Legate Appointments

Started by Random_White_Guy, April 18, 2023, 05:53:40 AM

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    After two maddening weeks of wheel, deal, and spiel came forth no shortage of scandal.  Petitioner Aubrey's withdrawal replaced by Petitioner Lynneth of the White League, Petitioner Sergeant Colmes allegedly tricking Isabella Fitzgerald to withdraw but not himself withdrawing,  Magistrate Argus swiftly bowing out to accept political appointment from Sol Auk. And upon the selection of Candidates grew matters further as Candidate Saphidra withdrew over tandem rumors of Illness but also of Political Threat and Influence from the wealthy island nation of Banafsi, and the dramatic rise of Candidate Cyrille Monteglas.

    Ultimately though after 18 long, to some too long, did the Election come to a close.

    QuoteSultan's Herald
    Let it be known that Sol Auk of the League of Gold has won the elections for the seat of Legate! They are to report to the Chamber of Rule to be officially sworn in.

    Scribe of the Sublime Gardens
    The official tally is as follows: Sol Auk with the League of Gold with 28. Lynneth of the League of White with 23. Cyrille Monteglas with the League of Purple with 2.

    In the wake of the victory of the Gold League, speech is given by Sol Auk in the Palatial Pyramid...

    [hide=Acceptance Speech]Sol Auk: [It nods to its side before stepping forward]
    Sol Auk: Stonefolk Provisional Parable.
    Sol Auk: The groknak herder, is. The Praise-Singer, is. The Bricklayer, is. The carver, the watcher, the builder. The best one - is.
    Sol Auk: Sol Auk does not take up this labor lightly, nor the trust and expectations placed.
    Sol Auk: To the White League. Your compassion remains heard, and your efforts towards the Voiceless, the Refugee, and more will be tended by the Voiced of your League as they come to Assembly.
    Sol Auk: To Candidate Lynneth. You have won the hearts of many, so very many, for both Warad and the Balladeers.
    Sol Auk: To the Purple League. Your aspirations, to spread, to grow. Baz'eelan culture, the arts, the tending of Ephia's Well. From Palm Heights all culture grows, and Sol Auk has ever enjoyed being your neighbor. Your Voiced shall carry forth much at assembly.
    Sol Auk: To Candidate Cyrille. You came forth at a time not your choosing, nor expected, and yet managed to secure the entertainment and imagination of many. Without question the winner of the Great Debate, such entertainment wrought.
    Sol Auk: To Candidate Sephidra. May your health endure as you recover.
    Sol Auk: To the Astronomers of Q'tolip.
    Sol Auk: From the Great Tablet taking in your Master so many years past at time of trouble. So too have you taken to Sol Auk. May in some way this be considered a Labor well recognized, a degree of debt repaid.
    Sol Auk: And to you, League of Gold.
    Sol Auk: [It slowly scans along those with badges, dipping its head] Sol Auk said to you, as so many before. Up the Gold.
    Sol Auk: And so you did. True to both tenant and merits of our League. Where other Leagues lost, suffered, woed. We were not swayed, dejected, or lent to misery.
    Sol Auk: In our own woes, loses, and more for those who could not be with us here.
    Sol Auk: No. Not we. When called to Up the Gold. The call was answered.
    Sol Auk: 45,000 dinar donated to the coffers of Ephia's Well in the last three days.
    Sol Auk: Such an investment, the likes of which the Signatory Accord so often craves given freely that your Voice may be heard.
    Sol Auk: And know you too shall be heard, as Chairman Argus takes to organizing efforts forward on behalf of the League.
    Sol Auk: To the Voiced who did not vote for Sol Auk, know yet still as promised your Voice will be heard.
    Sol Auk: Just as the Alchemists Guild, so too may your organizations prosper and flourish.
    Sol Auk: Be you Competition... Or friend. Be you Voiced, or Voiceless.
    Sol Auk: Now. Now Labor begins.
    Sol Auk: Gratitude to you one and all for your efforts.
    Sol Auk: Live and Drink.
    Sol Auk: The Chief Scribe has asked to speak to Sol Auk. Celebrate well, Gold League. Organize well, White League, and Strive, Purple League.[/hide]

    While far from the incendiary rhetoric of the last few weeks, sounding far more boring of prose than campaign poetry,
    Some of the audience gawped to learn the Gold League's election strategy. 
    After learning the vote was close from "Voting Assistant Lojir" they dramatically shifted tactics.
    They simply bought Nine voiced gold in the last three days, a sum of 45,000 dinar.
    Notably such a push nearly the entirety of the gap between Candidate Sol Auk and Candidate Lynneth.
    And seemed to earn Sol Auk a seat as a Legate despite accusation and scandal.

    Immediately after came a barrage of requests, meetings, and more.
    For nearly 2 hours an entire parade of Gold League, Nadiri, Banda Rossa,
    and others are seen milling about the various floors of the Palatial Pyramid.
    The parade of meetings would bleed on for hours into the night.

    Before the first of no doubt many Legate Appointments made

    QuoteLegate Appointments:
    Major Appointment:
    • Magistrate, First Seat - Qari Alriyh - Magistrate of the Gold League holding first Seat as Legate Sol Auk's Magistrate.
    • Magistrate, Second Seat - Kragg Stonefury- Magistrate of the Gold League holding second Seat as Sol Auk's Magistrate
    • Ambassador of Ka'esh - Vacant
    • Ambassador of Banafsi - Vacant
    • Ambassador of Frostport - Vacant
    • Ambassador of Alkab - Vacant
    • Ambassador of Ynis Eilir - Vacant
    • Ambassador of High Kingdom of Kulkund - Vacant
    • Ambassador of Sovereign Krak - Vacant
    Moderate Appointment:

    • League Chairman of Gold - Argus Sesterius - Policy and Organizational Chair. He is to be sought by Voiced and Voiceless alike of the Gold League for day to day matters of potential proposal, assistance with business, or otherwise.
    • League Chancellor of Purple - Isabella de Veend - Policy and Organizational Chair. She is to be sought by Voiced and Voiceless alike of the Purple League for day to day matters of Ambassadorial nature, proposal, or otherwise.
    • Minister of the Worshipful Guild of Alchemists - Gers Geiger - He and His outfit the Janissary and La Banda with military contract, but so too private matters on behalf of Ephia's Governance
    • Minister of the Ephia Academy - Vacant- Publicly serve as institution of higher learning in the fields of Archaeology, Scholarship, and maintain the Library and Shrine of Izdu.
    Minor Appointment:

    • Liaison of the Astronomers - Apothar Mae Stern.
      [*}Clerk of Elections Official, Scribe of the Sublime Garden - Vacant - To assist in legitimacy of Election, oversee League affairs, audit, and other duties of Governance and Election.
    • Clerk of Population Census, Scribe of Sublime Garden - Petro Anders - To assist the Office of Voiced Affairs getting an accurate sense of the Voiced and Voiceless Population of Ephia's Well
    • Clerk of Reimbursed Charity, Scribe of the Sublime Garden - Aaisha al-Samar - to assist the Voiced and Voiceless alike in securing early investment and usury to find footing or new project.
    • Clerk of Janissary , Scribe of Sublime Garden - Vacant - To assist in the paperwork of complaints and likewise, see your grievances delivered to she and she will see the pertinent ones to the Janissary.
    • Clerk of Jurisprudence, Scribe of Sublime Garden - Vacant - To assist the Magistrates in matters of Legality, Position, and duties of the House of Jurisprudence.
    [11:23 PM] Howlando: Feel free LealWG
    [11:23 PM] Howlando: I'll give you a high five + fist bump tip

    [1:34 AM] BigOrcMan: RwG, a moment on the lips, forever on the hips


    After a hectic morning in which many were raised in public summon, the parade of meetings continue. One Nadiri even seen following Sol Auk around the Palatial Pyramid as they traveled from floor to floor.

    QuoteInterrim Magistrate Galayn has been selected as Second Seat of Magistrate. For two weeks time she shall sit in Hall of Jurisprudence on behalf of Purple League. Upon the conclusion of such shall Magistrate of the White League be named.
    [11:23 PM] Howlando: Feel free LealWG
    [11:23 PM] Howlando: I'll give you a high five + fist bump tip

    [1:34 AM] BigOrcMan: RwG, a moment on the lips, forever on the hips


    As the "Labor of Governance" resumes through out the day, many of various Accord Signatories and rival Political League are seen meeting with Legate Sol Auk.
    As the day draws to a close, two more though minor appointment raised.

    QuoteLegate Sol Auk
    Scribe Faustine Sangrey is named Clerk of Janissary. Those with complaints stop harassing Janissary, see them reported to she. Scribe Marcellus is named Clerk of Jurisprudence. Magistrates may seek him for aid or counsel.
    [11:23 PM] Howlando: Feel free LealWG
    [11:23 PM] Howlando: I'll give you a high five + fist bump tip

    [1:34 AM] BigOrcMan: RwG, a moment on the lips, forever on the hips


    "The Labor of Appointments" underway-

    Many are named.

    Ambassadors to foreign settlement, Ministers of new Agency, and Liason to the Astronomers.

    Speech is given by Bellows of all the public appointments, but so too is it offered forward the mandate of the new agencies, as well as the opportunities therein.

    For others of Voice may petition the Office of Legate to be raised as Ambassador.

    A chance to strike out into the Great Ash, for one's own business, and for business of the Well.

    [hide=Appointment Speech]Legate Sol Auk
    As the hourglass has emptied, the Labor of Appointment now upon us. Herein confirmed by precedent of Assembly past, individuals of merit and serviced raised as Minister and Ambassador of the Governance of Ephia's Well.

    Ambassador of Ephia's Well to the Isle of Banafsi, whos robust markets and staunch military hold requirement of one who may navigate both. Balestriere Bruno Shipburner.

    Ambassador of Ephia's Well to the far reaches of Frostport, the brimming pier fishing exports and seafaring prowess widely reknown as tended by Jarl and Lady. Voiced Isabella Fitzgerald of the Purple League.

    Ambassador of Ephia's Well to the bustling market and fabled Grand Arena of Ka'esh, with marketplace beyond compare and Gladiator who eclipse all. Voiced Zaniah Almirah, Mistress of Games.

    Open Ambassadorial postings will be available for filling in the future days including: Qadira-by-the-sea, Alkab, the High Kingdom of Kulkund, Ynis Eilir, and the Sovereign Krak de Rose. Voiced of Ephia may petition the Office of Legate for filling such prestigious postings if they feel worthy.

    Of Ministry appointment comes the creation of Agencies of Ephia's Government which will be undertaking efforts foreign and domestic. Precedent exists upon the Stele as held previously by the Waradim Organization known as the 'Road Warriors' in times past.

    The title of Minister is hereby granted to Marcellus Saenus, whose companions of 'The Competition' are hereby rebanded as The Ephia Academy. Their mandate will be made clear in the coming days by new Headmaster but their purview shall be Archaeological study, Library upkeep, and teaching.

    The title of Minister is hereby granted to Gers Geiger, whose Worshipful Guild of Alchemsits, are hereby raised as Governmental organization. Their mandate will be made clear in the coming days by their new Guildmaster, but their purview sits twofold-

    Firstly the furthering and empowering of Ephia's Accord Signatories as Janissary and La Banda rossa both have expressed interest in further equipment and wonders through formal contract. And Secondly they shall be serving in private capacity.

    Finally the position of Minister of the Office of Minor Nuisances has been filled. Due to the nature of such work however their name is omitted, as it is humble work for humble men. May these new operations lead to no shortage of prosperity.

    Live and Drink.[/hide]
    [11:23 PM] Howlando: Feel free LealWG
    [11:23 PM] Howlando: I'll give you a high five + fist bump tip

    [1:34 AM] BigOrcMan: RwG, a moment on the lips, forever on the hips


    As political matters shift and the governance of Ephia solidifies, comes announcements and newly raised Appointments.

    Of major appointments:

    Kythaela Reithal of La Banda Rossa named Second Gold Seat Magistrate.
    Interim Magistrate Isevara Galayan named Third Seat, Interim Magistrate of the Purple League as she was named by the Crown Princess previously.

    Of minor appointments:

    - Apothar Estellise Azimi is replaced by Nadiri Tallariel Galayn
    - Scribe Marcellus has retired from Clerk of Jurisprudence to serve as Headmaster and Minister of Ephia's Academy.

    Slowly nears Ephia towards a fully fleshed out Governance anew.
    [11:23 PM] Howlando: Feel free LealWG
    [11:23 PM] Howlando: I'll give you a high five + fist bump tip

    [1:34 AM] BigOrcMan: RwG, a moment on the lips, forever on the hips