Hamdan: Leg Return

Started by Random_White_Guy, January 24, 2024, 05:02:23 AM

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Vizier Hamdan al-Hamdan,

In ritual prayer at the Temple, last eve at the Call to Prayer, did Lady Nasreen Shabani come forward. She had asked for guidance and of B'aara we asked. Her answer - An empowering of the Ashfolk.

As you have been so denied Wroth's justice, as you have been so denied The Protector's Grace, I ask you this.

If she and I are able to secure the means, and you and she pool resources, and we undertake such a ritual-

Would you wish your Leg returned, your form restored by B'aara?

Magistrate Gausim al-Marain
Honored Water Bearer of the Great Temple of Baz'eel
First of the First Seatl
[11:23 PM] Howlando: Feel free LealWG
[11:23 PM] Howlando: I'll give you a high five + fist bump tip

[1:34 AM] BigOrcMan: RwG, a moment on the lips, forever on the hips


[A richly perfumed enveloped arrives back to its sender's hands, carried by some nondescript servant of some kind.]

Nisah 25th, IY 7788

Magistrate and Water-Bearer al-Marain

I must confess: I don't know whether or not you mean to mock me cruelly by this letter of yours. If so, then may Urazzir smite you where you stand and reduce you to a puddle of goo and battered bones!!!

I have never heard of such miracles or rituals, not even in the High Temple of Baz'eel, nor in the stories of the heroes of legend. Are you a braggart in over your head? The Wheel does not churn needlessly nor without reason—you of all ought know this— the sacrifice I have suffered much to my indignation was willed by design. Do YOU mean to blaspheme this, as a sanctioned priest?!

Nevertheless, if you are earnest, and you do not jab at me mercilessly for your amusement. If this task is possible, and not a tinge of it corrupted, then my answer is: yes... what in the bloody hells did you think I'd say? Of course I want the full recovery of my person.

- Grand Strategist, Poet-Extraordinaire, Swashbuckling Bravo, Known Philanthropist, Baz'eeli Debonair, News Mogul, Tourism Magnate, Purple League Patriot, Citizen of Ephia's Well,
   The Most Esteemed Hamdan al-Hamdan