[A Letter to Legate Ricario's Office]

Started by Vegan_Snickerdoodles, January 26, 2024, 04:44:15 AM

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    The slavers are broken.

    Within their camp we came upon their lockbox, containing the riches with which they desired to tempt us. It was extremely trapped. Many were felled by it.

    Radislav somewhow managed to open the thing, and began to make off with the box. Mirielle attacked him in the Krak. That is my fault. I feared he would melt the resources in some insane sacrifice, and warned her of such. I do not think he cares, so likely no drama will come of it.

    He brought it to the Pyramid, claiming a tithe for its opening with the rest going to the State in my care. This I found agreeable... I was not going to touch that box, after all. Finder's fee, as they say. Thirty-four Thousand five hundred Dinar of the slaver's gold remains for state purposes. As I cannot access the Treasury, I am simply remaining in the Embassy until it can be handled.

    There are many resources left in the camp of the Sapphire Crest for use. Caravan wagons which can offer some small degree of additional shelter. Barricades. Much woodwork. These things should not be wasted.

    Someone lit your warehouse on fire during the fighting. I had a feeling someone would do something. The gutters have been active of late.

    Your biggest supporter Ariel complained the whole time we were preparing, argued in favor of the slavers during the parlay, and griped that your warehouse did not burn down. It is becoming very sad. It feels cruel to acknowledge her at this point.

    All things contemplated, the night could have gone worse.




Thank you for your report, I am saddened at the loss of life and wounded but the refugees were kept safe and we have sent a message to those who would attempt to prey upon us, that we are not such easy prey. I commend you for your efforts in the arranging of defences.

Let us speak soon on the other matters.
