Reliquary Random / Quest

Started by prestonhunt, August 06, 2018, 06:27:18 PM

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Being this random and it's contained quest are automatically in the module every reset (by my understanding), I fail to see the point of being made to hunt for it for the following reasons:

1.  It is in a random that requires 2 people to unlock, yet is basically a solo quest.  No non-priests can go on it.
2.  Many of the locations in which the random spawns either require skills that are hard to get for a Priest, or are in places of great peril that a solo priest likely wouldn't go to and survive.  At least one of the locations is downright inaccessible as a result of the random entry being up against the edge of the map.
3.  It seems almost petty to make it always spawn, but make people hunt for it if they want to do it.  If it's always going to be in the module, why not just put it somewhere permanent?

Personally, I think this quest belongs on the street of the gods permanently.  That's my suggestion.

Felix Barrowfind

Could also just change it to a RG prelude quest?.