't seem relevant anymore - there was a large puzzle room underneath the cyborg svirfneblin town in V1 with four distinct puzzles as I recall. Do you recall what happened at the end of it? We were not able to complete it before V1 wrapped up.

4. What was the deal with Mr. Poppers and the orphans? Was it just a spy network/pickpocket ring? Seemed creepier than that to me.

5. I'm sure this was touched on in V4, but for my own edification, what was Intryzz up to and how did he fare?

That's all I could think of for now.
I played EFU before it was cool.


Quotehave an unresolved question, which was one if not the main pursuit of my EFU:R character over the years. What was the Mourning of the Elves really about? Was it anything like what I proposed, a means of something equivalent to reaching nirvana? Or was it some horrible twist of this idea as befits EFU? Any information on how it was something PCs could pursue and what kind of outcomes were possible is also of interest.

Other DMs had more to do with the conceptualization of Mourning than I did, but yes something equivalent to nirvana is my understanding.

QuoteWhat happened to Gaeseric the Unyielding after he was poisoned and stolen away during the Old Port Army incursion and plot?

I was not actually around for the Old Port incursion plot so I'm not sure what exactly at that stage.
I believe we did keep track of him.

In EFU:R he was involved with rescuing people on the surface and bringing them into the depths (basically the "nature start" starting NPC).

Quote2. What happened to Von Matterheim after the end of V2? I wasn't aware and I don't recall seeing or hearing of him after that.
He did make it into v3 and (I think?) a bit of V4, but he was always a bit off camera - lots of naps and quality time with his nurses.

Quote3. Since it doesn't seem relevant anymore - there was a large puzzle room underneath the cyborg svirfneblin town in V1 with four distinct puzzles as I recall. Do you recall what happened at the end of it? We were not able to complete it before V1 wrapped up.
I believe you are thinking of Entestung? It was solved by many people in v4 and led to the Dunwarren Plan Room. Here there was various content and also a scripted quest that allowed PCs to IC'ly learn how to potentially develop the most advanced forms of svirfneblin technology. This was, as an example, instrumental for allowing PCs to construct the gastrosuits of the famous "Appetite Nine" that destroyed the Appetite. And many other things.

Quote4. What was the deal with Mr. Poppers and the orphans? Was it just a spy network/pickpocket ring? Seemed creepier than that to me.
While not exactly wholesome it actually wasn't that creepy. Mr. Poppers was I suppose heavily inspired by the Dickensian archetype of the grown up pick-pocket who looks after/bullies/exploits other pick-pockets. In v1 he had a protege of "Mickey the Cigar Smoking Kid" who actually made it into chapters 2/3/4 and slowly grew up until he was present in the Dunwarren Engine Room at the moment of ignition.

Quote5. I'm sure this was touched on in V4, but for my own edification, what was Intryzz up to and how did he fare?

Intryzz was an interesting character. He never quite got along with the other illthid in Ysinode and was exiled by an old rival (Phandiates) early on. This rivalry was resolved in v1 but he still had a very complicated relationship with Ysinode. In v4 he joined the Exile Collective (rebellion of illithid who wanted to overthrow the Elder Brains) and was involved in all manner of intrigue throughout the course of the chapter, often behind the scenes. This ultimately culminated in achieving his fondest goal - eating parts of the Elder Brain itself, an event which took place shortly before ignition and which a number of PCs were witness to.