Gold Speech and Banafsi Accord

Started by Random_White_Guy, April 07, 2023, 10:42:17 PM

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Amidst a revelry of many golds Voiced - Magistrate Argus, Mari Blacke, Crassus, but so too of Lissur of La Banda Rossa, Narwen of Spring's Gift, Stonefolk wanderers, Inspector Daoud, and others does Sol Auk gather in celebration of a first effort well fought.

As some of the crowd come and go, debating matters of Dwarven History, Trade Routes of the Great Ash, and more, the large figure takes to the Stage trundling upwards with a last huff on the Mizzar Cigar...

To those who have come in celebration, Sol Auk offers gratitude.

To those who have aided since Candidacy began, Sol Auk offers thanks.

To those who have worked with Sol Auk in business, be it as Magistrate, as Voiced, or before - Truest acceptance of your support has built much of this journey.

While John Syter is not here to share in these libations, While Ophelia Whitmore is not here to stand where Sol Auk is, the Labor of them both must press on. Must be done.

Above all else did John Syter care for this Accord. Ten years long worked by many. Sol Auk continues that work as now both La Banda Ross and the Janissaries are contracted to him for the next week's time.

Ophelia, of the Souk, of such wealth, of such charity, it was she who was to be standing here today giving a speech. She who sought much of trade, of building, of improvement. Of all that the Gold League could provide this Well.
It is in both their honors, and the support of those who have long known Sol Auk, this campaign begins in earnest.

The Labor will be done. Events in the coming week of many form in which the Voiced may ask of many, any, and in search of true answer of the question-

QuoteThe thunderous voice of Banafsian Diplomat is carried across the wind: We of Banafsi should like to speak to the ones "Sol Auk" or "Lynneth" in the Palatial Pyramid's Embassy Wing. We shall wait.

After a stunned moment from the crowd, as the Stonefolk quiets, the speech resumes

Why Sol Auk, why not Lynneth, why not Sephidra?

To them Sol Auk say - It is the Voiced's duty to make these inquiry. He shall be available to any and all voiced in the coming days to answer such a thing. Day, night, meals, water breaks, respite of a nap... You wake Sol Auk. You ask.

He answer.

And above all other, Sol Auk will prove why he is best suited for Labor of Legate. Long has he worked as Magistrate, long has he success at Assembly, and long has he brought propserity to Ephia's Well.

You have come, you have drank. Now live, fair friends. Live, /Calm/, knowing that Sol Auk is here.

To Lead. To Labor.

Drink of the rest, speak among one another, for Magistrate Argus and Mari know well what comes.

From among the crowd come chants, shoutings

QuoteArgus Sesterius: Up the Gold!
Crassus Procillus: Live and drink!
Lojir Trajaros: "Up the Gold! Live an' drink!"
Mari Blacke: [Mari claps] Up the Gold. Live and Drink.
Argus Sesterius: [Flashes their League of Gold supporter's badge proudly.]
Lojir Trajaros: [Flashes their League of Gold supporter's badge proudly.]
Mari Blacke: [Flashes their League of Gold supporter's badge proudly.]
Crassus Procillus: [Flashes their League of Gold supporter's badge proudly.]
Sol Auk: Sol Auk must attend to the Palatial Palace. But this is not a work done alone. For as always it is the Merit of the Gold that sees us through. And it is our Unity.
Sol Auk: That shows this Well most Merit. [It offers a nod]
Sol Auk uses item's special power.
Sol Auk: [Flashes their League of Gold supporter's badge proudly.]
Sol Auk: Live and Drink.

Joachim Sathuul: *Dips his head to Sol.* I'll see you to the Pyramid.

At this under Janissary escort, is Candidate Sol Auk escorted to the Palatial Pyramid. Therein a mass of Cinquefoil and Astronomers await to meet with Banafsi Diplomat. After a time it is said that because of her choice to bring Kythaela of La Banda, White Candidate Lynneth is dismissed by the Diplomat.

Sol Auk and the woman of Banafsi speaking for a time within the Pyramid before he is gifted a MASSIVE chest of Dinar, for some manner of accord or another.

To what ends, is openly questioned not long after announcement.

QuoteSol Auk
Sol Auk extends gratitude to Archon Lymaneus of Banafsi, for such a most worthy and charitable donation. To those who ask why Sol Auk ought be Legate in his first hour as Candidate he has brokered and improved foreign relation. Sol Auk yes, all other no.

QuoteIsabelle Fitzgerald
I'd love to hear the -details- of that 'improvement to foreign relation'. Especially insofar as how it will benefit the Well! Actually, trade -is- important, which is why I will be departing for some market research tomorrow.
[11:23 PM] Howlando: Feel free LealWG
[11:23 PM] Howlando: I'll give you a high five + fist bump tip

[1:34 AM] BigOrcMan: RwG, a moment on the lips, forever on the hips