Bastian Florent

Started by Nezgul, November 12, 2017, 06:46:00 AM

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Bastian has finally met his end, slain in battle against those that he thought were tyrants and oppressors. A fitting end for someone that spent much of his time plotting to overthrow the Spellguard.

His concept was pretty simple when I made him: I wanted to play a sorcerer whose disposition was comparatively cheery and lighthearted, with the intent of putting some pep and happiness into the dreary city of Sanctuary. This didn't really last for very long, though, because he quickly found himself enemies with people that hated him for his very nature. In a twist of fate, he found himself befriended by the elf supremacist Elebril Tir'enolin, who regarded him as "one of the good ones."

Thanks to Elebril and Tobur, and an unfriendly run in or two with Spellguard personnel, Bastian found himself finding safety in the depths of Lower. During that same time, Bastian found himself the unwitting victim of his magical blood - in the aftermath of a confrontation with Final Sanctuary Engineer Cyphex, while conversing with his newfound friends, his body erupted in a maelstrom of magical energy.

The transformation left him changed. He had peered at something that he never truly got to understand, but it imparted with him a new array of gifts. Of most note was his newfound connection to the Astral Plane - a connection that he leveraged several times to gain insight, particularly with regards to the Shadows of the House of Knowledge, and with regards to the Orb of Living Ice. This, sometimes, had some very unintended consequences.

His newly vilified status within Upper Sanctuary, and the comparatively few allies that he had in Lower, left Bastian in a difficult place. Of particular concern was the Witch Hunter Zurello, who accused him of being a threat to society. This threat lead to Bastian seeking friendships with those in Upper, and he found that in many of the other people who were similarly accosted by Zurello.

His adventures and friendships took him through many conflicts, including a small brawl in Lower, which caused him to have another one of his nearly incomprehensible visions.

Times were not always kind to him, however. Elebril, one of his dearest friends, was killed in a duel that Bastian viewed as farcical. This would color his view of Sanctuary and of the Spellguard for the remainder of his days. He was permitted to retrieve the elf's corpse, and sent him off in a way that he thought would be very fitting.

One of Bastian's final acts was to aid his friend and ally, Seramyssa, unlock the full potential of her blood. It was a ritual that he had an immense interest in, primarily for the sake of controlling his own blood, which continued to plague and terrorize him - the dark, latent magic within him manifesting through "voices" that he often heard and spoke to.

Having seen the way that the Spellguard accepted the man that demonized him and others, as well as the way that Bastian viewed the morality of the Spellguard and its role in Sanctuary, he set out on a grand endeavor to deliver a decisive blow against the Order. The details at this point are best FOIG, but ultimately, he died fighting for what he believed was right, and his death played a role in the overarching ambition that had developed for him.

Many thanks and much love to the players and DMs that helped me flesh this character out. He had a few lulls where I considered retiring him prematurely, but given the way that he ended, I am glad that I didn't. For the people that came with him on his last adventure: that was some of the most fun that I've had on EFU. Planning and executing it was a blast. And to his rivals: you guys helped push the character in a direction that I didn't really expect, and it was a lot of fun <3

zDark Shadowz

[Simply claps with nothing left to say.]


Cool PC brah.  A little bit insidious though.  I could never trust an Errant Flame.


Quote from: goate;n684672Cool PC brah. A little bit insidious though. I could never trust an Errant Flame.

Get with the times, grandpa. He was a Sapphire Seer.


Shots, shots, shots, errrrybooody

We both started our PCs around the same time and it was fun watching the dynamic shift so drastically from quietly writing notes about you while we adventured with a few PCs to the first brawl in the square chasing you back to Lower, to ultimately a great many shouting matches and sending wars and inevitable strife.

For two PCs who barely met up much IG you played a large role in development which was really fun.


An intense PC. I enjoyed seeing him grow; he was a lot of fun to interact with, even though (or especially because?) he was so volatile and unpredictable, particularly after his "gift" was unlocked.

It was a lot of fun to be on-again, off-again frenemies, and doubly so because it felt like it all paid off with his end. I'm glad you stuck with him. A really memorable run with a lot of memorable RP!



Excellent PC, looking forward to your next.


Nice work.  Bryon never quite knew what to think of Bastion, but always hoped he was a "good" guy.  As usual in EfU, nothing is quite so black-and-white.
"So what else is on your mind besides 100 proof women, 90 proof whisky, and 14 karat gold?"
"Amigo, you just wrote my epitaph."

"Maybe there's just one revolution.  The good guys against the bad guys.  The question is, who are the good guys?"

~The Professionals


Quote from: Pup;n684722Nice work. Bryon never quite knew what to think of Bastion, but always hoped he was a "good" guy. As usual in EfU, nothing is quite so black-and-white.

He certainly fancied himself as one. But if it came down to doing something dirty that would kill civilians, for the sake of getting an advantage in what he deemed to be a "just" war, he would have no hesitations.


Another hit, good work Nezgul
<SkillFocuspwn> no property developers among men only brothers