Letter to the Astronomers of Qtolip PC/DM

Started by I love cats, October 19, 2023, 07:46:37 AM

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I love cats

Dear Astronomers of Qtolip

Many of you were present for Domhall's trial. For our records I have the following questions regarding the case of the legion vs Boops Margo.

1. What is the Astronomers opinion on the legal reasoning of Legate Domhall on his verdict?

2. Was there anything the prosecution could have done better in this case?

-Soldier Andvari Lawcleaver


Dear Andvari Lawcleaver,

I spoke to the Legate after the trial, because I disagreed with the ruling. I worry that the lack of any sort of punishment will just encourage people to recklessly plunder tombs, read aloud dangerous hex magic, and the like.

His largest point of feedback was that the way the Brooking law is written didn't cover this case and we both agreed that due to the revival of an ancient spirit, Desecration would have made the most sense. He also suggested Treason, since the actions endangered the Well, but I imagine it would be difficult to prove they were done with any intent or energy.

My recommendation would be for you, the other Janissaries, and any Voiced who you count among your supporters to work to pass new legislation or amend previously existing legislation.

The Well lacks a good law to cover accidental actions that will likely cause the deaths of numerous people. Reckless Endangerment is written in a way where it only covers one extremely specific example of such.

I also conferred with my Master and he and I both agree that if Brooking laws don't cover accidental releases of spirits, djinn, and other horrors, then they should never be considered Serious. We would not consider Murder a "serious crime" just because it happened 30 steps from the walls of the Well.

I think your prosecution was sound, but the combination of past grievances between Legate Domhnall and the Janissaries made him unwilling to give any slack here.

Working to amend the laws is the ideal step forward.

Apothar Estellise Azimi

I love cats

The events today leave me convinced that your organization is not entirely serious about the job of the fourth legion or its own reputation or the laws of Ephia's Well. The only legal authority your organization holds is the same as the Scribes over paperwork of your designated areas. At first I thought the actions of Shum as a Nadiri could be dismissed but seeing full fledged Apothars make serious blunders it seems your problem starts at the top. I will give my complaints.

1. We wished to exclude Jamileh from inspecting crates from Qa"im during this inspection he yelled out "bomb" causing panic of not only legionaires present but a Legate.

2. A group of your Apothars teleported to the exact location of Domhall to warn him of a security threat for his life as Apothar Mevura stated. He then claimed such was not the case but it was a political warning. Apothar Mevura claimed he did this to be "Dramatic and cool" I do not expect such juvenile behavior from Apothars of a mage guild. 

3. Apothar Stern boldly claimed Qari to be a Qa"immi asset. She also claimed Qari spying on a Legate was equal to treason but was not willing to prosecute such a case herself.

4. Apothar Azimi took it upon herself to barge in and begin arguing with a criminal suspect over asinine nonsense is she an Apothar or a school girl? What did happen is the rather moronic act of leaving with evidence.

5. Xon simply for existing and wearing your colors.


These antics do much to discredit your organization and they do not go unnoticed by myself or my brothers in arms or everyone in the Well. I have little patience for nonsense. Especially if such nonsense results in a former Legate treated like a criminal. There is a very really threat of Qa"immi agents in the city and the last thing the legion needs is baseless accusations lacking in evidence. Qari to makes many a false claim but that is something we can expect from him.

What reason do I have to not start cooperating with Qari, the Sandstone college or other individuals with magical talents in the Well in future investigations?

-Soldier Lawcleaver


Dear Andvari Lawcleaver,

I will speak to my Apprentices about their misconduct, but I did not steal evidence.

Mae made a copy and returned the original notes to Qari, then I left with her copy because I had to attend to other matters.

The so-called evidence (original copy) remained on Qari's person, free to be claimed by any Janissary that wished to use it as Evidence.

If you failed to do so, the Astronomers can hardly be blamed. Seek him out if the notes truly ARE evidence and you aren't just clamoring for attention on the bellows.

Or recant this nonsense and I will make you a copy.

Apothar Estellise Azimi


Dear Andvari Lawcleaver,

I was sore about the bellows, so I wrote words in anger.

I apologize for that.

Seek me out for the copy of Qari's notes.

Having read it over, it is nothing more than the mad ramblings of a paranoid conspiracy theorist.

Apothar Estellise Azimi

I love cats

I obtained Qari's notes from Qari after it became apparent you left with evidence more importantly none of these documents were proof of Qari being a Qa"immi agent which was the sole purpose of the investigation.  If the contents of the notes were just the mad ramblings of a conspiracy theorist you would not be quoting its contents over the Bellows with regards to Eamon. You may keep your copy as far as the legion is concerned the notes are now public information since they fell into your possession. Besides we know you have a copy of the copy. Your letters and actions have only solidified my points. 

-Soldier Andvari Lawcleaver


Dear Andvari Lawcleaver,

Do not be a fool. I've been speaking to people for days about how Qari directed Eamon to make that bellows.

I never needed his notes to confirm something that I observed days ago.

Even here, you confirm that his notes contained nothing relevant to your investigation, so I was not taking evidence at all.

Additionally, I didn't accuse him of being an Agent of Qa'im. That was Mae. I think Qari is guilty of being an idiot and accidentally caused Qa'im to breach the Third's fortress, giving them access to our region of the ash desert. I can't imagine someone as foolish or as big a failure as Qari would be entrusted with spy work.

I even told you to speak with Domhnall and my Master instead of me, because I wished for you to clear things up promptly, but you ignored me and continued to entertain Mae's accusations.

Apothar Estellise Azimi