Valindra Starsong

Started by MAGIC, May 26, 2019, 08:07:40 PM

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Valindra was my first character for this chapter. The idea was relatively simple, a somewhat autistic elf who grew up a relatively secluded and sheltered life and who was Bad At People. She planned and scheduled everything out meticulously, she misunderstood people, misunderstood herself.  Didn't understand emotions or facial expressions. Her emotions and attitude would vary depending on what spells she had mimiced at the moment. She wanted only a few things out of life - long term security and protection

Her first real interaction with the server was Gallad Reed's call for a wife. She figured that she could be a wife, how difficult could it be? People didn't even go to school to become wives. Surely she could pull it off, and get some short term (10-20 years?) security out of it.

That budding romance was hilarious and sad, as she laid out in intricate details the terms of their courting arrangement. Sadly, it was not to be and her suitor was executed 2 days later.

She joined up with the Nearly Greens, one of the earlier Ring Running crews, and they pressed into the 92nd well before the content was able to be solved. The crew kind of fell apart once it hit that content wall and she was left aimless for a while.

After trying to establish herself for a while and failing, she started renting out her services for 2 weeks at a time. The first to hire her were the Stonebuilders... which didn't go that well, as she was usually left by herself without anyone else to work with. The second offer she accepted was with House Nephezar, which was a rather poor and defining choice for her. She was told a lot of stuff, and eventually accepted the role as a pet to try to seek spiritual purity and improve herself.

The virtues I had selected for her to try to learn and follow were based on the Roman civic virtues, as I felt that Nephezar and elements of the server had a bit of greco-roman feel to them.

A chance encounter with a malevolent fey led to her stealing the wings and glamour from a fairy, and I took this opportunity to give her a new outlook on life. One filled with overwhelming emotions that she had to struggle to understand and control. And pastries... so many pastries. She became obsessed with cooking and pastries. She was kicked out of House Nephezar and left to her own - only to be reinvited back in by Cotte when Valindra's life was in danger. She renewed her efforts to attain spiritual purity and understand herself.

She struggled with depression throughout it all, and this led to some careless remarks that eventually resulted in her wings being amputated, and her eviction from the House of Nephezar when she killed Dekkar.

At that point she was trying to reacclimate to life as a non-fairy elf, and a non-servant of Nephazar. Slowly coming to trust those that she should have been trusting all along, slowly shedding her cult-like beliefs she had picked up while in Nephezar. She delved far into the rings with her new group.

Then she died.

Thanks to everyone who roleplayed with her, even if she did not get along with them!

Some loot, I guess. People seem to like that stuff.

Not dm loot, but still neat. She carried around potions of protection from lightning in the hopes of learning how to "catch the lightning"

some interactions. I didn't take screenshots until relatively late in her life...
Her helping a new servant of the House. I was angling for a sort of veteran servant at this point in time, and trying to instill some gravitas and honor in the house.

Little known fact, Valindra helped to kill the last of the Dweebs, ending their dominion in the server...

She once summoned a cow in the Nephezar Refuge

A rather traumatic moment...

And a moment of divine inspiration...


I enjoyed hearing about Valindra and watching from afar. I hope to be involved in your future concepts as they look like a blast. Good job ^_^


I really enjoyed our chats on Amerai and how you were able to roll with the punches of various, and numerous, hurdles and stay true to the PC.

The Not-An-Assassin-Pastry-Chef-Assassin A+
[11:23 PM] Howlando: Feel free LealWG
[11:23 PM] Howlando: I'll give you a high five + fist bump tip

[1:34 AM] BigOrcMan: RwG, a moment on the lips, forever on the hips

Easy To Remember

Valindra was one of my favorite PCs to date and was always really well characterized. I can't think of a single time I wasn't delighted for a chance to interact with her or just witness her sendings and stalls. She was my first exposure to Mimic, and marveling at her spell copying while partying together, both OOCly and ICly, is still one of my first EFU memories, along with her just being a really neat friend to have.

Good job. Gonna miss her a lot.



Taharqa Kush was a foul-tempered and  Lawful Evil backstomper when he first met Valindra in Nephezar.  He was being ostracised by the paladins who had recently joined, and regularly excluded from parties.  Valindra was one of the few people willing to spend time with him, so he escorted her as she did her errands, and even though she was a 'pet' he took orders from her like any thaumaturge.  He thought she was the purest being he'd ever seen, and found her self-doubt utterly perplexing. 

I made an app to shift T's alignment away from evil and the RPing with Valindra was something I cited to support it.  So from Taharqa's perspective, Valindra saved his soul and he saw her as a literal angel from there on.  This was only reinforced when she had wings for a time.  Her final exile from Nephezar was a major factor in Taharqa losing his faith in the house.  One of the happiest moments of T's life was the first time Valindra called him her friend (and jeez, that took a LOT of work lol). 

I'm sad to see this compelling and fascinating character's time end.  Congrats MAGIC on RPing her so well.  She was socially awkward, yet likable and inspiring.  Fly free, angel. 
After the battle is over
And the sands have drunken the blood
All what there remains
Is the bitterness of delusion


The Pastry shenanigans were wonderful.
Things will never be the same (I've applied too much ketchup to this hamburger)


Absolutely iconic character, good stuff!


Thanks for the sendoff  :'( Her death may have been lackluster, but the feels make up for it.


I had the pleasure of interacting a few times with both of my main characters on the server. Valindra and her pastries will be missed.
"Death is the solution to all problems. No man - no problem." - Joseph Stalin


it is a shame to see her go, looking forward to whatever you concept up next.
i am a god


Outstandingly done!

Especially when you "earned" your wings. I assume none of that was prepared in advance - but the creative roleplaying and fast thinking that happened was truly awesome storytelling.

Bravo, bravo.


Valindra was the best.  She helped inspire Catherine and roleplaying with you was awesome.  I miss our time together.


Valindra was one of those characters that helped bring the world to life, by always being there in the backdrop, brewing potions, baking pastries, making sendings, and being autistic. ;)

I really enjoyed that presence as it gave the setting a sense of familiarity, as our characters always interacted here and there with shared interests (and to some degree mindset) which sadly never came to a full blown dedicated collaboration.

QuoteHer first real interaction with the server was Gallad Reed's call for a wife. She figured that she could be a wife, how difficult could it be? People didn't even go to school to become wives. Surely she could pull it off, and get some short term (10-20 years?) security out of it.

That budding romance was hilarious and sad, as she laid out in intricate details the terms of their courting arrangement. Sadly, it was not to be and her suitor was executed 2 days later.

When it came to that amusing plot, I will say it had the effect of lowering Valindra several pegs as far as respect goes, in the estimation of my PC. But it was an amazing way to depict the search for security from a high-functioning autistic/elven perspective, focusing on the long-term. Kudos to you and extra points for awesome creativity and tastefulness.

Finally here's a couple screenshots of her I found, one straight after her pixification and the other in the square with the Professor, during I think her church days.

[hide=Valindra Pixified][/hide]
[hide=Valindra in the Square][/hide]
'Even life eternal is not time enough to see, all the folly and despair of poor Humanity.' - [url=]To Life - A Shoggoth on the Roof[/url]

It is through Art, and through Art only, that we can realise our perfection.


A lively presence in the City of Rings, who shall be missed.


Quite a ride!  RIP, pastry fairy.