A letter to "Paula" of Il Modo [Howland]

Started by VanillaPudding, October 22, 2023, 05:43:56 AM

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Madam Paula,

I shall keep my missive short and clearly express my lack of authority in the affairs to come, yet even more so my ambitions to see our relative factions prosper from proper agreements between friends. I am Samira Al-Darwish, a Balladeer of the Least Hearth in service to the Grand Master of the Cinquefoil Rose, she who commands the Krak Des Roses with proclaimed Sovereignty and whom guides us towards a future flourishing with prosperity. I write to you in order to express an interest in establishing agreements beyond what is currently in place, those things often shared between friends and in greater capacity than wines.

Ephia's Well may have sent an ape to negotiate in place of an emissary, but I seek to rectify that foolishness swiftly, properly, and boldly. It is within our mutual interest to seek out a path in which we might both prosper, and I believe that I can take the lead in these negotiations where others have failed.

Your beloved city has fallen under numerous threats, a shared feeling, and I propose a resolution to each of these with my following offer. I would hope to receive your counter offerings so that I might present them to the Grandmaster for review.

- The Cinquefoil Rose shall be granted a vessel nearing decommission from the Armada of Il Modo, yet one capable of defending itself and carrying an amount of cargo worthwhile to both parties.

- The Cinquefoil Rose shall henceforth be charged with the delivery of  wines and other cargos to and from Il Modo, and defending a dock upon the Sea of Pearls near the northern caravan campsite. Passengers shall pay a fee determined by the Cinquefoil Rose in order to traverse between the dunes and the majestic city of Il Modo. Merchants shall be charged a 10% fee for the estimated value of all wares to and from each location, with a 7% value going to the coffers of the Cinquefoil Rose, and 3% returning to Il Modo.

- The Cinquefoil Rose shall harbor an open policy of protection and religion for Il Modo and her residents, her faiths of the Dome, and her tradesmen.

- A stall designed to the craft and wares of Il Modo shall be built within the Krak Des Roses for traveling merchants to utilize in order to trade their wares

- One tenth of the Waters of Ephia bestowed upon the Krak Des Roses shall henceforth be delivered to Il Modo

- In return, Il Modo shall deliver to the Krak Des Roses ten percent of her catch of the Sea thrice weekly. This includes but is not limited to Eel, Sardine, Fish varieties, crabs, mussels, and Oysters. The profits of these delicacies shall be dedicated to the coffers of the Rose.

- Lastly, the Cinquefoil Rose and sovereign power of Il modo upon the Pearls, shall dedicate resources able towards the defense against the Qa'immi threat and their iron vessels that traverse the waters.

-Samira Al-Darwish
Blade of the Sands
Shield of the Last Hearth
Blooded of the first dervish
Champion of Ephia's tournament

Madam Paula,

I shall keep my missive short and clearly express my lack of authority in the affairs to come, yet even more so my ambitions to see our relative factions prosper from proper agreements between friends. I am Samira Al-Darwish, a Balladeer of the Least Hearth in service to the Grand Master of the Cinquefoil Rose, she who commands the Krak Des Roses with proclaimed Sovereignty and whom guides us towards a future flourishing with prosperity. I write to you in order to express an interest in establishing agreements beyond what is currently in place, those things often shared between friends and in greater capacity than wines.

Ephia's Well may have sent an ape to negotiate in place of an emissary, but I seek to rectify that foolishness swiftly, properly, and boldly. It is within our mutual interest to seek out a path in which we might both prosper, and I believe that I can take the lead in these negotiations where others have failed.

Your beloved city has fallen under numerous threats, a shared feeling, and I propose a resolution to each of these with my following offer. I would hope to receive your counter offerings so that I might present them to the Grandmaster for review.

- The Cinquefoil Rose shall be granted a vessel nearing decommission from the Armada of Il Modo, yet one capable of defending itself and carrying an amount of cargo worthwhile to both parties.

- The Cinquefoil Rose shall henceforth be charged with the delivery of  wines and other cargos to and from Il Modo, and defending a dock upon the Sea of Pearls near the northern caravan campsite. Passengers shall pay a fee determined by the Cinquefoil Rose in order to traverse between the dunes and the majestic city of Il Modo. Merchants shall be charged a 10% fee for the estimated value of all wares to and from each location, with a 7% value going to the coffers of the Cinquefoil Rose, and 3% returning to Il Modo.

- The Cinquefoil Rose shall harbor an open policy of protection and religion for Il Modo and her residents, her faiths of the Dome, and her tradesmen.

- A stall designed to the craft and wares of Il Modo shall be built within the Krak Des Roses for traveling merchants to utilize in order to trade their wares

- One tenth of the Waters of Ephia bestowed upon the Krak Des Roses shall henceforth be delivered to Il Modo

- In return, Il Modo shall deliver to the Krak Des Roses ten percent of her catch of the Sea thrice weekly. This includes but is not limited to Eel, Sardine, Fish varieties, crabs, mussels, and Oysters. The profits of these delicacies shall be dedicated to the coffers of the Rose.

- Lastly, the Cinquefoil Rose and sovereign power of Il modo upon the Pearls, shall dedicate resources able towards the defense against the Qa'immi threat and their iron vessels that traverse the waters.

-Samira Al-Darwish
Blade of the Sands
Shield of the Last Hearth
Blooded of the first dervish
Champion of Ephia's tournament


Samira Al-Darwish
Blade of the Sands
Shield of the Last Hearth
Blooded of the first dervish
Champion of Ephia's tournament,

Cordial greetings to you! I must admit the diplomatic practices of the residents of Ephia's Well never ceases to surprise me. I myself was not exactly born to privilege, so I do appreciate the merits of simply.... grasping for authority? Which is to say, I admire the ambition.

Nevertheless I must caution you that my Grand Duke's Council is traditional, and prefers to treat only with designated Emissaries. We are also well aware of your erstwhile allies, the Banda Rossa? Their reputation is a checkered one, as I'm sure you are aware.

I will offer a few brief words on your points, I suppose, as a gesture of my own friendliness.

I can not imagine giving you a ship for free, where would you even dock it?

If you wish to go into the trading and caravanning business I will not stop you. There is some possibility of securing an exclusive license for our imports, but would require much discussion.

We naturally already expect that the Cinquefoil Rose will protect our people and their faith when they visit.

I have no comment about whether or not you wish to open a stall in your krak.

We welcome gifts of your Waters, but their importance to us should not be overestimated.

I do not think you would want ten percent of our catch, you would drown in fish.

Finally... questions regarding alliance, and so forth... naturally there are possibilities there, but we prefer to arrive at a complete clarification of relations with your designated Emissaries and Legates.

I do appreciate your wisdom in recognizing the might and power of Il Modo.




Madam Paula,

I will grow old and wealthy atop a throne made from the blades of a thousand princes, I will dance among the sages of your Dome and tread across the stars at my leisure, I will turn the Wheel so all whom seek might find, I shall bestow cup and spear alike so shade is brought by cloud and the day is not feared, I shall break the will of machines and make them serve our purpose, and I shall have done it all with regret that another who proclaims to wield the weapon of ambition had lied to me.

You seek what my Grandmaster has already earned, a grasp upon sovereign power beneath the stranglehold of these sands. I advise that you clutch upon what threads of fate that are revealed and do not seek to reach beyond for more 'less you lose the grasping hand.

Two hands upon the same thread might better climb towards fate and destiny, and so I beg of you now that your attention has been grasped, to take a leap of faith and speak true your desires upon Her, my Sisters, and the most ambitious of this Last Hearth so that we might find mutual prosperity.

- Samira Al-Dwarish

Madam Paula,

I will grow old and wealthy atop a throne made from the blades of a thousand princes, I will dance among the sages of your Dome and tread across the stars at my leisure, I will turn the Wheel so all whom seek might find without fear, I shall bestow cup and spear alike so that shade is brought by cloud and the day is not feared, I shall break the will of machines and make them serve our purpose, and I shall have done it all with regret that another who proclaims to wield the weapon of ambition had lied to me.

You seek what my Grandmaster has already earned in some part, a grasp upon sovereign power beneath the stranglehold of these sands. I advise that you clutch upon what threads of fate are revealed and do not seek to reach beyond for more 'less you lose the grasping hand.

Two hands upon the same thread might better climb towards fate and destiny, and so I beg of you now that your attention has been grasped, to take a leap of faith and speak true your desires upon Her, my Sisters, and the most ambitious of this Last Hearth so that we might find mutual prosperity.

- Samira Al-Dwarish