House Sunpurse Seeks Men/Women to Oppose the King

Started by SamB123, April 07, 2021, 12:22:45 AM

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Image courtesy of Kiaring#2351 :

House Sunpurse has a lot of active plots that we have the option to purse right now. Frankly, the current characters cannot tackle them all.

As always, House Sunpurse is big on politics and conflict. There is a lot of room for both political and PvP characters (or anything in between). A few of us would like to form a ringrunning crew in order "scout for the Count's Drill".

Immediate Plots:
-  Count Senuspur's Drill: This metaplot manifests in a lot of ways, and I hesitate to spoiler them all here.
- Tree Plantation Project: Technically a plot within the Count's Drill metaplot, this involves planting and harvesting trees in order to gather resources for the Count's Drill. The King's Cowls actively oppose this project, and we might or might not see opposition from druids in the future.
- Religious Wars: In an unusual and dramatic move after excommunication a religious feud with Glitt and Sunpurse teaming up (Who'd've thunk it?!), feuding between the Bishop of Promise and Bishop of the Lady has come to light. There is also an "outsider extremist movement" (that's how Sunpurse views it, I'd say) to revamp Nephezar. There has already been one IG assassination attempt, which resulted in a hanging. This is sort of a four way conflict between Sunpurse, Glitt, Velstra, and the King's Cowls right now.

P.S.: Keep in mind typical Sunpurse Alignments (good alignment's a bit hard to justify right now).  Message "@House Sunpurse" (no quotes) on Discord with any questions!

Image courtesy of RPG#8495 :


Image courtesy of Kiaring#2351 :

Join House Sunpurse! There's lots of plots in the works, and Eris Hale was just knighted recently!
