Trade Imports and Anti-White Propaganda

Started by Random_White_Guy, April 10, 2023, 01:10:12 AM

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The afternoon Plaza filled with the delicious scent of frying fish. As along the caravan routes all morning is a massive Stonefolk seen spending thousands of dinar in Banafsi, Frostport, and even visiting the sleepy oasis of Ynys Eilir. This culminated in what could only be described as an open air BBQ as imports from across the Trade Routes of the Great Ash desert on fullest display.

Of Frostport - Exotic bear and Tiger fur pelts, Ashwanderer wrap masps, Frostport Crayfish and Goat Sausage, Frostport Bitter Beer and the fermemnted Milk Skrol.
Of Banafsi - The tell tale amethyst cloaks and the simmering Swordfish
Of Ynis Eilir - The tangy scented Palm elixir, said to mend wounds, but in this instance used to coat the Swordfish before cooking.

As the scents wafted of a cosmopolitan feast, as Voiced and Voiceless gathered, the massive Stonefolk flipping fish on the Frostport Harpoon as conversations held between high and low class. From Palm Heights as Candidate Sephidra to the newer arrived voiceless Lojir.

As ever in the recent days, the Voiced were given center stage as questions asked of the Candidate.

[hide=Voiced Wajeeb's Question - The Stele Patron]
Wajeeb al-Satter: ...Which Patron god of the Well will be enscribed on the Stele if you are Legate?
Snorri Ironfist: Good question!

Sol Auk: [It takes another sip from the water with a nod] In truth - It is a matter that Sol Auk would see spoken with among the Clergy of the Eight Faiths. After all, some are more represented than others but that does not mean they are not all worthy.
Sol Auk: While the Gold League would undoubtedly shine upon the notion of Warad, as Legate, Sol Auk does not simply sit for the Gold League.
Sol Auk: After all, fair Izdu soon also enshrined in our Library. [It nods to Curator Marcellus]
Sol Auk: And it is known to all B'aara's most worthy blessings bestowed so often and daily.
Sol Auk: An assemply specifically held for the Voiced Clergy to make of their proposals, that all may know and hear.
Wajeeb al-Sattar: But you will still make the decision yes even after hearing all the advice?
Sol Auk: Of course. It mus tbe done, and will.
Sol Auk: But as all things, the Voiced are the levers, ropes, and pulley of change in Ephia's Well. In all form.
Wajeeb al-Sattar: Yes but ropes can pull in many directions sometimes. A leader must guide those who pull them.
Wajeeb al-Sattar: Even if it was to narrow the choices.
Sol Auk: [It offers a nod] Every construction project its foreman. And it is why like the Speaker's Mount, open platform will be provided.
Wajeeb al-Sattar: Alright. I would give others opportunity to question though I have many practical ones to throw out.
Sol Auk: The fate of such a thing is too momentus to be left in the hands of only one individual without ample input, and insight.[/hide]

[hide= Voiced Snorri - Changes to Voiced]
Snorri Ironfist: I was wondering if you were considering any changes to the Voicing process. I have heard many ideas thrown around - raising the cost, lowering the cost, more opportunities in merit... do you have any thoughts on this topic?

Snorri Ironfist: I understand you do not make policy as such, but I do want to hear your opinion, as a fellow Voiced.
Pirouette Manners: [Quietly.] I shall be back in a moment.
Sol Auk: [It offers a nod] Of course.
Sol Auk: Long ago did Sol Auk and Voiced Leiah debate the topic, before Sol Auk even was voiced, at the Plaza near. [A nod left]
Sol Auk: As Sol Auk sees it the duty, and labor, of the Voiced is to solve problem. Be it problem of their own business, problem of an ideology they wish to change, problem of their League, problem as they see of our Well in need of change.
Sol Auk: Many come to Sol Auk and say 5,000 dinar is to high. Too much. Voiced Leiah one of these the same.
Sol Auk: To him it is a first, of many, obstacles. How will you solve this problem? Strength of arms and mercenary contract? Canny and Guile as merchant? Wisdom of patience and slowly accumulating the wealth? Brashness and boldness, gathering others to support.
Sol Auk: Or of Duty - To join the Signatory Accords, and work to Officer rank.
Sol Auk: If you are able to solve these problems it sets a benchmark fair for understanding how to solve other problems the Well faces, as you craft your proposals for Assembly.
Sol Auk: Adjusting things, lowering them, raising them. The nature of the Challenge remains but to Sol Auk, 5,000 Dinar is a fair one.
Sol Auk: For after all even some Voiced come to the Assembly meeting with no ideas how not finance their own proposals. Merely thinking all solves itself. [A shrug of its large frame]
Sol Auk: It is by no means perfect, but it is fair.
Snorri Ironfist: A fair answer - thank you. I will give the word to another who has a question.[/hide]

[hide=Voiced Gers - Funding Allocation and Property Taxation]
Gers Geiger: Have you given any thought to giving part of this allotment to entities besides the Janissaries, the Rose, the Scribes, and the Astronomers? Perhaps even lowering the tax and allowing the people to keep some of that money for their own uses?
Gers Geiger: Contracts with trades guilds to work directly for the city, perhaps
Gers Geiger: I imagine future allotments may be even larger as Ephia's Well grows
Sol Auk: During the debate of the allocation of such, Sol Auk had suggested if the Signatory Accords were so fervent to edge into politics, perhaps the Leagues themselves should be considered for such sums as well. Though this mostly to showcase the disparity.
Sol Auk: The taxation of the Well is something indeed the Legates are able to adjust. The 93,000 though was for record of fact - Accumulated over a great many weeks.
Sol Auk: Before the storm there was none held, afterwards of the ensuing chaos, since.
Narwen Alendiel: Is it your stance that members of the Balladeers, Banda Rosa, Sisterhood, Astronomers and Jannissary should not be running for Legate?
Gers Geiger: Let the people vote how they will, I say
Wajeeb al-Sattar: One has to wonder how the factions operated without so much 'needed' allotment during that long period
] Sol Auk: In this matter though Sol Auk would see such a tax reduced, yes. Until he is able to know the figures the extent of such cannot be acertained but it is a matter that should be adjusted.
Sol Auk: [It nods to Wajeeb] Sol Auk donated much to both the Janissaries and La Banda Rossa.
Sol Auk: Thousands of Dinar to their ranks in unity for services and efforts.

Sol Auk: To your question, Envoy Narwen. Sol Auk believes it is a poor precedent to set, yes. But let us hear the Curator Marcellus, yes?[/hide]

[hide=Curator Marcellus Non Voiced, gifted speaking by Voiced Gers]
Marcellus Saenus: Ah, it is a brief question... though perhaps a deep one. For as long as I have been working as a Scribe I found our... eh... organization... lacking. Very little is set in stone, people can join and leave at a whim, there is no sense of... pride, in being a Scribe, and sometimes the loose nature of our-
Marcellus Saenus: - procedures can lead to... what I believe to be, excessive corruption or troubles.
Sol Auk: [It pinches off another piece of Frostport Crayfish from the table]
Marcellus Saenus: So, my question is thus... Do you think the Scribes have to be reformed in some way? Or are the way they operate now acceptable?
Sol Auk: The first reform that Sol Auk proposed for the Scribes as a Voiced was a simple one.
Sol Auk: He thought they, not the Voiced, should be considered for raising of Voice and seat as Magistrate of Ephia's Well, when Argus and Ophelia were seeking feedback on their proposal.
Sol Auk: Much like a Janissary to Sergeant, or Reculta to Balestreire, a Scribe who proved adept in service and skills, understanding of proceedure and likewise, could find seat and Voice alike as Magistrate comparable to other officer.
Sol Auk: Should any other Voice wish to pursue this matter, Sol Auk would not be in opposition to them using his idea, or refining it further for future proposal. But it would in essence lead to some aid, yes?
Marcellus Saenus: It would, yes.
Sol Auk: As intermediaries between the levels of Chief Scribe and simply Scribe, served the Magistrates.
Sol Auk: As well as a degree of oversight.[/hide]

However the... climax if it can be called such, came when Purple Candidate Sephidra stepped forward with question.

[hide=Candidate Sephidra - Morality Legislation]
Sephidra Niridhe: [She furrows her brows a little as she starts.] Dear Senior Candidate; Previously you had sold one of Naelin's dear Torchbearers, Kyana, some horrible drug. Slice? I think it was called. She seemed horrible when I saw her the day after. Fortunately one of the doctors was able to help her.
Sephidra Niridhe: You've told us often that you believe labour is sacred. And that as legate you mean to sit in judgment for /everything/ the voiced propose. [She rubs her cheek, a concerned, troubled look.] But ruining the lives of people with such awful addicting drugs?
Sephidra Niridhe: So, I must ask, Is there truly no boundary you would set, or moral qualms you will impose on the people of Ephia? Will you truly abstain from giving your people a framework to work within?

Sol Auk: To the first part of your question-
Pirouette Manners: [She blinks in surprise, looking between Sephidra's profile and Sol Auk, worriedly.]
Sol Auk: It was within the Krak de Rose and Balladeer Student Benjin who was purchasing for her during the performance at the Verdant Garden.
Sol Auk: But to your second part of question-
Sol Auk: Morality is a matter for the concerned citizenry of Ephia's Well. The Voiced are indeed free to raise proposals, even if Sol Auk does not find them agreeable. As after all it was Torchbearer Syl Halavan who bought the business of Perfumery and Powders from Sol Auk.
Sol Auk: So if the Voiced, be it by B'aara's mercy, or otherwise concern? If they wish to enact a restriction and remove license? They are within their right and power to do so.
Sol Auk: It is not a place for Sol Auk to say, as Stonefolk morals and Human morals most different, just as Ashfolk and Dwarf, and more.
Sephidra Niridhe: Mm.. Certainly it is up to the voiced to make proposals before the assembly. But I would argue it is important for the chosen legate to set boundries voiced must not cross. Certain horrendous acts, certain customs.. Some guidelines and direction for the people of the city.
Sol Auk: It is why Sol Auk enjoys our debates on such, yes? Because we are indeed so similar in many ways - and different in other.
Sephidra Niridhe: After all, a chosen legate is our chosen representative for the city. He or she must embody the soul of the city. To entertain things beyond the boundries of morality and ethics, we set a poor example to our mothercity.
Sol Auk: And it is a matter yourself and Lynneth may indeed elucidate the finer points on, but Sol Auk has ever been a Voice for the Voiced. He believes that they are prudent, shrewd, and capable of solving problem.
ol Auk: Be they Gold, White, or Purple a solution can be found.
Sephidra Niridhe: If that were truly a universal truth, the lions would ever go hungry..
Snorri Ironfist: That is very true, Sol Auk, though I do have to note that you are such a fierce lion for the rights of the Voiced that is is extremely difficult what morals you have or where you stand on things.
Snorri Ironfist: To find out what morals your have, I mean.
Sol Auk: Sol Auk does not deal in universal truth. Only in procedural governance. And when one begins to speak of morals it is a slope that slants swiftly.
Sol Auk: As after all, what is deemed Moral to Sephidra - Education and Refugee charities, would be abhorrent to some of Voiced Snorri's folk.
Snorri Ironfist: Just so. I am weary, it is my resting time. Thank you for the fish and the sights.
Sol Auk: [It offers a nod to Snorri] You are welcome to ask next time, if you wish more to learn of Sol Auk's morals.[/hide]

Afterwards came request from Non-Voiced Lojir, with questions for Candidate Sephidra. After some polite back and forth she agreed to answer.

[hide=Sephidra and Lojir exchange on Personal Freedom and Law]
Lojir Trajaros: "Yeah. I figure, 's why I'm asking." Those cold and reflective eyes of his lock on Sephidra. "Sounds like you're both good with it. You're running for candidacy and it sounds like you've got your own strong stances on the matter, right? What exactly would'ya be doin' with the current - "
Lojir Trajaros: " - drug law should you win the seat? You thinkin' of any changes on the matter, like repealing the right to own a narcotics license an' getting rid of that legal exemption?"
Sephidra Niridhe: I think within the beautiful voting system of Ephia, we must be permitted a number of personal freedoms. But that these personal freedoms be set to the boundries set out by the legates. Ultimately they are derviced by the wishes of the voters; and as such our customs can shift.
Sephidra Niridhe: are derived*))
Sephidra Niridhe: I think on the issue of narcotics, there is need to investigate each substance. I would not banish the beloved wines of our city. But that certain other substances, which are known to kill its users in extreme cases, should not be freely available.
Lojir Trajaros: "Yeah, see-" Lojir nods, pausing. "That's exactly what I was wonderin' about, where you draw the line. One of the Torchbearers owns a narcotics business, evidently- hah!" He snorts, nodding. "Yeah. It's tricky to figure out where to draw the line. You've got potent potions some adventurers - "
Sephidra Niridhe: Blessed B'aara teaches us to seek purity, and I believe this extends to our own bodies as well. - It is especially in the addictive nature, we must find harm.
Lojir Trajaros: " - regularly carry that aren't necessarily all beneficial, y'know? Potions that induce potent rage, for instance, and like you said- the wines-..."
Marcellus Saenus: Coffee.
Wajeeb al-Sattar: Mmm coffee.
Lojir Trajaros: "Yeah, that too. Coffee's delicious. You might look like that person you mentioned who used Slice after a day or two of goin' without coffee, y'know? That's why I'm so curious on this. I -love- coffee and I'd sooner slit my throat 'an vote for a candidate bannin' coffee."
Sephidra Niridhe: Indeed, it is not a simple matter. And as such I am content to leave such freedoms to the people of Ephia. But I do worry for the damage some of these substances can cause to some of the vulnerable people within the city.
Sol Auk: Asked and so answered. Gratitude, Candidate Sephidra, as well as you fair voiced.
Sephidra Niridhe: Ultimately, carefully splitting up which substance is too dangerous, and which can be indulged in within reason, is a matter for the wise and scholarly. [/hide]

Though the conversation drifted swiftly from narcotics to Coffee and other esoteric restrictions, the afternoon concluded with a small speech by Sol Auk

If Sol Auk may have a final moment of your time? And then you may enjoy your charity of pelts, cloaks, and more...

The purpose of today's gathering was to showcase indeed - The possibilities of what can be brought to our Well by the Gold League. Not only in Sol Auk in so many who push for efforts of trade large and small alike.

Some set their sights on the Souk and eager therein, and while Sol Auk does not himself do such, would not discount the labor of those who strive for such a thing.
As it is vital for the potion brewer, the merchant alchemist, and more to grow their project funds.

But as seen here today, there are some who would restrict such a trade.
The choices of what is, and is not permissible though lay within the hands of the Assembly.
Candidate Sephidra speaks of Narcotics, and in Baz'eel most outlawed indeed, here though the Assembly said otherwise.
That matter of differentiation no doubt to lead to spirited debate of all sort.
And as you tend your labors as Voiced, the Gold League will tend its as merchants, envoys, caravaneers, and more.
Because the Gold League, for all some are quick to disparage upon us - Are true of our intent and merits.
What you read in our office is the plain truth.

Where as if you visit the White League Office, twofold are their actions called to question.

Firstly -"To master our own destiny, not have it dictated to us" they so broadly proclaim.
Yet each and every day it is the White League who take to the Bellows,
To the streets, dictating what is and is not permissible, decent, acceptable.

And how can one say they wish to master their own destiny, when even their Candidate cannot?
Sol Auk does not disparage one of the Clergy but it is known well they answer to their Faith in earnest.
Nor too does he doubt those who serve, but it is well known they answer to their Grandmaster in earnest.
And then so too, does Candidate-Voiced-Balladeer Lynneth declare she shall sit as our Legate? Answering to we?
Where on the list would such fall, if all three forces had differing demand?

And of the final point of the White League - To only highlight further the hypocrisy therein...
"To ensure those with much, the merchants, and adventurers, provide for the needy."
Sol Auk brings free for all imported fish, delicious pieces from far and wide, distant ports...
And the White League's response is not to thank us for doing what they so ask, so often, so loudly...
They host a feast of their own.
In the middle of his Feast.

To this Sol Auk says the White League is neither consistent, nor dedicated, to the Voiced of this Well.
Nor to its Governance. They labor so far beyond the realm of reason.
To Sol Auk, that is an easy choice.

Upon conclusion as glad-handing is done, well wishing done, and more - do many help themselves to the exotic Pelt,s one of the Banafsian Cloaks taken, much of the imported Food taken for good use.

Regardless of what may be asked the overall impression was clear -  In one afternoon a simple rooftop  was transformed, into a party thrown with thousands of dinar in Food, Pelt, Finery, and more.

Freely given away to the Voiced and Voiceless in attendance, with sights and smells and treasures from many of the Free Cities beyond Ephia.
[11:23 PM] Howlando: Feel free LealWG
[11:23 PM] Howlando: I'll give you a high five + fist bump tip

[1:34 AM] BigOrcMan: RwG, a moment on the lips, forever on the hips