Make access to the 92nd Ringquest static

Started by zerotje, April 27, 2021, 01:06:46 PM

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We have to OOCly organize a whole group of players to be able to login for an extended period of time (that quest is so long) and then it also needs to happen to spawn.
Ringrunning should be a mechanical challenge and opportunity for roleplay.

Not an OOC scheduling hell.

Could you please make it static? Think of the Australians. :(


I could be wrong, but this quest gives a tooooon of experience at the high levels, so I always assumed it's randomized to prevent farming

I'd see two clear solutions that'd help our friends in dead TZs!

1) Make the quest static and reduce XP awards to be comparable to other static quests
2) Have a locked transition into the random area that can only be opened with a reset-expiring key that DMs could generate and toss to a player manually

#2 would be my ideal in a lot of ways, only requiring one DM to meet up with one PC earlier in the reset, then it's basically self-service for the group

I think either way, it'd be nice to see something make this quest more accessible for folks, since I'm always surprised how many people who haven't gotten to enjoy it!


Just lower XP reward then. The real reward is advancing a Ring.


Without spoiling it, no one part of this actually gives that much more XP than any other high end quest. You're combining them in your head when saying that, but perhaps it could be set to static and match the amount given in quests two rings prior for any part and be just fine :)

Alternatively, I've had great success just asking a DM to help us find it after a try or two! (which is the same result as the option mentioned about asking a dm to be let in?)


How many Aussie DMs are there VP?

You are right though, but, there are no DMs most of the time around the specific moment we can meet with our Aussie player.


Alternatively, if there is a reason to slow down Ringrunning by the RNG of "no content" vs "content"... Maybe they could soften the blow by either giving the Ringrun Quest vs Non-Ringrun Quest?

That is better than content vs no content.
That's not what gamestudios mean when they say their game has randomised content.

That way if we did the annoying effort of organizing ourselves we at least have the group together to do something fun when we are there.

I'm just trying my best to show my own perceptive, realise I might sound spoiled now but, this is all well meaning...


Asking a DM has worked great for most of us, but since there's no way to let your friends in on this one, you need the entire group gathered when a DM can hop online, which I imagine is virtually impossible during Aussie TZ


I've actually grinded this quest for xp once or twice at high level back with the Delvers and it's not actually that good xp. We only did it because we had already done all the other options available to level 10 characters that day.


Just going to chime in again to say that I'm almost assuredly wrong since I barely quest  xD

If it's not more xp than other statics, than I'd just say it's better to throw it open all the time, for our Australian friends


Today in the 0 DM's online zone, we are up to the 88th. All of us, after several days of attempted failures to meet, have met.

We have a new player in our group, so exciting. He's up to the 92nd.

The quest hasn't spawned to help him past.

We dumped him.
We completed 88.

Too bad for this Australian player.  ::)

Willfred L. Cadmael II

The ring challenges are usually designed to not require a DM. It sounds like your group made a decision to go further instead of waiting for or helping that new PC to catch up. This is faced by many ring running groups, all time zones!

... 92 was made significantly easier to initiate, but it still requires teamwork.