Sofia's Re-Baptism

Started by Random_White_Guy, January 24, 2024, 03:30:12 AM

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Hammered into the sands on the Ephian side of the Krak de Rose, a small notice is raised. It is double sided - One readable from the Krak de Rose, One readable from the Ephian Plaza.

On this day, Nisah 24th, is The Cult of the Dome given the last of the Mother's Mercy. The Accord has convened and in such its Officers have declared the following: The Sage-Priest Sofia d'Andrea is hereby Guilty of breaking Ephian Law. She has, in her blasphemy, declared as reported in first hand confession to a Priest of the Wheel:

"The priestess, Sofia, chiefly is the culprit for speaking of these things. Her words are honeyed, but that honey is venom and deceit. She raises her 'sage' as a being more compassionate than our mother, greater in fullness of her mercy. What little respect, the Modini must have, that She suffers for the wealth of us all, and they spurn her."

So testified by Balladeer Alain Chauderon, of the Twindari
And these sentiments of her admonishment are lent concurrent opinion by
Apothar Cosine Mevura, of Izdu, of Sergeant Arnock Reyer, Sultan's Justice

In rare convergence of the Accord of Ephia's Well, tenders and renders of Security, of Protection, The Sister-Priest Sofia has committed the following transgressions

Quote- For a time enlistment within the Purple League of Ephia's Well, securing a Voice, seeking assimilation in the highest meetings with Candidate, yet vehemently undermining Faiths of the Wheel. And so too recently departed.

- Proliferation of Heretical Script among the Learned community by the named "Sacred Texts of Sage
Santina's Faith"

- Prostelytizing in open streets of Ephia's Well the Blasphemous Practices of the Dome.

-Willfully engaging in de-consecration of Ephia's Well by erecting a False Idol to the Dome.

- Knowingly and Purposefully tarnishing the Name of Princess Hasheema, Beloved Daughter of the Sultan, in propagation of her faith within Hasheema's Hope, her Namesak.

- Offering false-truth and blasephemous screed that her sage is "More Compassionate than our Mother, greater in fullness and mercy".

Attempts to stymie her by the Balladeer has proven fruitless as she rebukes him, continues to proliferate her works not only in the Krak de Rose but beyond, and sullies good name of Our Mother, the Creator, bringing ill portent upon all.

For it is not happenstance that Il Modo's waters recede, and if she allowed to continue so shall they here. It was mercy that she has been allowed her practice so, in hopes she would come to learn the error of her ways or to at very least respectfully retain it among the Krak de Rose.

She has not. So in this she is offered the Mother's Last Mercy: The Warning.

There has been meeting, there has been decision, and now she is given time. One week's time is given that she may settle her affairs and submit for Rebaptism, willingly and in sincerity, to the Wheel.

Failing such Sergeant Reyer has issued command for her Arrest on Serious Charges, at which point Ephian Law declares she must forcibly undergo Re-baptism, lest face harsher penalty.

In that time she may seek salvation from:

Grand Mufti Radislav of the Wroth
Khalid, of Warad, whose Patron sits upon the Stele.
Honored Water Bearer Gausim Al-Marain, of B'aara
Ex-Legate Marcellus, of Izdu
Balladeer Alain, of the Twindari
Ariel, of The Protector Agaslakku
Jerrod, of Kula

She may seek one, she may seek all, to learn and understand.

She has until one week time to choose her fate.

Magistrate Gausim al-Marain
Honored Water Bearer of The Great Temple of Baz'eel
First of the First Seat
[11:23 PM] Howlando: Feel free LealWG
[11:23 PM] Howlando: I'll give you a high five + fist bump tip

[1:34 AM] BigOrcMan: RwG, a moment on the lips, forever on the hips


Heard over the bellows...

Quote from: Sofia d'Andrea"Salutations, Ephia's Well! This is Sister-Priest Sofia speaking. It appears I am publicly accused of certain 'transgressions' by a Magistrate, an Apothar, a Twindari Balladeer, and a Sergeant of the Fourth Legion. Although I would use somewhat different language than in the public notice, almost all of the accusations are essentially correct.

I would like to clarify, however, that it has never been my purpose to offend adherents of the Wheel nor to tarnish the name of Princess Hasheema. But I cannot help it if zealous individuals will interpret my actions that way.

The only accusations I do not admit to are these: I am not a 'heretic' that can be 're-baptised' because I am not a follower of B'aara and have never been baptised in her faith. I follow Sage Santina. She is not an aspect of B'aara or a B'aarat heresy; she is a Sage of the Divine Dome.

Moreover, I have never compared the compassion and mercy of Sage Santina to that of B'aara. I have never felt the need for such comparisons. I have great respect for the works of mercy and charity that the B'aarat do, and have indeed supported their work with considerable donations.

It is enough for me to say that B'aara, too, is compassionate. I leave it to the judgement of the good people of Ephia's Well whether the same can be said of my accusers.

To make it abundantly clear to the people of Ephia's Well what I believe in, beginning from today and Santina willing, I shall read in full the hagiography of Sage Santina every day at ((7:30 pm GMT)) in front of the Pilgrim. After the reading, I will give food and alms to all in need.

This I will continue until such a time that I am shown which law of Ephia's Well I have broken, or until my accusers acknowledge in public that I have broken no law. That is all for now. I wish peace, good health, and Sage Santina's blessings to everyone, regardless of religion."
Sofia d'Andrea


QuoteDM Shout:
People begin to arrive to the center of the plaza, following noises of a heated argument that came to blows...

QuoteCity Whisper:
Sultan's Janissary
Fellstar, Reyer! Either you handle it or delegate to one of your men, I can't leave my post. A man calling himself Radislav Ludovich Proudly just went around and beat a voiced citizen who preferred to remain nameless. No idea why. Someone deal with it!

QuoteCity Whisper:
Radislav Ludovich
Peace upon the Wroth, poison be his name! If these foreigners once again comport to proselytize before the Holy Icon of the Pilgrim; desecrating it before our public. I have let them taste the leather of my shoe, and kindly sent them on their way with B'aara's mercy for their perfidious worship!

QuoteCity Whisper:
Radislav Ludovich
If these foreigners do so again, then I will greet them again with the leather of my shoe! I await word with you, Sergeants.
[11:23 PM] Howlando: Feel free LealWG
[11:23 PM] Howlando: I'll give you a high five + fist bump tip

[1:34 AM] BigOrcMan: RwG, a moment on the lips, forever on the hips


Quote from: Sofia d'Andrea'Dear people of Ephia's Well, this is Sister-Priest Sofia. You will have heard by now that a priest of the Wroth by the name of Radislav Ludovich attacked me violently on the Plaza last night. The reason for this unprovoked assault was my outspoken faith in Sage Santina and the Dome...'

'... his hatred of which he has made quite clear over the past weeks. He claims I am a threat to the safety and security of the Well. I leave to you, good people, to decide who is the greater threat: a priestess preaching compassion and loving-kindness, or an angry and violent madman.'

'His conduct only proves how much work there is for my Sage to do here in this place. Mercy and compassion are in short supply. I will not stop healing the diseased and feeding the hungry. And I will not stop preaching what I have always preached since my arrival two months ago.'

'My only regret is that I have not been vocal enough to challenge all the kind-hearted people of this place to take a decisive stand against hatred and bigotry. That shortcoming I shall rectify now. Good people of the Well, those of you who follow the Wheel:'

'It was -your- priests who elected Radislav Ludovich to represent the entire Wheel as the 'Grand Mufti'. -Your- priests, who so like to remind me that B'aara also is compassionate, have proven by their actions that they have learned nothing from the Mother they claim to revere.'

'I know they do not represent the best of what the Wheel has to teach. I know they are but a small minority. But you have let them get away with choosing such a representative for your religion. Do you want to prove that this man and his ilk are but rotten fruit of a good tree?'

'Then denounce him and his kind.'

'I will continue my readings of Sage Santina's hagiography tonight. There is much there for Radislav Ludovich to learn, and so I hope and pray that he will come and listen carefully.'
Sofia d'Andrea


As the day continued into night more chaos swirled. Many Nadiri chiming in, Magistrate Clearcreek, Balladeer Alain and Clergy of the Wheel of all stripes, and even Sergeant of the Janissaries. So many Bellows ringing out, so much argument in the street, reams of scroll, jugs of ink...

For better or worse - Faith and the Ecclesiastic Bureaucracy takes the minds of many, at the same time Secular Bureaucracy faces hurdle. Though there is some overlap - Word coming from Speaker Jerrod that Prelate Akna has taken of Conversion to Kula.

Just Under Four days remain.

Each day the Sage Priest's readings draw more attention. It is unknown what will come at her next, but many eyes and ears drift.
[11:23 PM] Howlando: Feel free LealWG
[11:23 PM] Howlando: I'll give you a high five + fist bump tip

[1:34 AM] BigOrcMan: RwG, a moment on the lips, forever on the hips


In the morning raised unexpected call.

QuoteSofia d'Andrea
'Magistrate al-Marain, we are overdue a meeting in person. Please come to the viewing platform of the Pyramid where I will be waiting. Live and drink.'

For a time wo figures who could not be more different, one small and portly in the luxury of Voiced Toga, the other thin and threadbare in humble rag, would speak. There was no tension, nor even a sense of urgency. Merely two calm heads as if it was two old friend sitting by a river, feeding waterfowl.

Then came word.

QuoteGausim al-Marain
Live. And Drink. It is the Seventh Day. You must get your affairs in order to finish business for the week, and prepare for the next week to come.

Gausim al-Marain
In the spirit of such did Sofia of the Sage-Sister seek me out, in peace, in hope of understanding. In hope of future to come. For hours did we sit upon the Vista overlooking Ephia in Synod. We broke proverbial bread speaking of the tumult that has ataken.

Gausim al-Marain
She has come forward and proposed concessions. Limitations upon herself. Limitations upon the Faith of the Dome within Ephia's Well. I applaud her efforts for civility and decorum as these are not easy notion. But so too has she her own requests.

Gausim al-Marain
And countering her requests, are requests of my own. For this is the nature of negotiation. While these negotiations are ongoing she has agreed to cease her readings at the Pilgrim. Grand Mufti, Balladeer Alain, Khalid, Jerrod. I bid you all seek me.

As for you Ariel, I do not know where you stand on the notion of such a possible peace, but you too are invited to seek me that we may weigh this offer.
[11:23 PM] Howlando: Feel free LealWG
[11:23 PM] Howlando: I'll give you a high five + fist bump tip

[1:34 AM] BigOrcMan: RwG, a moment on the lips, forever on the hips


QuoteGausim al-Marain
Live. And Drink. This morning I raised word that I had met with Sofia, that we had reached a tenable peace. She was prepared in her piety and sacrifice, to have the Clergy of the Sages shoulder the burden to spare the laymen of Il Modo. To advocate, before all -

 City Whisper:
Gausim al-Marain
That the Clergy of the Dome be prohibited of Voice, and of membership in the Leagues, not so unlike our Article 11 upon Accorded Legates. That in this action the Laymen free to quietly organize, and their priests gather in the shrines of the Krak, and more.

 City Whisper:
Gausim al-Marain
When sharing this with Legate Ricario Cassella he said plain: The League of Voice for All will not be part of such a prohibition. That he appreciated the work but it should be 'Handled of faith, not law'. That we should rework such.

 City Whisper:
Gausim al-Marain
I have extended the Mother's Mercy, upon every occasion. However B'aara does not sit upon the Stele, Warad does. B'aara does not sit of the Grand Mufti, Wroth does. If both the Secular and Ecclesisastic Bureaucracy wish these choices I honor them.

 City Whisper:
Gausim al-Marain
Sofia - Our Negotiations are sundered. Live. And Drink.

QuoteCity Whisper:
Ottavio Banducci
To think someone would be so willing as throw themselves into a fire and ensure their own suffering. Modan of all walks of life bleed both coin and blood for this Well. No Voice? What a pathetically obtuse proposal.

Ottavio Banducci
Merely is simple calm neccessary, we're all honoured citizens of this Well and that is a term that all ought get used to, yes?

QuoteGausim al-Marain
I do not begrudge any who shed for this city, Sage-Priest Banducci, but keep this at the forefront of your mind: No amount of shedding of blood, coin, or your Dome have or will save your Floating City. It is why you have all fled. Yours is deserved damnation.

 City Whisper:
Gausim al-Marain
To those of the Wheel I say this - The Waters will flow. Those who doubt can speak with Lady Nasreen or others who watched as I stitched together the Sage-priest despite our differences the night of the Slaver's raid. Live. And Drink.

QuoteCity Whisper:
Ottavio Banducci
The Floating City has it's own share of issues, I'd not have left otherwise so on this I'd certainly concur. Even so, as this dance showed a sign of ending it's damnation that is suddenly deserved.

 City Whisper:
Ottavio Banducci
If you're truely amicable I'm sure we can conclude such in person, without the kind of fishy bargains provided to the kind Sister! They are far more my forte than hers.

For a while the Duo would debate atop the Pyramid overlooking the vista, a third eventually joining... though no announcements to come...

Under three days remain, and negotiations announced sundered.
[11:23 PM] Howlando: Feel free LealWG
[11:23 PM] Howlando: I'll give you a high five + fist bump tip

[1:34 AM] BigOrcMan: RwG, a moment on the lips, forever on the hips


As more bellows howl, as more tensions stir, as more word raised. Some call for religious freedom, some call for condemnation, some going so far as to declare that The Fourth Legion must declare the threat of the Dome true or false once and for all to settle this affair.

QuoteCity Whisper:
Sofia d'Andrea
'Salutations, this is Sister-Priest Sofia. As Magistrate al-Marain has bellowed, negotiations have indeed broken down. I am much saddened by it, for I was prepared to find a way forward by making unprecedented personal concessions not required by any law.'

Sofia d'Andrea
'I was prepared to limit my public preaching to the Krak des Roses. To refrain from organising any mass religious events on the streets of Ephia's Well, save for works of charity. To refrain from purchasing property in Ephia's Well for setting up a temple.'

Sofia d'Andrea
'I was even prepared to relinquish my Voice and to refrain from joining any political League, although Sages know these things have nothing to do with what I am being accused of. Alas, all this was not enough. I am still accused of being a 'threat to the safety and security' of the Well.'

Sofia d'Andrea
'I could, of course, only speak for myself, not for other Modini, not for other priests of the Dome. And so here we are. Magistrate al-Marain persists in his demand of 're-baptism', invoking article 18 of the penal code. And I still persist in denying such an obviously untenable charge.'

Sofia d'Andrea
'Therefore, I shall be continuing my daily readings of Sage Santina's hagiography at the Pilgrim. The next one will be in exactly two hours. I still hope this matter can be settled in a peaceful and civilised manner, in the spirit of mutual respect. Live and drink, Ephia's Well.'

QuoteCity Whisper:
Alejandro Benjazar
Buen día, beloved Ephians! Your beloved minstrel joins his voice to the fray with a simple opinion: it is ultimately the Legion's due to decide whether the Faith of the Dome constitutes a threat to the Well. Their clarification would be useful.

A call of resumption by Sofia, a call of many others in protest, a call of the Prelate of the First Seat, followed soon after by a call from the Magistrate of the First Seat.

QuoteCity Whisper:
Gausim al-Marain
Within the Barracks of the Legion, a shrine of Wroth. Within the Hall of Jurisprudence are carved /in stone/ the word's 'The Mother's Justice is Swift and Fearless'. Upon the Stele sit the Pantheon of the Wheel's Patrons.

Gausim al-Marain
The Grand Mufti, upon the Stele raised to speak of religious matters, declared this woman and chased her with shoeleather. Sergeants, I release you from the Mother's Mercy - The time I had hoped Sofia would use to learn, she has refused.

And half a bell later amidst further arguing did a Sergeant of the Legion come forward and bellow

QuoteCity Whisper
Conrad Fellstar
This stands as the final reminder to the citizens of the Well. The Fourth Legion retains sole authority for the security and enforcement of its laws. Vigilantes, mercenaries, and fool-hardy heroes attempting to take justice into their own hands will be dealt with swiftly.

Conrad Fellstar
The assessment of threats, specifically those pertaining to foreign influence, ever grows. As such, new protocols are now required for certain Voiced citizens:

Conrad Fellstar
The following groups of individuals who obtain their Voice are ordered by the Fourth Legion to present themselves to the barracks for interview: Voiced faithful of the Dome, Voiced regufees from Il Modo, and Voiced refugees hailing from west of the Edutu. This criteria will grow in the coming weeks.

Conrad Fellstar
To those who have presented themselves already, you have my thanks for not having to track you down. As for the remainder of you, my patience thins.

With just shy two days left of deadline, the call for mercy nullified. The hourglass counting down removed.

Whether it was either Priest's actions, or the Prelate's Call, the Legion promises new scrutiny.
[11:23 PM] Howlando: Feel free LealWG
[11:23 PM] Howlando: I'll give you a high five + fist bump tip

[1:34 AM] BigOrcMan: RwG, a moment on the lips, forever on the hips