[To Johan Marssos]

Started by Empress of Neon, June 12, 2023, 09:21:24 AM

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Empress of Neon

Quote"Dear Johan,

I heard your bellowing in Frostport recently. I have already written to one of your superiors what I am and am not guilty of.

Make no mistake; my surrender of citizenship and exile is the correct choice. Not simply because it is just in its severity, but because there were multiple parties seeking to end my life in court.

I'm willing to risk it for many things. Unfortunately, I lost my faith in the courts of Ephia's Well a long time ago when its partial judges openly began to take bribes for verdicts and dishonor both the Assembly Laws and Procedures of those chambers. And I have no intention of yielding it to opportunistic snakes seeking to use the law as a weapon.

It would be akin to letting someone stab me in the throat. A needless death that achieved nothing.

You also erred in your attempted murder charges. The Astronomers were one of my clients and I gained absolutely nothing from their deaths. You would have known this if you had properly investigated the matter and explored intent.

Or maybe you were just operating on a bribe and I'm wasting my charcoal?

Either way, you are encouraged to resign yourself to other duties. I'm at the edge of the world bringing harm to no one in the south.

I am in the company of family, friends and gracious hosts who'm I shall be attending to going forward. Likely for the rest of my life.

You have much greater concerns to tend to than an aging woman who's already paid The Wroth his dues.

Protect life. Tend the Garden.

And may we never meet again.

~ Isabella"