Marcher Ryden Blackmyre, The Pride of Moonspear

Started by Gordan, January 29, 2022, 04:09:40 PM

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Wow...Okey, where to start

Ryden was simply a Lawbringer from for honor... yeha, that was his concept.

i wanted to try a low charisma super religius killing machine with the Halbred, the plan was to join Glitt and be a religius man inside a noble house...that did not happened

Actualy this is the second time i make a char with the intention of join Glitt and then been refuced by that house...odd

And soo he joined Moonspear instead...soo


Ryden was a Nephezar levy, he was raised in teh steadings his father was a Retainer of the house and his mother a farm-woman that strived for make grain for the noble house, after the house destruction the farm was left without protection and the incoming winter, his mother died during that winter, and he learned how to figth in order to survive.

Reached the ward he decided join House Glitt as was the more honorable of the houses and ones who may understand his pain in loose home after what happened to 94, yet Ambrose of Glitt considered him too pious for Glitt Drunkyard standards and adviced him to meet Luc... as soon as he met Luc Manfred tried kill the marshall and chased him in the cradle causing a mess.

Ryden absolutly do not enjoyed violence in the Lady Holy shrine, and he decided join Moonspear instead

And after that there was a time play him was truly great, the cinquefoil, the Siege in the pallin, all good stuff, yet after that i realized the entire plot of Moonspear went in anotehr timezone, i was left outside all great events so much that members of the house were even not giving my char informations because they wanted keep him out of them, and that was frustrating ...

At the end he embraced the silly anime-like  innocent boy side i truly enjoy roleplay,  and became a mix of different things and ideas, he was going to turn into some kind of Blackguard of the Ligth but we will never see that part of his story, even if i was truly hoping that

He had a long and wonderful run..he was realy strong, but died like a Dweeb because i'm truly not good in PVP and i did not considered the fact "Ehmm, maybe that orzan is not alone and there are more invisible araund him" that was realy stupid from me and i deserve this pathetic end

My Kuddos go first and foremost to Luc Deveroux, we did soo much shit toghever XD

Second place Celestina, she is just the best char in Efu History Period

Dame Eleleth: the saint Ryden offered his prayer to

Lamia: Long live the ligth

Sorcha: for have been a good and honest friend

Sidero, Goodwill, Adhira, Alita And Adrian of velstra

And many more, you know who you are, thansk for played with me and made Ryden what he became,

See you another time people :-)


Excellent screenshots. Sorry Sorcha couldn't keep her promise too, alas, as I'm still on vacation :(

Don Nadie

Lovely PC. I always had a blast when Celestina and him went arround doing their stuff :) I've said it before, but the combination of idiocy (brought by yours truly) and feelings is excellent. I had a great time with him... And I'm sure the next PC will be equally fun!

Lamia Sabachtani

Appreciated our RP, and his journal, very much. Well done!



Ryden was an interesting character exploring the nature of soldiery.  Was fun to interact with him!