Class Perks and Backgrounds

Started by Talir, April 25, 2011, 08:18:21 PM

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New after reset:


Maximum base charisma needed to gain the full benefits of the battlestyle rages has been lowered to 16 base charisma. The scaling works as before up to +3 modifier, but it now counts +3 as +4. Unmodified rage has not been adjusted.

-- Tribal Guardian now gets armor bonus to worn armor at level 5 and level 8, as well as +5% physical damage immunity in the wilds at level 8.
-- Demonbound now gets fire immunity added to the rage.
-- Gore Reaver now has -2 AC instead of -4 AC when raging.
-- Mad Berserker now has -2 AC instead of -4 AC when raging.
-- Sewer Dweller's area bonus AB increase has been reduced from +2 to +1. Area bonus now also includes oozed Lower.


-- Lifestealer exploits fixed. You are now no longer able to target placeables to get the benefits of the draining spells.
-- Ooze Savant area bonus now includes oozed Lower.


-- FE Vermin area bonus now includes oozed Lower.


And to round it up, a new barbarian battlestyle added: Spirit Caller.


Did a quick and dirty fix of the Rogue perk formatting from when it was carried over from the oldforums.