Glowing players if bleeding / recently subdued

Started by VanillaPudding, January 21, 2022, 02:13:37 AM

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There was briefly a system in place that made players glow while in stealth but if you had spotted them or something like that. It didn't really work out, however -

Would it be possible to make someone glow slightly red if in the bleeding out state?  This would mostly help newer players / less mechanically aware players notice downed allies maybe, and overall just drawn attention to it for everyone in general.

Secondary, but possibly a means to make someone glow a certain color for some duration after being subdued? (Helps track people breaking the rules mostly, but people could also react to someone arriving all beat up or whatnot. Not sure of any downsides?)


I really the idea of glowing like a pulsing red when in a downed state between -9 and 0hp.

I'm not sure how I feel about the glowing after being subdued. The idea of people sitting to one side after a dispensary, all glowing green seems like it might be a bit immersion breaking for me. Is rule breaking for subdual really that consistant an issue?


In the context of large scale pvp I see this as helping everyone understand the current status of each PC. I imagine it'd be difficult for DMs as well to determine who was subdued.