Persistent storage not reducing item count when taking items away

Started by Eraamion, April 22, 2018, 09:50:10 PM

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When the persistent storage was filled up and I took items away, the item count stayed the same and no further items could be put in.

There were 12 items, took out 5, still showed 12/12 and if I tried to put one in, it refused to do, saying the storage capacity is full.


The first part of this report should be fixed, can anybody confirm?


The count of items in the chests seems to be working, but there is still definitely duplication of items going on. I took a shield out, sold it, and then when I looked in the chest again awhile later (not sure if there was a reset in between), the shield is back in there. It was a rare enough shield that I'm pretty sure it wasn't another PC's version.


I reported on this in an exploitable bug thread as it is item duplication, I've been meticulous about tossing duplicated stuff but it does form quite a chore after every reset. It seems to really hold on to some items and insist they re-appear every reset but not every item. I'm not sure, but it might be possible when it saves the database it doesn't update constantly and holds on to those items in the file? I'm no technomancer so take what I say with a grain of salt.

A fix would be appreciated but until then I'll just use my integrity as directed.


Thanks for the reports guys.  Krod, you said it seemed to "really hold onto some items".  Could you either post here or PM me some examples (the names of some of the items that won't go away), and tell me which chest they're in?  I'm having difficulties replicating (ha!) the issue.


This duplication is occurring in the scrivener storage as well. The items being duplicated are things that I assume were added when the storage was announced as fixed - new items thrown in seem fine and don't duplicate. I've been tossing all the duplicates in the bin whenever I see them.

They are "undeath ward" small shields and a "thugs armor".
