Remove Exhaustion mechanic from Raging.

Started by Cruzel, May 19, 2019, 01:53:58 AM

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Is this really a necessary mechanic to have? Barbs used to have 1-3 rages per quest/fight depending on their level.  Now in most cases, they have one, MAYBE two if the party is having trouble or it's a longer, higher level quest.

Some of these furors are pretty damn strong. But with a MINIMUM of 5 minutes between uses (and realistically, it's going to be 10-13 minutes for all but the highest level and fully buffed barbmans, they're not really spammable. You're more likely to run out your rest timer than to use a second rage.

But even if you do... you're adding a stacking 1d10 minutes per rage you get? ...Why? What purpose does this extension serve, to an already prohibitively long cooldown?  I feel like this mechanic is completely unnecessary, but 10 minutes is complete and utter overkill.    If exhaustion absolutely NEEDS to exist, it should at most be 1 minute per point or something.


I advocate for giving barbarians back their original rage mechanic that takes up a round and provides 1/2/3 rages per rest based on level over the free action rage with a cooldown.

But that's just me.
Things will never be the same (I've applied too much ketchup to this hamburger)


Hell, I'd be happy with exhaustion staying if barbs could have their 1/2/3 rages per rest w/o the cooldowns like they used to have.

A prohibitively increasing long cooldown would then make more sense.

I SUSPECT that the 5 min cooldown is to prevent any potential for wonky stacking of effects if someone were to rage while already raging. And that's totally fine.

The cooldown is just far too long, as-is.


It is not very likely to change right now. We prefer the design generally, and may tune it up or provide other means that may affect it. Time will tell.