Make recovery XP persist through multiple deaths.

Started by Cruzel, October 03, 2019, 01:18:53 AM

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Dying can be pretty rough, and I'm not the only player who succumbs to 'death spirals' where you die using most of your supplies on a harder quest, and then die a few more times on lowbies because you had no healing and shit left.

When you lose level 8+  and are setting on like 6-7k recovery XP, only to die again and lose all that, it can be pretty frustrating.  More so for the less powerquesty players who aren't constantly spamming quests.

If the whole point of recovery XP is to make the deaths less brutal, why not make this recovery XP cumulative?   Recovery XP is already deducted by earn XP from quests and mob kills, so it's not like anyone can really abuse it to level up.  At best, it would help regaining levels be less of a grind and slog, and people who are death prone are still going to die and lose XP.

Ultimately a minor, but huge QoL change. Please :)

Anonymous Lemur

Or instead of recovery xp just reduce the experience points penalty on death by an amount equal to how much recovery experience is currently being granted.