A Letter to Legate Zarat from a Voiced of the Purple

Started by Renegade, March 17, 2023, 03:47:54 AM

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Honorable Legate,

My name is Lurgan Veshtru, voiced of the Purple and devout follower of the Mother's Celestial Wheel. I have a sensitive matter of concern I would very much like to bring to your attention. I believe it is a topic in which you will be VERY interested indeed to hear about. I would like to invite you for a cup of tea so that I might raise the issue with you in a private conversation. There is another voiced who would speak unto this as well, if you would allow me to bring them along. Trust that you will find this a very wise investment of your time.

Dutifully Yours,
Lurgan Veshtru of the Twindari


Honoured Twindari,

You have piqued my interest, and I ask you come to my office when time allows to discuss further this sensitive matter.

Legate Azadeh Zarat