Avast ye Scruvy Dogs! Naval Combat or Sea Quests

Started by Black_TopHat, June 25, 2023, 04:18:15 AM

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Entirely self serving, but I know Im not the only one whos rolled up a nautical themed PC in the past and with the wide open Sea of Pearls I think it'd be great to see some Ship Stuff.

What is Ship Stuff you ask?

Sea/Ship Based Explorables to be found on the Port of Qadira, Banafsi, Frostport and others, similar to the Pond Explorables of yore. Give a chance for the Swashbucklers and Sailing skill to shine to either unlock them or give added benefits. We could do everything from exploring old shipwrecks, to aiding Coast running smugglers against pirates, to attacks by sea monsters.

These could be expanded upon to full blown quests if theres the interest like the Old Bloodtails pt2.

I know we have an already expansive setting, one I havent seen probably half of... but who doesnt love more content?

Empress of Neon

Please yes. I'd love more sea monsters. Especially unconventional nightmares outside the usual library of krakens/sea serpents (Recommend checking out some Scylla/Charybdis artwork as just some general inspiration!).