Song of the Oak in Tehoto

Started by Charnelist, August 24, 2020, 01:11:16 PM

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The 'Daylight' portion of this song works in the planar area of:
EQA - Tehoto - Bloodtail Ship


Song of the Oak does not convey the 'daylight' effect in:
Ring 98 - Pauper Ponds
Ring 98 -Pauper Ponds - Old Willow Ways


And these were during daytime? Make sure to report with every detail, time of the day in in game clock and so on forth. Likewise, who is your character, etc. We make debugging faster if I have all factors available, character involved, area name, song name, time of day since we speak of daylight / sunlight effects and etc.


These were all between the hours of 10 and 13, so yes. To verify that the song worked as intended in normal circumstances, I tried in various other areas as well.
For example, at the exact time it was not working in Ring 98 - Pauper Ponds, it was working just fine in Explorations - Pauper Ponds (or however that area is called)
Character name is Qethah

Mushroom Mushroom

You cannot be standing in a shadow if I recall, y ou have to have access to direct sunlight.

That's what I figured out trouble shooting on Peter, anyways.


Hour 7 (Daylight) tested with Qethah in Ring 93  - no daylight effects.
Immediately retested in ring 94 (adjacent area) - daylight effects applied.

Both areas are outdoor by theme at least, maybe not mechanically.

Edit: After end of song in 94, immediately re-tested (still hour 7) - applied daylight effects to adjacent companion but not myself. Neither characters moved at all between 1st and 2nd song.

3rd song correctly applied daylight effects to self, companion and a 3rd companion who had just arrived. Still hour 7!


Possibly sorted code-wise, but I can't say much about the areas. Most seemed ok.