Increased Voiced Rights, Anti-Purple Propaganda

Started by Random_White_Guy, April 08, 2023, 11:37:07 PM

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As the sun hit its highest today, seeking refuge from the merciless yellow orb oppressing all with heat, sweat, and woe a number were seen in the Coffee Shop above the Gate of Coin. Magistrate Argus, Voiced Candidate Lynneth of the White League, Voiced Isabella of the Purple, and Voiced Apothar Vergal in attendance along with a smattering of others in gold, green, and blue.

The gathering began by Voiced Wajeeb, the Water Merchant, raising concerns over the situation of the length and tone of Assemblies. Never has there been a short discussion when it comes to Allocation of funds.

[Hide=Voiced Wajeeb al-Sattar's Question on Allocation]Wajeeb al-Sattar: So this may not be the most critical matter or of importance to the safety of the well but...I'm concerned how long allotment talks take.
Sol Auk: Not a woe. Sol Auk intends a time to be here.
Wajeeb al-Sattar: Is there some method you might think to allow for shortening and formatting the forum? I wouldn't deny any their voice but it can become a circular thing.

Sol Auk: Sol Auk would see two Assembly held.
Wajeeb al-Sattar: That would not reduce the time.
Argus Sesterius: Do you not think simply limiting the pitches to, say, five to ten minutes per branch of the Accord would do the work?

Isabelle Fitzgerald: Fine idea, Argus!
Sol Auk: Not a poor notion, Magistrate, Yet to Sol Auk the nature of the matter demands explanation. Debate. This is a massive sum of wealth. Parsing such down for sake of...Time, feels disingenuous.
A different day. He feels this would let the Voiced prepare their proposals at length - just as the Accord Signatories may the same.
As well more routine of schedule, of when Assembly to be held. So that both parties may prepare in earnest.
Argus Sesterius: ..And those that only go to hear the proposals, or pitch one can comfortably miss an Allotment assembly.. *nods along to Sol Auk*
Sol Auk: This is a matter that Sol Auk believes can be solved by the Voice, yes? A very easy proposal to raise at assembly. Few Voiced would likely object to Magistrate Argus' proposal.
Wajeeb al-Sattar: Well a seperation is an answer indeed. I can see the merits. Perhaps one of the new arrivals would have a topic they'd like to broach?[/hide]

At this point did Candidate Lynneth raise question - in regards to Sol Auk's recent request during Princess' Assembly regarding banning the Accord Officers from seeking Candidacy.

[Hide= Candidate-Voiced-Balladeer Lynneth of Waradim's Question on Accord Candidates]Lynneth: Truthfully, Sol Auk, I wish to know what your qualms so are with we of the Accord. It is to me, strange, for interrupt and allotment to plead for the disqualification of the leal defenders of this settlement to the monarchy.

Sol Auk: Fair question. The very institution of the Assembly sits as one that was raised in response to the early works of the Accord Signatories. In speaking with scholars, historians, even your own rank, and as Sergeant Colmes shared tales from the Janissary perspective. The notion that the accord can be tended, brokered, and maintained by those of the Leagues without such vested interest as sitting officer. Each of you leaping into the political theater in pursuit of Seat?
Sol Auk: As the Bey himself said - Most improper. How can the Astronomer, expect the Legate-Sergeant Colmes, to dutifully uphold their merits when he would inevitably view matters as Janissary? Would the Rose be appeased by Legate-Apothar Bestworth sitting in judgement?

Isabelle Fitzgerald: Matters for the Voiced to decide, friend!*A sip.*
Lynneth: That is an *insane* hypothetical, Sol Auk. Your hyperbole does you little merit, here. We ought trust one another, we have cooperated and maintained this settlement for *ten years.*
Sol Auk: Many accuse Sol Auk of many things, but hyperbole? Never. You sit there and say White Legate Lynneth of the Cinquefoil Rose, you would not leap to any command given by the Grandmaster?   And if Zenithar Oro, demanding his 93,000 dinar? An Apothar-Legate would not be bludgeoned so?
Isabelle Fitzgerald: Tis a simple concern with a simple solution I think. Mandatory resignation from these organizations... let the Voiced decide if they are of character and merit in their integrity.
Argus Sesterius: Does it matter if they would actually do so? The other two branches of the Accord would claim it regardless, if they ever got less than the Legate's branch.
Sol Auk: If you wished to be Candidate, you should have resigned before filing to receive a petition. Resignation after selection as Legate is a very, very slanting lean.
Lynneth: I shan't be resigning. I do not see a conflict of interest, and in the matters I do, I will select a Magistrate I can trust to handle them. [She wafts her hands dismissively.] It is through the Grandmaster's trust that I have earned this voice in the first place. The people who fight of the people here, put their lives upon the line, ought have as much a say in the future of this settlement as any.
Wajeeb al-Sattar: There is a valid point about how subordinates in an organization suddenly gaining power will still be potentially obligated to the original organization.
Marcellus Saenus: From a purely practical standpoint... Only because somebody leaves an organization does not mean they "Left it".
Lynneth: I have faith that the Grandmaster would not command me to do anything that would endanger the Accord. In fact, she has instructed me to strengthen it.
Marcellus Saenus: Their views or beliefs will not suddenly shift only because they put away their uniform.
Isabelle Fitzgerald: Tis why the Voiced should decide...
Lynneth: You saw such upon the Assembly floor just last night, that I endeavored to do so. I think that is why all of this rhetoric is just the nervous prattling of a weathering stone.
[She looks to Vergal.] Did you not have a fatter allotment than usual, on account of the work of Colmes and I? Remember that, when it comes time to vote.
Vergal Mendista: All received an equal share.
Lynneth: Twice the Usual.
Vergal Mendista: All received an equal share.
Argus Sesterius: But thats the point, Lynneth... if you were Legate, then every time you adjust the percentage towards the Rose, the others will claim bias. If you short the Janissaries, but grant it to the Astronomers, conspiracy. They all claim to need it every time.
Sol Auk: It is a matter of political legitimacy and faith in institution. The Accord Signatories already sit high, the seat of Legate was carved as one of balance. And now you place a thumb upon the scale.
Vergal Mendista: There are many ways to serve civically in betterment of Ephia. Amongst the Accord factions is one such. Politically - another. But Sol Auk is not incorrect. Someone who tries to do both, will do both poorly.[/hide]

Matters drifted for a time towards Allocation as if it should be a set percentage, a shifting percentage, if the "Books" of the Accord Signatories should be accessible or audited as Magistrate Galayn requested of the Princess, on and on for a time.

The Voiced continued to debate among themselves the matters, before Sol Auk spoke anew.

[HIde= Voiced Apothar Vergal Mendista's question on Security]Sol Auk: But we have spent much time on Voiced-Candidate Lynneth's question. Voiced Magistrate Argus? Voiced Apothar Vergal? Have you question?

Vergal Mendista: Merely one. The death of Legate Syter is a wound that still aches in us all. As was the betrayal of Diakos. Would you support - More stringent checks, possibly undertaken by Eagle's Mount itself, on all levels of government - up to and including the Legicy itself - to ward against further malignant influence?

Sol Auk: [It lets the question hang a moment, before sipping once more from the bowl of coffee] As spoken of last assembly, Sol Auk wishes for the Krak de Rose to bring more scrutiny upon the Mercenary travelers who come and go. La Banda Rossa has brought some word of such.  Sol Auk as well was subject to such a search during the time of Syter's suspicion by the Janissary. The extent and scope of the search would be need to be debated at length, as well as the nature and breadth of such, but in essence Sol Auk is not opposed to such a notion.  It is known after all- The Wyrm Cult, the House of Basharu, The Djinn. A great many leave their marks upon the flesh.

Vergal Mendista: Eagle's Mount does raise itself up as singular experts in the identification of such influence. I am gladdened to hear you are receptive - And the White Candidate - would you allow us to ... examine you, as a Legate?
Lynneth: I would, gladly.
Lynneth: I am a woman with naught to hide.
Vergal Mendista: I fear that has not always been my experience. Did the Krak des Roses not keep their investigation into Diakos and Syter quite opaque from Eagle's Mount?
Lynneth: It is so. Estellise, though, was informed. As was Colmes.
Sol Auk: During her "Heroic Retelling", so close to the time at which he was executed, of the pursuit of Syter's Slys and the Cult of the Wyrm, Aubrey had many of the Acolytes asking why they were not sought either.
Vergal Mendista: Gladdening then that you are the candidate, rather than Aubrey.
Vergal Mendista: Did she tell you about her investigation at the time however?
Lynneth: I became aware of it, nearst the climax of the tale we have all come to know, by now. But it was not Aubrey's idea to air it then and there. The blame for that, somehow, has been painted upon her while Colmes, the man who pushed it forward draws praise instead of derision.
Vergal Mendista: I do not recall Sergeant Colmes receiving praise from the Bey upon the day in question. But thank you for your honesty. Pardon me for co-opting your meeting, Sol Auk.
Sol Auk: Not at all, Voiced Apothar Vergal. Help yourself to a purse and coffee.
Vergal Mendista: For the imprudence. *he offers up a small bag of coins* Thank you for your hospitality. [/hide]

At this point did the White Candidate excuse herself, and as the meeting reached near an Hour, did Sol Auk thank those for coming, before standing and offering speech to close the meeting.

Gratitude of course to those who came, but so too witnessed first hand -

Voiced Wajeeb's concern raised over the matters of allocation, Sol Auk's answering of splitting days for more regulary scheduled meetings of Assembly, but so too of Magistrate Argus' adoption of the Hourglass from Jurisprudence be given five minutes to each of the Signatory.

While the venue is unorthodox, it saw too even brought Voiced Isabella of Purple, Voiced Candidate Lynneth of White, Voiced Apothar Vergal of the Astronomer.

What may this be called, fair Voiced friends, but an impromptu Assembly? 

A meeting of men and women of voice to sit before Sol Auk sharing their thoughts, desires, proposals for betterment of our Well?

It is the duty of the Voiced to do such a thing. Their sacred Labor. And so too, the Labor of the Legate on display. This why Sol Auk, not Lynneth, not Sephidra, ought be measured.

Sephidra pushes so much policy, her talks of luxury tax while the Torchbearers sit so close to Palm Heights, while the Purple League such lavish wealth on display.

Sol Auk was not Legate when he opened Library of Curator Marcellus to educate, why need she for such? To spread her "Educational Reforms for Refugee"?

The Labor of Voice is proposal, policy, as seen here today.

The other Candidates speak as if Legate a magical wand in which all change they seek comes. But it is from you the Voiced such change comes. No more, no less.

Gratitude for coming today. And lending both Time and Voice.

QuoteWajeeb al-Sattar: Well to be fair the Stele is magical and makes changes to law and settlement...
Sol Auk: [It nods to Wajeeb as it steps down] The Stele though is representative of the Sultan's own glory, my friend. The symbolic power of the Geomancers.
The Toga, the Parchment, wielded by Voiced - Symbol of their own.

Sol Auk wishes nothing more than for those who wield them to recognize such, and utilize it to the fullest.

And with the conclusion of such did the Coffee House return to a quiet murmur, a sleeping place for those who enjoy their caffeine and bitterness, away from much.

Why that place chosen to speak, over others, a question for any.

However what cannot be questioned is Sol Auk sat above Voiced of the Well, overseeing debate, discussion, sharing of ideas, and proposals.

...And throughout the preceding so too did the Voiced present run their ideas by him - even if it was at times in accusation or challenge.  One question of Procedure, one question of Political Legitimacy, one question of Security.

Asterabaldi's Experiment in its entirety, overseen by Sol Auk.

As Voiced came together to find potential solutions to the Well's problems.

And the Stonefolk speaking at length of greater influence possible for the Voiced of Ephia's Well.

Should he be voted for.

[11:23 PM] Howlando: Feel free LealWG
[11:23 PM] Howlando: I'll give you a high five + fist bump tip

[1:34 AM] BigOrcMan: RwG, a moment on the lips, forever on the hips