New Glitt bugs

Started by CorstoTerrore, April 21, 2020, 08:32:46 PM

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I've come across at least one bug in the new Glitt house, but I'll list both.

First one is a missing spawn point. I talked to Genovalio and the system message said it "Set your spawn point to:" with no area mentioned like usual. When the server later crashed, I spawned in ring 100 instead.

Another possible bug is Armsman Wull missing the faction shop. According to the dialogue, he says something about Skudge wasting and stealing most of the resources, but "Here's what we have for now", followed by the convo breaking and an automatic line of "No shop was found". So it's either a bug, or an intentional thing that might change in the future. Disregard if the latter.


I'll add the malfunctioning recruitment convo on Genovalio here, too. Doesn't work with a PC nearby, keeps saying to get one or a DM NPC.


Okay, found another Glitt bug with the updated masterwork armours.

There's no masterwork version for the platemail armour in Wull's shop. There is one by name, but it's a medium armour, statwise it appears to be the breastplate's masterwork version with the wrong name. So the current 'platemail' needs to be renamed as a masterwork breastplate, and the actual heavy armour platemail version needs to be added.