Apothar Cosine, Eagle's Mount

Started by Moonlighter, April 27, 2023, 07:42:15 AM

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A sealed missive, written in a familiar well-practiced, legible cursive. The parchment is scented with rose perfume.


Through process of elimination, and the partitions of known information I can comfortably determine this: The leak is not likely to be in my boat, but in yours.

I think we both know what this means.

Be very, very careful.



Even if that's true, that hardly narrows it down for me.

What, who, and why are still up in the air; the obvious suspects are not necessarily the correct suspects.



A courier in a Cinquefoil Cloak hastily brings another sealed missive.

QuoteWe've scrapped the plan, at least for now. Too many people know about minutiaie. I think Vergal dragging his feet upon furnishing the list we wanted, and Barnabus telling you everything are distinctly related.

He has used that man as a proxy before, to try sow distrust between us. During the election, while you were helping me. He told me you were actually quite close with Vergal, and you didn't stutter when you talked to him. Said it was something you made up to get pity from me, so I would allow you closer out of my misguided sense of chivalry.

The elections law and the Patron of the Stele are both primary subjects of this next Assembly.

For now, I think the best we can do is speak with every voiced we can, and ask for their support in these matters.

The assembly is in two days time. Let us have a show of force, and of numbers, if we can manage it.


[hide=Countdown Timer]https://www.timeanddate.com/countdown/vote?iso=20230430T1930&p0=605&msg=Assembly&font=cursive[/hide]