[Apology Letter: Kythaela]

Started by Empress of Neon, June 12, 2023, 12:18:06 AM

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Empress of Neon

Quote"Dear Kythaela,

I was informed prior to my departure from Ephia's Well that it wasn't just Estellise's name or Naelin's that I blurted out when that d'jiin was present. Apparently I blurted yours and Cosine's as well.

Accident or not, I endangered your lives and worse. And in spite of Naelin being Naelin, I wouldn't wish the fate of a d'jiin's maw on anyone.

Not yours, or even hers.

Don't tell her I said that.

I don't expect forgiveness. Just know I wish you no ill will going forward on the road.

Take care.

~ Isabella de Veend

P.S I think you and Estellise would be cute together."