Minutes of the Alchemist Guild

Started by merrychase, April 10, 2023, 06:30:20 PM

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A set of ledgers and bulletins posted inside the Alchemist Guild Tower

Mission of the Guild:

By any and all the names for which it is known, we the Alchemists seek the Philosopher's Stone.


Members of the Guild

Gers Geiger
Peter Bloomfield
Sadira Uutramut-dai
Bernadette Valentini
Wajeeb al-Sattar
Tormund Redmane
Samantha Cunningham



Quorum is defined as any meeting including at least 2 officers and a number of other members equal to half the current non-officer roll rounded down.

Example.) Suppose membership is at six total members. A meeting including the Deputy, Guildmaster, Treasurer, and one other member meets the quorum because at least 2 officers are present. There are 3 total non-officers in the rolls. Half of this number is 1 and a half. Rounded down this is 1; but there are 2 other members in attendance, quorum is thus satisfied.

Member is any person appearing on the rolls, having been certified by the Guildmaster and their initial dues collected. A member is entitled to proposing any item for consideration by the Guild during a meeting. Each member has a single vote in all meetings of the Guild. A member is entitled to the unencumbered benefits of the Guild, such as use of the Guild Tower.


Duties and Responsibilities of Officers of the Guild

1. Responsible for collection of weekly dues from the membership
2. Responsible for the collection of initial amount from new members
3. Weekly posting of all balances, owed and paid
4. Disbursing of funds as approved by the membership
5. Responding to audits of the membership

1. Assume all the responsibilities of the Guildmaster in their absence
2. Conduct new elections of officers if desired by a properly seated quorum of the membership
3. Chief of recruitment of new members

1. Collect and order all agenda items from members for seated meetings of the Guild
2. Foremost representative of the Guild to all external entities
3. Holds the last, tie breaking vote during a meeting of the Guild
4. Certifies the accuracy of the rolls of members


Minutes of the Inaugural meeting

1. Opening remarks from Gers Geiger concerning the guild's vision and mission
2. Invitation to prospective members to join
3. Induction of Argus Sesterius and Wajeeb al-Sattar
4. Closed door session of full membership
5. Benediction of Izdu
6. Candidacy of Bernadette Valentini for Treasurer. Ayes: 4. Nays: 0
7. Brief Recess
8. Candidacy of Sadira Uutramut-dai for Deputy. Ayes: 4. Nays: 0
9. Candidacy of Gers Geiger for for Guildmaster. Ayes 4. Nays: 0
10. Meeting adjourned. Ayes: 4, Nays: 0.


 A carefully laid out set of tables written on a piece of slate next to the bulletin board in the tower.

Membership Dues

| Name                               || Initial | |  Week 1 //(4/13)  | |  Week 2 //(4/20)  | |  Week 3 //(4/27)  | |  Week 4 //(5/4)  | |  Week 5 //(5/11)  | |  Week 6 //(5/18)  | |  Week 8 //(6/01)  | |  Week 10 //(6/15)  | |  Week 12 //(6/29)  |
Gers Geiger1000 250 2502502502502502002000
Peter Bloomfield1000 250 2502502502500000
Sadira Uutramut-dai1000 250250250000000
Bernadette Valentini1000 25025025025025020020000
Wajeeb al-Sattar1000 175250250250250250200200150
Argus Sesterius1000 175250250250250----
Tormond Redmane1000 -250250000200200100
Azkazzi Svadilfari1000 -250250000---
Samantha Cunningham1000-------00


| Initial | |  Week 1 //(4/13)  | |  Week 2 //(4/20)  | |  Week 3 //(4/27)  | |  Week 4 //(5/4)  | |  Week 5 //(5/9)  | |  Week 6 //(5/16)  | |  Week 7 //(5/23)  | |  Week 8 //(5/30)  | |  Week 9 //(6/6)  |

Other Expenditures

| Date || Description || Amount || Member |
4/15Argus to negotiate market matters in Mermaid's Tale500AS
4/28Reimbursement for payment to torchbearers250BV

Training Materials Fund - 2000

| Date || Description || Amount || Member |
| 5/27|| Kelpie, foxberry, additives|| 450 || SG, GG |



Updated: 06 of Tabbah


A sitting of the Guild is called on the 15th Tammuz, inside the Guild Tower.  (//Saturday April 15 th, 1830 EST)

-If there are interested prospective members, they are invited to hear opening remarks
-Closed door session for members only to follow
-Agenda items can be proposed and included on the draft prior to meeting or presented by members at the beginning of the meeting.


Minutes of the Second Meeting of the Guild of Alchemists

1. Remarks from honored guest Candidate Sol Auk on the importance of the Guild's Work and governance of the City State
2. Benediction by honored guest Mari Blacke
3. Induction of member Azkazzi  Svadilfari
4. Open door session concluded, Guild moves to closed door session.
5. Treasury Report
6. Price Sheet proposal
The guild resolves to produce two separate but related records related to the products manufactured by its membership. First, a document listing the products its membership is capable of producing, detailing and distinguishing those products which require rare or scarce reagent or schema to manufacture from those with common and accessible reagents. For each of these a market price shall be established first by the producing member, and in case of dispute of pricing, authority to set a guild price is given to any of the Guild's officers. Prices for a given product shall not be lowered in normal market matters by the membership and shall serve as the standard rates for contracts.

Second, the guild shall curate a catalog, organized by category for general distribution to the public. It shall not include internal pricing matters or trade secrets.

NAYS: 0[/hide]
7. Ownership of the Guild Tower Proposal
The guild resolves to purchase the Guild Tower from Guildmaster Gers Geiger at a sum of 6950 and to pay the taxes levied by the state. Guildmaster holds the title in trust and shall ensure the balance of property is accurate, and deposit as appropriate with guild funds to this account for the collection of taxes. Funds of the guild not committed to the property guild shall be held in the coin changer's account held in trust by the Treasurer and the balance made timely and accurate in her reports. Guild funds exceeding the total limit may be held by the officer's or a designated member, until they can be spent or depoisted.

8. Election Proposal
The guild resolves for its voiced members to vote for Gold League candidate Sol Auk.


A discussion was held on future election procedure. Consensus was that the election procedure in the future should be two parts, first a proposal to be held in advance of polling on what rule the membership shall follow- whether to vote in bloc, by supermajortiy, or the possible use of the censure of members in voting for certain candidates. Once the rule is accepted, a second proposal for the candidate shall be held, near the end of the campaign season.
9. Advert Proposal
The guild resolves to appoint Argus Sesterius to negotiate market matters to appear in the Mermaid's tale and authorizes the expenditure of up to 500 from the Treasury. Purpose is to communicate both bounties the guild wishes to raise on reagents.

10. Discussion of the Janissary involvement in enforcement and possible overreach involving certain alchemical reagents
11. Kha'esh Alchemical delivery
Argus Sesterius reports to the Guild of an effort to secure regular deliveries in bulk of alchemical reagents and other useful materials to Ephia's Well. He indicates the ambassador to Kha'esh is the focal point of the effort and that a concerted and well aimed effort to persuade and appease the ambassador is needed. Argus agrees to be the Guild lead on the matter; members are requested to give their unencumbered cooperation and art to the effort.
12. Meeting Adjourned




Shimmering Tear250
Flawless Alchemical Crystal100
Amethystine Essence50
Strange Object50
Alchmical Metals50
Bodak Tooth50
Dangerous Alchemical Impurities30
Rakshasa's Eye50
Smouldering Ash50
Troll Warts50
Fairy Dust30
Slaad's Tongue30
Positive Energy Crystal50
Negative Energy Crystal40
Gargoyle Skull40
Common Minerals25
Spring Water25
Fire Lichen Growths25
Fire Beetle's Belly25
Evoker's Clubmoss Spores25
Otherwise not specified30


Uncommon Object50
Hazardous Materials50
Otherwise not specified50


Favor Flower20
Bonga Fern20


A sitting of the Guild is called on the 22nd Tammuz, inside the Guild Tower.  (//Saturday April 22 th, 1630 EST tentative)

-Agenda items can be proposed and included on the draft prior to meeting or presented by members at the beginning of the meeting.

Draft of Proposed Agenda
1. Guildmaster Remarks
2. Deputy Remarks
3. Treasury Report
4. External Affairs
5.  WA on Elemental Alchemy Notice
6. Special Project K
7. Special Project N
8. Appointment to BR Contract
9. Member's Privilege


Guild of Alchemists Market Catalog












| Product Name || Description || Price || Producers || Scarcity Code |
Green Gas Grenade Denoates into a cloud of green toxic gas, casuing nauseau and sneezing fits20 GG, BV1
Exploding Gas Grenade Extremely volatile substance that when exposed to air produces a concusive force30 GG1
Hallucengic Incense Fast expanding colorful incense that causes mind altering effects30 GG, WA, BV1
Blue DeathProduces heavy blue gas that causes significant drousyness and weakening of will180 GG1
Crackling IncenseGas produces blinding and stinging to the eyes30 GG1
ImmolixirIncendiary dust capable of burning large area ten times200GG2
Vanishing IncenseProduces cloud that hides user and those nearby for a brief time30 GG, WA, BV1
Carnivorous VinesFast acting toxin that paralyzes animals50GG, BV, WA1
Icy Frost RodRod capable of near endless shooting rays of frost25WA1
Metal Spikesbag of shrapnel to cover the floor and create minor obstacle15WA1
Energized Wire Clusterightly wound with wire and magnets, explodes into arcing sphere when broken125WA2
Thunderstone2 fragile shells that release deafening clap when shattered50WA1
Flashpowder2 bags that rapidly expand into blinding light when thrown50WA1
Incendiary DeviceMinor explosive device15WA1
Wall of KnivesDevastating thrown obstacle of protruding spikes75WA2
Acid BombPotent cannister of caustic liquid, capable of melting armor and flesh75WA2
Steam CompressorSmall moving engine capable of rotational movement. When overcharged, produces toxic cloud150WA2
FlamethrowerShoulder worn pack capable of burning large groups. Fuel provided for two dozen discharges175WA3
Paralyzing BladeBlade carrying a single large charge capable of immobilizing a foe150WA3
Light Focusing LensHand held lens capable of gathering light into a single searing bolt400WA3
Compressed Positive EnergyCrystal shaped into wand of powerful searing evocation. Holding about 5 uses.275WA3
Lash of SaumarNovelty whip for use in animal taming or for adults.150WA1
Thunderous TrumpetWhen blown produces burst of sound capable of stunning foes in a given direction95WA2
Spiteful WandFearsome bone wand that curses your foes225GG2
Red Reaper RodPotent rod capable of three soul punishing curses275GG,WA2
Blind EyeWicked eye that is capable of blinding five foes225GG,WA2
Hellion's FacadeA fabricated yet delicate mask made to effect a cruel and intimdating appearance. Capable of powerful ennervation magic. 300GG,WA2
CindermistPotent trapped steam and fire useful for scalding foes175WA2
Shadowy RodObsidian tipped wand capable of potent rays of negative energy125WA1
Stinking Smoke VesselTank with nozzle worn on back capable of fumigating large areas.225WA3
Oil BarrelLarge cannister of oil. Useful for creating oil obstacle100WA2
Earthquake MachineDevice when placed on ground delivers large vibration capable of knocking foes to the ground. Springs good for three deployments150WA2
Candle of Fiery FlameFast burning candle capable of cone of flame when lit85WA2
Basalt CurioFive fragment basalt pieces the produce minor burning effects55WA2
Trapped FireballFireball trapped one breathe before exploding. Can be released with a word175WA2
Cleansing SteamReleases jet of steam that dispels lesser magics175WA2
Magic DisrupterThrown shell that releasing abjuring powder which consumes magic it contacts75WA2
Flintlock pistolA handheld cannon capable of reliable shooting of bullets800WA2
Repeating BallistaCrew served weapon capable of rapidly firing bolts350WA,AS2
CatapultCrew served weapon capable of launching large rocks and other payloads350WA,AS2
Minor Cold Frost Traps3 victim operated frost traps150WA2
Minor Sound Traps3 victim operated sonic traps150WA2
Average Acid Trap1 victim operated acid trap150WA2
Enormous Purple CrystalLiving crystal capable of incredible critical life saving and restorative cures500WA1




| Product Name || Description || Price || Producers || Scarcity Code |
SymbioteFungus that when spread over armor hardens into a flexible but useful reinforcement 50 GG, BV, WA1
Gellemede's StoneStone imbued with inky essence of shadow, capable of extinguishing, absorbing light125GG, WA1
Tranquil PaintLight aromatic oil capable of calming the mind50GG1
Earth Tone PaintThick paint of naturally occurring colors to assist in hunting and stalking50GG,BV1
Wildcat TotemCougar skull granting feline grace75WA1
Undersea Fish TotemPerserved Fish that when squeezed can fill a man's lung with fresh air. Popular among pearl divers400WA3
Bear TotemA heavy bear skull that can significantly enchant a hunter's companion animal150WA1
Snake TotemCobra skull capable of 5 potent poisoning rituals150WA1
Jar of BloodImbibing this frothing blood will enrage the drinker. Good for 5 used.50GG, WA1
Potion of LevitationImbiber is capable of controlled flight for a few seconds95WA2
Fire Protection PotionProtects the imbiber from flames for a minute165WA2
Chalice of BigotryFearsome chalice that when imbided causes a painful aura to surrond the drinker. 5 uses.200WA2
Gloomrock5 inky stones capable of absorbing light95WA1
Writ of ProcendendoWrit attuned to the higher plane of order capable of potent hastening magic far beyond the usual bottled type.350WA3
Alchemical Ioun Stone of StrengthImitation of the true ioun stone, still capable of lasting strenght magic beyond the usual transmutations300WA3
Bottled MudmanA mudman in a bottle. Good for children150WA3
Steam Mephit in a BottleLoyal steam mephit will follow the user for entire day175WA2
Gem of AirConjures a faithful elemental of air95WA2
Fire GemConjurers faithful fire elemental85WA2
Greater Elemental GemAdvanced conjuring focus capable of summoning faithful elemental servants to be selected by the user185GG,WA

Armor and Accessories

| Product Name || Description || Price || Producers || Scarcity Code |
Creeper ChokerAspected collar with significant and permanent ward against acids.150GG, WA1
Ice Plate ArmorEntire full suit of armor fashioned from dissipating ice, protects against cold. Capable of numbing freezing cold to foes. Melts in 30 minutes in contact with skin300WA2
Ice MantleAspected cloak coated with potent and permanent alchemical treatment protecting against frost.300WA2
SmokeringsSmall bands imbued with smoke that assist in many tasks for nimble hands225WA1
Snokeflake AmuletAspected chain with a trapped alchemical snowflake, warding against frost125WA1


Vanishing SmokeThrown smoke screen for making escapes75WA2
Featherweight BedrollSomething to lighten the load of any pack200AS,WA2
Featherweight CauldronEssential for any brewer250AS, WA2
Springing BootsLarge springs capable of leaping a single great bound15BV, WA1
Combat Grapple GunLightweight utility gun, capable of firing grapnel and other bolts175WA2
Cartographer's ToolsSet of compasses, templates and tools for marking and making maps75WA2


| Product Name || Description || Price || Producers || Scarcity Code |
Catapult Ammo, ShrapenlExploding ordnance fragmenting for the catapultnegotiatedWA2
Gigglespore15 spores releasing a poision that causes laughing fits90WA1
Frostweed spore75 spores that cause temperature to drop to freezing levels briefly90WA1
Weavemunch5 spores that are derived from magic eater essence75WA1
Infested Spores3 bunches of dormant maggots that burrow on impact75WA1
Booming BoltA single bolt capable of knocking many foes over on impact100WA2
Bundle of Spark Arrows50 charged arrows delivering a shock to foes on impact75WA2
Bundle of Spark bolts50 charged bolts delivering a shock to foes on impact75WA2
Stink bomb bullets3 small casings exploding into green gas. Sling launched65WA2
Storm Lightning Bolts3 bolts that can produce a racing arc on impact95WA2
Unstable clumpsSling launched clumps capable of minor flashes that produce burns. Bundle of 5085WA2


| Product Name || Description || Price || Producers || Scarcity Code |
Soothing PerfumePleasant perfume that calms and soothes any who smell it30 GG, WA, BV1
False Speed PotionPranksters speed potion50GG1
Synthetic Wyvern BloodA vial of synthetic wyvern blood25GG,BV1
Synthetic Dragon's BloodA vial of synthetic dragon blood200GG1
Tiny Power CoreStores enough electrical energy for three small shocks20BV, WA1
Blood clotSynthetic tissue capable of self-clotting25BV,WA,GG1
Everlasting Ice CubeIce cubes that will never melt, small enough to be used in beverages250WA2
Synthetic GarnetDazzling garnet almost indistinguishable from naturally forming150WA3
Morally Lacking MuffinTray of half dozen muffins lacking moral character125GG2
Sune's Ruby Hair GelA fine styling gel to be worn in the hair. Aphrodisiac.125WA1
Pure Bright ElixirFabled alchemist's elixir thought to be a precousor to life giving products250WA3
Almost Endless PipeSynthetic pipeweed pipe100WA2
Actual Endless PipeSynthetic pipeweed pipe, everlasting200GG2
Rod of WonderMagical Rod that produces 7 unpredictable effects. Great fun for parties200GG3



Antiseptic OintmentPotent prophylactic ointment against disease and poision. Five doses80WA1
Denharil's OilOil for sealing wounds, 3 doses per bottle30WA1
Infant FormulaNourishing synthetic breast milk60WA1
Massive Fey Blood CrystalDistilled pixie and grig blood, crystalized. Capable of minor healing25BV,WA,GG1
Fanatic's War PaintOily substance with a magical scent that inhibits the feeling of fear30BV1
Curative PlantPotted plant whose resin has curative effects. Regenerates everyday75GG, BV, WA1
Grenneth's PoulticePortable bag of minor healing items50WA1


Minutes of the Third Meeting of the Alchemist Guild

1. Honored guest Nadiri Cosine addresses the Guild on a proposal concerning the assembly and license matters, and answers from the membership questions and responds to possible amendments
2. Closed door session begins
3. Proposal by the Astronomers
Should Gers Geiger on behalf of the Guild propose to the Assembly that the Astronomers be given the duty to issue and revoke licenses for alchemy, engineering, archealogy, etc in exchange for efficient endorsement and recertification of the memberships licenses, and the duty to train, define standards, and recommend future license applicants to the astronomers.

A fulsome deliberation ensued, several amendments were considered. The matter unamended was called to a vote so as to have an answer for Cosine prior to the assembly and was not passed by the Guild.

AYES: 0 
4. Alchemist Argus Sesterius informs the Guild of Banda Rossa's intent to procure a cannon. Alchemists Bloomfield and Wajeeb to research its feasibility.
5. A discussion follows concerning two projects for Kha'esh Ambassador. Budgets and proposals to be considered at next sitting.
6. Meeting adjourned


Meeting Minutes of the Fourth Meeting of the Alchemist Guild

1. Empowering Guild Officers to effect boycott and candidate endorsement
Whereas a balladeer has taken to some declaiming and banning Guildmaster Gers from the Krak des Roses, the guild should empower its officers, upon consent of each, to effect a boycott, wherein all members refrain from selling or conducting business inside the premises, should a reproachment, to include endorsement of some hitherto unidentified Rose candidate ultimately fail.
NAYS: 0[/hide]
2. Alchemist Bloomfield notifies the Engineers of the Guild and enlists their aid in fulfilling an order of five (5) each of combat grapple guns and lightened bedrolls to be delivered to the IVth legion. Point of contact is Janissary Kesendera.
3. Treasurer Bernadette shares a report concerning the sighting of an alternative herbalist lab outside the city, however details as to enter the lab remain unknown. Furthermore she requests reimbursement from the Guild Treasury a sum of 250 for an award to the Torchbearers for the report
[hide]AYES: 7
NAYS: 0[/hide]
4. Funding a training materials account of 1000 dinar
[hide]The Guild recognizes new members or those inexperienced in a certain craft benefit from the tutelage of its experienced memebers and initial investment of many reagents to gain proficiency. A guild member tutoring another can seek reimbursement at cost of reagents expended in the effort of training another. Claims are to be submitted to the treasurer for recording and disbursementn of funds. A balance of the fund and transactions to be posted for all members review.
5. A discussion concerning special Project Kha'esh
[hide]Treasurer to assemble a list of novelties and luxury items to be manufactured and delivered to the ambassador.
6. Meeting Adjourned
[hide]AYES: 6
NAYS: 0[/hide]


Meeting Minutes of the Fifth Meeting of the Alchemist Guild

1. Karim of the Crows addresses the seating on matters of use of lab facilities in the Dry Gutter.

2. Written Voting Procedure.
[hide]A member may propose a voting matter to be decided out of a seating of the Guild by posting on the Guild's bulletin board a clearly worded proposal and specifying a reasonable suspense date for the collection of votes with an announcement. Other members may then exercise their vote on the matter by posting a signed vote to the proposal. The entirety of the rolls shall be considered when determining majority when using this method.

Example: Alchemist Bloomfield posts on the bulletin board, "Should the Guild of Alchemists spend 2000 dinar from the treasury to purchase a golem heart from the Balladeers? Votes to be counted three days hence, at noon on the 29 of Maribeh." He then makes an announcement on the bellows that a new voting matter for out of a seating is published in the Guildhall and that members are asked to submit their votes within the next three days in writing. At the given time there are nine total members on the rolls, and on the board 4 yays are counted, 2 nays and 3 members do not vote, the matter fails because a majority of at least five has not been reached.

NAYS: 0[/hide]

3. Expansion of the training fund from 1000 to 2000 dinar.
[hide]AYES: 4

4. La Banda Rossa contract matters discussed. Guildmaster Geiger assigns task and proportional profits to Alchemist Bloomfield. Some parts of the initial amount on the order have not yet been assigned, members contact Guildmaster Geiger for assignment and payment.
[hide]Bill of Goods


| Product Name || Description || Unit Price || QTY || Sub-total || Amount Assigned || Assigned to || Amount Delivered |
Immolixir    Incendiary dust capable of burning large area ten times200 510001000GG200
Wall of Knives Devastating thrown obstacle of protruding spikes75 21500--
Shadowy Rod          Obsidian tipped wand capable of potent rays of negative energy125 22500--
SymbioteFungus that when spread over armor hardens into a flexible but useful reinforcement 45 20 9000--
Steam Mephit in a BottleLoyal steam mephit will follow the user for entire day175 35250--
Vanishing Smoke   Thrown smoke screen for making escapes 75 4300300PB0
Cleansing Steam Releases jet of steam that dispels lesser magics150 23000--
Green Gas Grenade Denoates into a cloud of green toxic gas, causing nausea and sneezing fits20 20400400GG100
Hallucengic Incense    Fast expanding colorful incense that causes mind altering effects30 10300300GG150
Grandtotal:  41252000-450

5. General Election for Legate Bloc Voting with Censure
[hide]If a supermajority of the members select one candidate after no more than two rounds of voting in the next election, then the voiced membership of the guild shall vote for the candidate. If no supermajority is reached in two rounds of voting, no bloc voting is mandated. If supermajority is reached and a member votes against bloc, then the member faces censure. Censure shall be decided by vote and includes two options. One, a fine of an amount to be determined, but not exceeding 500 dinar, to be paid to the Guild treasury. Two, removal from the Guild.

NAYS: 0[/hide]

6. Meeting Adjourned
[hide]AYES: 5
NAYS: 0[/hide]


 A carefully laid out set of tables written on a piece of slate next to the bulletin board in the tower.

Membership Dues
| Name                               || Initial | |  Week 1 //(4/13)  | |  Week 2 //(4/20)  | |  Week 3 //(4/27)  | |  Week 4 //(5/4)  | |  Week 5 //(5/11)  | |  Week 6 //(5/18)  | |  Week 8 //(6/01)  | |  Week 10 //(6/15)  | |  Week 12 //(6/29)  | |  Week 14 //(7/13)  | |  Week 15 //(7/20)  | |  Week 16 //(7/29)  |
Gers Geiger1000 250 2502502502502502002002002002500
Peter Bloomfield1000 250 250250250250-------
Sadira Uutramut-dai1000 2502502500000-----
Bernadette Valentini1000 2502502502502502002000----
Wajeeb al-Sattar1000 1752502502502502502002002002002500
Argus Sesterius1000 175250250250250-------
Tormond Redmane1000 -250250000200200100---
Azkazzi Svadilfari1000 -250250000------
Samantha Cunningham1000-------2002002002500
Zhuri Immabadan1000---------200250250

Other Income
| Date || Description || Amount || Member |
6/13Agaslakku Tournament Winnings5000WA
7/4Payment from Business Associate3000GG

| Initial | |  Week 1 //(4/13)  | |  Week 2 //(4/20)  | |  Week 3 //(4/27)  | |  Week 4 //(5/4)  | |  Week 5 //(5/9)  | |  Week 6 //(5/16)  | |  Week 7 //(5/23)  | |  Week 8 //(5/30)  | |  Week 9 //(6/6)  | |  Week 10 //(6/13)  | |  Week 11 //(6/20)  |

Rent (Continued)
|  Week 12 //(6/27)  | |  Week 13 //(7/4)  | |  Week 14 //(7/11)  | |  Week 14 //(7/18)  |

Other Expenditures
| Date || Description || Amount || Member |
4/15Argus to negotiate market matters in Mermaid's Tale500AS
4/28Reimbursement for payment to torchbearers250BV
6/12Reimbursement for payment to La Banda Rossa3000GG
7/3Voicing of Samantha2000GG
7/4Voicing of Yomar2000GG
7/5Furniture Reimbursement1000GG

Training Materials Fund - 2000
| Date || Description || Amount || Member |
| 5/27|| Kelpie, foxberry, additives|| 450 || SG, GG |
| 6/21|| duskwood, foxberry|| 1200 || Sparrow |
| 7/6|| licensing fees|| 350 || Zhuri |



Updated: 06 of Tabbah