Nev's dead baby, Nev's dead.

Started by Wench, October 18, 2017, 07:26:51 AM

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"I rather be dead than poor."

Nev was a PC I had been wanting to play for months but was too startled by the idea of "starting trouble". After a month break during a long and stressful move I jumped into a prelude and what started a group concept, created an individual character with goals and dreams of her own.

It started small, beat up anyone selling potions through hiring goons, and boy did I hire goons, she was the poorest rich person around. She reached out far and wide, making it point to record how much each faction spent on her potions. Eventually Sunshine Village just beat out any faction or person and that is where her -loyalty- stuck around. And she over charged the shit out of them.

That eventually turned into getting councilor and killing anyone who was ahead of the game.

Which then turned into screw anyone who didn't buy my potions before I got here. ((Looking at you Exiles, just saying, the books show you're bad for business.))

Some fun facts about the PC!

> Never had an actual death until the very end (this is not including accidents or the one during the Prelude.)
> Always had 13 AC at all times.
> When quests were concerned never used invis potions or healing items.
> Snuff saves lives.
> Hated the idea of touching people.
> Owed a massive debt to the Baron
> She lived and died by a simple code, never reveal a client, and eventually that code got her killed, a fitting end, in an ironic location.

In all her life she would never expect to die in a Market, she would have bet her life on it, and she did. A tragedy, when the voice of Waukeen is smothered in her very temple.

I should have taken more screenshots of serious moments, but that isn't me, so enjoy some goofs and gaffs,

That time she was sold to the Baron.

Her complicated relationship with a werewolf

The offering that started it all

When she tried assassinating Mal

The first time Nev thought she was going to be murdered

Getting sweet, sweet revenge

The Final Moments

How it should end

Feed me my kid cuisine meal, or I will say the F word.

if she's your girl then why does her leitmotif appear in my battle theme bro  :/

Deston E

Absolutely incredible. Proof that you can make a splash even if you dont pvp.

You spent that gold so good girl.

zDark Shadowz

A character worth more than her weight in gold, especially when she's on one end of the scales and reaching out to take the coin off the other. Very well played.


<SkillFocuspwn> no property developers among men only brothers


<3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3

You already know how I feel about Nev!

Rock on, gold dust woman.



Awh we was just starting to have fun


Sweet sweet story of schemes and revenge. Thanks for posting, great stuff!


Silvermoon Dervish

I still got more money off you in the end. :3


Great screenshots.  Sorry I was rolling around in the muck and missed her.
"So what else is on your mind besides 100 proof women, 90 proof whisky, and 14 karat gold?"
"Amigo, you just wrote my epitaph."

"Maybe there's just one revolution.  The good guys against the bad guys.  The question is, who are the good guys?"

~The Professionals

The Crimson Magician

nev shenanigans always interested me some sick shots and interactions there


Stellar Wench.  I was trying to get a PC to cause trouble between Upper and Lower for weeks.  My troublemaker elf disappeared, then KreShar (consummate troublemaker) let me down with his half-orc, and then Nev came along and shit exploded.

Thanks for the great shenanigans!



Good boss. 10 out of 10. Would hench for Wench again.

Certified Retrievals

Splendid. A Morgan Maddocks for a new generation.


haha evaded the DIVINE CURSE!! awesome pc ;)