NPC different behavior depending on the DM

Started by Gordan, September 23, 2020, 08:06:18 AM

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Normaly i would not think this is a problem but recenty are happening thingd realy strange and soo i wanted to give this peace of my mind hoping to not look like a demanding player or just a complaining one.

I think the important NPC should have some "Line guide" on  them that made them consistent , because i noted with different DM taking controll of them some times they are just not the same char, some times even completly different behavior.

Now, i do not want to name the DM's because i do not want start a topic "This play this NPC better than this one" this is not my purpose here, my purpose is express this "problem" that may result in some missunderstanding between players and their decision.

I do not want make examples because they may be used as Spoiler but i can Name the NPC that i'm convinced souffer this problem

Capitain Alo Caso of the blackjacks

Valentina Velstra 

Nicholas Velstra

Talking with others players i have heard there are others NPC that had this problem, this 3 are the oncei can confirm i saw them act in realy different ways depending on the DM who used them.

Now of course i'm not pretending the NPC to be all the same and to be played in the same ways from different DM, but if someone play this NPC as a motherly, hopefull, and generous individual and few days later after no major changes start act as a demanding, spitefull and angry individual i think is Odd.

I think this can be resolved if the DM would write between them Some NPC behavior notes to play soo that they may not look like completly different people without any significant characther progression.

Thanks for reading.


Mood and current attitude. That explains how people act one way on a certain day and another way another day IRL. Why can't it explain this? /shrug
[url=]Moises Moraeta[/url]'s [url=][Metal-clasped Journal][/url]

Mushroom Mushroom

There's several Dms, and unless a DM says 'this npc can only be played by me' (impossible if it's a major npc being used in a plot run by several DMs or one dm) this problem will always exist, and you will need to accommodate for it in your RP.

Dms sometimes appear six months of a break, and want to use an NPC, and may not know 2 months ago, your PC saved this NPCs life and are actually friend with yours. It's part and parcel with a DM team, and while in an ideal world, a DM team would have a consistent, constantly updated thread about which PCs they are friendly with under the circumstances...

It isn't the case. Please keep in mind DMs aren't paid professionals but volunteers who spend hours of their day trying to make a fun involving world for you.


Many possible reasons for mood changes, but in the case of efu and the circumstances the OP mentioned, it is quite severe at times yes, as in completely different people not just a different mood. Granted, as stated above, consistency can be difficult with so many DMs, which is why i'd hope they have a list of interactions for notable and important npc's to keep track of their interactions with players, in the case they don't it's not a terrible idea at all. Nothing feels worse than being praised for something by an npc who is your superior and then having maybe even just a day later suddenly your condemned for it for no particular reason beyond an opinion change depending on who is playing the npc. That's an extreme example, but those things do and have happened.

But again, gotta have some patience with it of course, DM's do their best with the time they have, and the resources available. Which is why if a NPC is reacting so drastically different from before, in a way that wouldn't make sense to you, (Such as in an extreme opinion change with no basis for reason due specifically to different DM) it might not hurt to pm the DM in the moment and ask if they are aware of the interactions between your pc and the npc, which in the case you have an actual history with said npc, you then really have the right to say that kind of thing. Never know, maybe they do! And there is a reason your completely unaware of for their hostility, or maybe it was just an honest mistake. If it's serious and troubling enough in the moment, don't wait till after the fact, confirm then.


We do keep fairly extensive notes for our major NPCs internally.  If a portrayal seems inconsistent to you, please feel free to reach out privately for clarification.  My PMs are always open -- and consistency is a top personal priority of mine, and of the team!


Quote from: SamB123 on September 24, 2020, 02:25:05 PM
Mood and current attitude. That explains how people act one way on a certain day and another way another day IRL. Why can't it explain this? /shrug

The mood do not change behavior, you can wake up angrier that yersterday, move happy, more stubborn, more lazy, that is states of mind and are not the point.

A char wit ha vow to not kill should not the day after start a crusade for kill people without a proper reason behind it ...

A defeated char hopeless that believe all his life is a Joke should not wake up one day deciding to order the people behind him to make his organization great again...

A motherly figure that expressed love and patience for her  sons should not became a psicopathic vengence-seeker that treat his sons like shit for have what she want...

I mean, all of what is writted above can happen, is called characther progression, and i think events can force in people those expecialy in a storytelling game like DnD, Both fpr NPC that in PC...

I'm the first to know how tragic events can bring a NG char to a NE one

But in EFU i personaly thinked some times this suddenly change are in NPC behavior are just dipendent from the DM who played them in that moment... But if Ironside say they Keep fairly extensive notes for  major NPCs, then my suggestion is useless, they already are doing it XD


If you want to interact with an NPC you can always shoot a DM two lines about your past relationship, if you can't get ahold of the same DM. 'By the way my character helped make a gout potion for Norbert that one time'.

Unfortunately, even if you have a written profile of an NPC available, every DM is still going to interpret this differently.


Quote from: Gordan on September 26, 2020, 01:18:44 PM
Quote from: SamB123 on September 24, 2020, 02:25:05 PM
Mood and current attitude. That explains how people act one way on a certain day and another way another day IRL. Why can't it explain this? /shrug

The mood do not change behavior, you can wake up angrier that yersterday, move happy, more stubborn, more lazy, that is states of mind and are not the point.
I mean, I would argue mood has a lot to do with behavior IRL. If you are pissed off because someone cut you off in traffic, you might treat others differently.
[url=]Moises Moraeta[/url]'s [url=][Metal-clasped Journal][/url]