Started by putrid_plum, September 16, 2023, 01:46:21 PM

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I see your promises.  Now that you are Legate will you stan by your words?  Or fold like all others who have gained power.

You claim citizen is earned by merit and not coin.  I am a veteran of the Battle of Red Hill.  Should such deeds done in the name of others be enough to earn one a Voice here?  Or are lives worth even less than coin?

Was not the call to aid the refugees given by the Princess herself?  Perhaps I am wrong.  Maybe fighting so others might have a life and not die in the wastelands or become slaves is nothing.

We shall see.

-Fergus Greaseglop


[The letter is recieved.]
Redemption! Redemption!


Hello again, friend.

I have heard no reply by letter or to any of my whispers.  Have you forgotten about me?  Have you forgotten about us?  Will you honor your Promises?  Can you help us, the Veterans of Red Hill?

I hope you are well and I eagerly await a chance to talk to you, my Legate of the White League of which I am one of the longest serving members.

Your friend,
Fergus Greaseglop