Consecrating Relics

Started by Dhund, September 11, 2022, 12:06:41 AM

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Relics and Clerics are in a bit of a bad place, currently. For the most part, in order to use most of your class features, you need to rely on RNG for an appropriate item. This is disregarding the need for DM loot for higher level spells.

But, I come with a solution!

We have several crafting systems that would work ideally for this! Specifically, I'll talk in regards to Alchemy and Tinkering comparisons.


(Modifier = EFUSS Consecration Points + Wisdom + Cleric Level)

Performed at Sanctified Altars (Similar to other crafting benches, spawned in/available at temples/worship sites?),  consecration mixes ingredients to create relics, and other various items of faith.

As with Tinkering, once you invest a point, you can use the crafting menu once a day to create a Consecrated ingredient. Unlike tinkering, this is chosen at random from your two domains, and max cleric spell level available.

Themes would be for Domains (in comparison to Elemental ingredients in Alchemy).
Tiers would be determined by pieces of Divinity (determining max spell level of the relic/result). (Dull Shard of Divinity (tier 0), Glinting Shard of Divinity (tier 1), Suffused Shard of Divinity (tier 2), Lustrous Shard of Divinity (max 3), Brilliant Shard of Divinity (tier 4))

For example:

Combining a Blessed Stone (Earth Domain theme), a Brilliant shard of Divinity (tier/circle 4 ingredient), and three other random ingredients would, if the recipe has a result, and the DC is met, create one of the existing Earth Domain Relics with a max casting circle of 4 (or equivalent in power, as determined at time of the crafting tables)

Instead of Relic Guardians being able to eat Relics, it breaks it down into one ingredient, randomly choosing from any domains tagged on it, and up to the max level of spells. So a Water/Law, max 3rd circle relic could give you a water theme, law theme, or tier 0, 1, 2 or 3 ingredient

With a system like this, the most random part of being a cleric, hoping for an appropriate domained relic with decent power to drop would be something that can be mitigated/worked around. Merchants would find people actually wanting to buy most relics, even if they just break them down for parts.
<@Mort> Dhund is on the money, imo


Not a horrible idea, but probably a bit too time consuming to do currently.

Just wanted to say though, as long as your Cleric is Preaching actively, openly and/or doing cool stuff you will get a relic for level four spells at least. We just reserve the right to Vet players for quality of roleplay in these regards.


That is not the situation I think most people think clerics are in. It's very difficult for some of us who are on low-pop hours like 4am EST, or can only consistently play on low-pop days. I have been trying to push my clerical agenda (Boneboys can confirm this), have been participating in PvPs and engaging roleplay, and still I am running around with the Broken Relic. I understand that the EFU philosophy is that sometimes you get lucky, but clerics feel like they're in such a bad spot if you're not someone who can be on at 6pm on Friday, or when the server has been up for 30+ hours for Reliquary to spawn.