The Astronomers of Q'Tolip [PC/DM]

Started by Blue41, March 30, 2023, 01:09:34 PM

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[A letter is delivered to the Eagle's Mount]

To whom it may concern,

Two days, I made my way to the Mount to request an update on the status of the murder weapon recovered from the Rule of Law chamber. I was informed by Apothar Azim that investigation on the weapon was still ongoing and that I would be informed of any updates. Imagine my surprise when I learned that Apothar Azimi and Nadiri Mevura felt the need to inform a crowd of individuals within the Krak of the murder weapon, its suspected owner and its 'reconstruction'.  This, in spite of my explicit instructions to share no details of the investigation with the public. To pursue no private questioning of their own.

No doubt they may share their own version of events, but if they haven't, I'll provide what I learned from two objective witnesses to the event. The Torchbearers leveled some petty accusation as to the timing of the Astronomers' seizure of Archaeology licensing and Zarat's disappearance. I'm sure their words must have stung, because between the two of them, they made it clear that they held Zarat's dagger in the tower, along with the markings and details of the blade in question. This is, obviously, completely unacceptable.

I issued the Apothar with a fine that she paid, but her words and attitude made it clear what her thoughts of cooperating with the Fourth Legion were. I take leaking information seriously, and have gone to great lengths to clean up our own department, but never would I have imagined that vital details related to the murder of a Legate would be so flippantly revealed in a tavern by the Astronomers. One can only wonder how well they keep your own secrets.

The matters settled with the fine, but if I get any further reports of Mevura or Azimi pulling this again, we're going to have a serious problem. If we need any consultation from the Astronomers, send anyone else but those two.

Sgt. R. Colmes


Sergeant Rennik Colmes,

As I am one of the few mages in the Tower of Q'tolip with a genuine and consistent interest in helping the Janissaries, I am sure you can imagine my reaction to being named in your letter; indeed, to snide insinuations that you have raised against myself and my master. You do not and will not and likely shall never comprehend the immense suffering that we continually endure to uphold the defenses of Ephia's Well, the things we have seen, the abominations we have fought, the relentless parade of dooms we have averted. I respect that the Misfortune pays similar sacrifices, in their own way; I mark well the deaths of those Janissaries killed by the Wyrmcult just this month. However, you, of all people, should understand our indignant resentment at the ingratitude we Astronomers continually face, both from the ignorant public and from our "allies" under the Accord.

I do not know who you are expecting to come to the aid of you or your soldiers instead of me. But you have certainly not endeared me to your cause today.

In defense of Apothar Estellise Azimi, I would like to remind you that all of the material evidence presented for comment has already been leaked due to the failure of the Janissaries to maintain a secure perimeter around the crime scene. I am sure the troops all found it very funny that Benjin Lamire continually returned, despite his many warnings to depart, but he successfully eavesdropped on most of our discussions, observed most of the details we learned, and went on to share his findings in the Krak de Roses. The facts of the case have already been touted at us by the Cinquefoil Rose. I would not be surprised if they also featured in scurrilous verbal attacks that the Apothar had to fend off; the Torchbearers and the Rose are known to be close associates, even coming together to plan political opposition against us.

In defense of my person, Nadiri Cosine Mevura, I arrived to hear my Apothar asserting that secrecy served no purpose in the investigation and that the dagger definitely belonged to Azadeh Zarat. I tried to dial her words down by suggesting the evidence wasn't conclusive. I will remind you that the gag order you requested only pertained to the independent questioning of Azadeh's confidant, which we have respected, at the price of falling behind the Rose in this investigation. You did not stress the need to keep a tight lid on other details. But possessed of common sense, I still insisted three times that we should not be discussing these matters in public, and upon the third instance succeeded in ending the dialogue.

You are deeply fortunate that Estellise was present, available, and able to identify the nature of the blood curse placed upon John Syter. She is an excellent, talented, and fully realized Astronomer. And despite her aggressive temper, she still displays more tact than some of your contemporaries, who are reputed to have expressed their anger in similar situations by beating Voiced citizens within an inch of their lives.

You are reminded that I have been tormented for weeks because a Janissary warned Merizad about the investigation and he fed my name to a djinn. You are intimately aware of my contributions to that cause; my struggle with spoken word aside, there would not have been a case to present at all if not for my work identifying his victim, flipping his retainers, and revealing the djinn infesting his residence.

And it is reiterated that a breakdown of our cooperation will hinder not only this high-priority investigation, but perhaps cripple many future efforts to protect Ephia's Well from the ruinous designs of our enemies. I sincerely advise you to actually consider the matter to be settled and leave it behind you, instead of sending spiteful correspondence to our desk or grumbling into your reports about what you're going to start hiding from us. For the good of all who yet live, Rennik: get over yourself.

Nadiri Cosine Mevura


Dear Sergeant Colmes,

I have, despite my irritation at taking time out of my day to conduct Janissary work, continued to aid your organization for two reasons. It is my duty, and I wish to protect Ephia's Well from disaster.

To have you storm in and unleash your full fury on me, at the word of one of the Torchbearer-Competition's many agent provocateurs in the Well was aggravating, to say the least.

Furthermore, to have you write this letter after informing me that the matter was settled shows what manner of man you are.

I think you overstep your authority in making this request, but so be it. After weeks of dealing with inexperienced Nadiri and Apothars who would rather be digging for potsherds or tinkering in the workshop, you will come crawling back to me.

At that point, you wretch, I will be expecting some form of apology or other act of contrition. The future does not look bright for your chances without me.

Apothar Estellise Azimi

Ser Shroom

Sgt. R. Colmes

My colleagues are not to the taste of everyone. I note your concerns. I will make myself available for present and further inquiries.

I am currently in the midst of completing an impact report following the timult during the Great Ash Storm. I hope to make several recommendations regarding additional arcane installations and protocols which I believe will reduce the likelihood of subsequent acts of successful sabotage to our critical institutions. Once complete I will forward you a copy privately and would welcome an opportunity to sit and discuss those recommendations prior to forwarding to the Government proper.

Perhaps this may form the basis of a more enduring and collegiate working practice between myself, yourself, and our respective institutions.

-Fortress Ephia Endures-
~Apothar Vergal Mendista


[A copy of a letter finds its way to the Apothars, with a particular passage highlighted in red ink,  with a few terse clippings attached...]

Quote from: Nadiri Cosine MevuraNadiri Cosine Mevura, I arrived to hear my Apothar asserting that secrecy served no purpose in the investigation and that the dagger definitely belonged to Azadeh Zarat. I tried to dial her words down by suggesting the evidence wasn't conclusive. I will remind you that the gag order you requested only pertained to the independent questioning of Azadeh's confidant, which we have respected, at the price of falling behind the Rose in this investigation.

Quote from: Sgt. R. ColmesTo pursue no private questioning of their own.

Nadiri Cosine was seen speaking privately with Jamileh Attar and is far more concerned with the progress of non-existent investigations than your goals. Remind him of them.

Sgt. R. Colmes

I love cats

[An obese wizard is seen reading the letters from the sergeant he is then seen showing the letter to Owain and even asking his monkey familiar for advice or commands on to reply. After some deliberation Alexander abandons the letter and goes to eat a delicious meal of some sort leaving the letter for his fellows.]



I have far more important things to discuss with Jamileh Attar than the Legates who died because of your rash, thoughtless actions. Many of them pertain to the core mission of the Astronomers, in fact, and the broader will of my superior officers. Did you suppose that I spend my every waking moment scheming against you, that you somehow occupy my mind outside of the occasional work meeting or these juvenile letters? Did you imagine that I could only have one reason to speak to an accomplished scholar?

I was talking to her about history and some of her academic theories.

Has it not occurred to you that we are capable of holding conversations with people outside the scope of your failed and incompetent counter-intelligence operations?

No. Surely it has not. Just like it did not occur to you to check the handwriting of the letter you conveniently found in John's office.

For the love of B'aara, stop jumping to conclusions and making brash assertions, before your folly gets yet another person killed.

Nadiri Cosine Mevura