Specialization Wizard bonus slots ONLY available for chosen school

Started by mazzz, September 05, 2023, 12:58:49 PM

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I've seen this done before, and I found it to be a really cool mechanic: to put it simply into words, the bonus slots of a specialization wizard should only be available for that specific school. This would make it so that specialization wizards feel slightly more like true specialists. When you see a fighter with a Greatsword specialization, they're going to be using a Greatsword all the time. But when you see a wizard with an Illusion specialization, it's not always the case that they use illusion spells so often.

To sum up my idea in a single sentence: if you prepare spells that don't belong to your specialization in say, your bonus third circle spell slot granted by the specialization, you should lose that slot.



if you are an Evocation Specialization wizard, and you have, including the bonus spell slot given by specializing:

Circle 1: 4 Slots
Circle 2: 3 Slots

And you prepare:
Circle 1: 4 Endure Elements
Circle 2: 3 Invisibility

You should, after resting, lose 1 slot of each spell, because the BONUS slots are not being used on Evocation school. This would result in only 3 Endure Elements and 2 Invisibility casts in total.

However, if you'd prepare, for example:

Circle 1: 3 Endure Elements, 1 Burning Hands
Circle 2: 2 Invisibility, 1 Combust

Then you don't lose any slots, and you get to use them all.



honestly a no-brainer, i was shocked when i learned that nwn doesn't do this already

Don Nadie

Would be great. Not sure how easy to code, but it would be great.