Letter for Isabella Fitzgerald

Started by Gordan, April 15, 2023, 08:33:53 PM

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I hope this letter finds you in good health and safety, sadly I have to tell you and make you aware of an event which I believe you should know abaut.

This nigth a elven woman called Soliana was been founded out by a jannissary as she was in possession of necromantic artifacts, because of her resistence at the arrest she was tossed in the cells and asked to pay a ransom of 1200 Dinars

unbeknownst to me this woman is very close to Shamsa, soo close that she call her a sister, despise my attempts to persuade the legionary to lower her price Your chosed decided to pay for her sister's release the amaout the Jannisary required.

After such event this elven woman do not showed any humility or sorrow for her actions even claiming the Jannisary was a thug despise she carryng inside teh citadel a skull with necromantic runes on it, i saw it with my own eyes was a foul thing indeed, i fear this figure may be of bad influence for Shamsa, not the less she ordered me to protect her and treat her as if she was a client.

The fact she call her sister and me brother at the same time is strange.

As i wrote you this Shamsa is havng a private meeting with Tormod, one they asked me to not be a part of as it was a "Delicate matter".

I do not know what deals they are planning i just hope you are aware of them,
is not my duty or work to argue with my superiors, only follow orders and honor my deeds.

Putting aside the serius things i hope Ellan is feeling better, i wish you all the luck and blessings the gods can offer and know despise all i have done in the last days that may have offended you i still love you like a son love a mother.

With Respect


Empress of Neon

QuoteDear Karl,

I'm glad you shared this with me. Thank you for informing me and for the apology. I know how stressful it can be, public spectacles. Just remember your fellow Oathseekers never sought to shame or hurt you. Nor should you feel either, as I'm fairly certain the Jarl was sleeping in his chair.

I'll have a talk with Shamsa soon.

~ Isabella Fitzgerald