UMD vs wands - Ranger/Rogue split

Started by SN, June 08, 2022, 10:17:57 PM

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Sometimes when you succeed a UMD check on a L4 arcane wand (Ward Area) on a 6 Ranger / 3 Rogue split will result in no effect happening and no charge being used at all.

I do vaguely(?) recall this working fine back at the end of 2020/early 2021.

I wonder if this might be partially due to the wand spell level restrictions that was implemented for some of the classes and minimum levels but I'm a big dumbo, so what do I know.

I'm not entirely sure what causes it to break (and fix itself), because there are times when it works just fine.

Happy to help with some testing if you guys get to working this one out some day.