Fighter Perk cooldown instead of 1/day.

Started by Poolson, March 26, 2021, 04:31:19 AM

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What?: The Fighter perks that you get from typing /c fighter_perk to be on a 5 or 10 minute cooldown timer, instead of a 1/day feature.

Why?: The Fighter perks, while fun and useful, aren't overly powerful. Being able to make use of them more frequently would be more fun and add more flare for the pure class, I think.

In particular, I think this would see a lot more use from things such as Marksman & Sharpshooter and Brawler.

There is some minor degree of concern for Pit Fighter, Squire and Drill Sergeant but I don't think it'd be too great of a risk. It could just be left to see how it plays out and if it doesn't work out, further CDs could be applied to any perk that might be problematic.


[url=]Moises Moraeta[/url]'s [url=][Metal-clasped Journal][/url]


Seems a good idea. My fighter perk I barely remembered to use it was so replaceable


Just as a thought, are any OP enough that having this on a cooldown would be a problem?


Quote from: Dredi on March 26, 2021, 03:06:23 PM
Just as a thought, are any OP enough that having this on a cooldown would be a problem?
Most only last 1 or 2 turns.


  • Drill Sergeant (which is 5 turns),
  • Houndmaster (which summons your pet),
  • Slaver (which throws out chains on 2 hostile targets; chain slow debuff is 3 rounds),
  • & Squire (5 turns).

A few would be powerful, in the right circumstances, sure. But that's no different, imo, than popping the right potion at the right time. Or the bard throwing out the right bard song at the right time. These are all short term buffs that have niche uses.
[url=]Moises Moraeta[/url]'s [url=][Metal-clasped Journal][/url]


So Houndmaster gains no benefit, everyone else gains a little power. Not generally enough to be used twice in the same encounter, but could be done over long quests or DM events and the like though.

I imagine if any of them became problematic they might get a bit of a nerf but running through the list none of them appear concerningly powerful.. debuff without saving throw is always a thing though.

Knight Of Pentacles

Make it hinge on the PCs base charisma modifier. 


[url=]Moises Moraeta[/url]'s [url=][Metal-clasped Journal][/url]

Willfred L. Cadmael II

I do not see much of a balance case for making the perks fired off more often. The flavor / flare purpose of the perks seems well served to me. Remember, the once-per-day abilities are usually just one of several mechanical changes the perk grants.