Modares of Caerhithe, Obit

Started by SamB123, October 07, 2020, 12:57:23 AM

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Modares was a fun character. I started him with the idea of joining House Orza and no real plan. Shortly after his creation, he became Niven Vindascas' apprentice. Then, a week later, she got killed. A few days later, his ears got snipped by Elves; he forever showed ears that were a mangled, cut-in-half mess. So, with no mistress, Modares decided to see what he could as a mage in House Orza.

He was recruited for a scheme by fellow Orzan, Redmond Whistler (mentioned with player's permission), to raise Blacksmile (yes, that Blacksmile), presumably to have the power to fight the Nothing. (Modare's wasn't a wise man, so the idea that the Lich wouldn't necessarily be grateful never occurred to him.) It turned out a fellow Conspirator ratted him out, so Modares tried to hunt down the Blackjacks who stated his name and punish them for slander. Unfortunately for him, it failed hardcore. (It didn't help that he was level 6 at the time, haha!)
What pushed Modares over the edge was really Nephezar's change of laws. He was antireligious to his core, and Nephezar's changes galled him. Despite the way he died, Modares loathed the Nothing and believed (right or wrong) that everything he did was for the sake of House Orza. He was even killed by House Orza itself, in what - to him - was the ultimate way to die: being killed by a brother-in-arms, pulled into an embrace/half-hug with the sword slipping in in the same motion. Then, his former Orzan brother slowly lowering him to the ground. (Italics summarizing the scene with permission of the other player.)

Modares believed he was the smartest person in any given room, and was quite arrogant. He even gave himself the pretentious title of "Viper of Orza" (and then other folks started calling him that). He believed wizardy was the highest calling, and that reason and mankind's intelligence should guide the world. He didn't like subhumans (due to the elves cutting his ears). In the end, his arrogance got him killed!


[hide=A Few Screenshots]

Just a talk with a fellow mage... in the catacombs. Not suspicious at all!

Yes, Modares was party to the murder of Saibhon Dumein, in an effort to remove suspicion from House Orza... for something Modares definitely took part in!
(No, the other Orzan isn't Redmond; I won't say who it is, due to spoilers. Probably no one will ever find out, short of the player spoiling it themselves.)

[hide=Modares' Death]
DM Shout
-- Word spreads among the gossips and wagging-tongues of the Peerage that there has been a Development at the newly-minted Bannerhouse; Orzan men captured by Nepehezar Retainers, with some tepid involvement by the Blackjacks. Even now, it is said, some great inquisition is underway. --
DM Shout
-- Many begin to assemble across the moat to witness the impending implementation of Justice. Outside the gates of the Peerage, a pole with tinder and fuel is slowly prepared... --
DM Shout
-- Sounds of battle from outside the Peerage Ward --
DM Shout
-- Chaos before the Peerage Ward, as the pyre is attacked by a figure cloaked in spellwork. In the midst of it, Orzan retainers take the man to be burned back to the Castle, where it is promptly sealed up tight. --
DM Shout
-- A figure emerges from House Orza, the guards are on careful watch. Golden eyes regard the scene from the heights of the Nephezar Refuge, as a Retainer carries a body over his shoulder. --

Modares was almost burnt to death on the Pyre.

But then, a fellow Orzan was ordered to kill him, and his body was delivered to House Nephezar.

His soul, however...

Modares' soul wasn't so lucky!

A pretty satisfying end for a character that, when I started, had no real direction beyond "Join House Orza".  :D

I'll add some more screenshots later.

[url=]Moises Moraeta[/url]'s [url=][Metal-clasped Journal][/url]


Was a lot of fun, brother. Thank you for bringing Vash into the plot.




It was fun getting into some shenanigan's together! Look forward to your next character!


Loved interacting with Modares. Awesome attitude from both the character and you as a player!


A nice counter-punch after Nephezar, eager to see what's next!
[11:23 PM] Howlando: Feel free LealWG
[11:23 PM] Howlando: I'll give you a high five + fist bump tip

[1:34 AM] BigOrcMan: RwG, a moment on the lips, forever on the hips


Thanks for the brief back and forward with Fentyl. :)


Never met him, but his whispers were great, and he still had a massive impact on my character through killing Dumein, even if  she never learned of it.

Wall Flower

A scary antagonist, I mostly got to see Modares after the final confrontation, a finale you RP'd very well. Kudos!


I just have one thing to say

You smart bastard! well played!

Make pubblic Yashan  part in the killing of Sargeras was realy evily smart. without the fact that just kill him for clean Orza name when you was far worst that him...nice job , nice job indeed.


[url=]Moises Moraeta[/url]'s [url=][Metal-clasped Journal][/url]


Current PC: Acolyte Itziyal Neniarral


A great character that was mysterious as a companion, and that mystery turned into something more threatening if you got on his bad side. A felt presence throughout the city. Well done!
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