[A Letter Sent to the Auctioneers Silhan & Silhan, Esq] //DM

Started by AsheandCinders, May 24, 2024, 09:07:34 PM

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Honoured Silhan & Silhan, Esq

As an occasional Participant in your fabulous Auctions, where I have in the past purchased excellent secrets and been nothing but pleased by both the quality of my purchase and the services provided, I was thrilled to see your advertisement in the Maribeh Edition of The Sublime Parchment.

I am something of a collector of the Legates of the Well, having served with a great many of them over my time in residence, but alas timing failed to permit me the ability to serve alongside the Legates Syter and Zarat.

It is my hope that, in some small way, possessing such a rare item as the mummified corpse you advertise may go a way to fill that gap in my Legate collection in a somewhat spiritual sense, that I may do Legate Syter the service of returning him home. I am sure he would make an excellent conversation piece, or I may embrace my own charitable nature and donate him to the state that he may find residence in our newly refurbished Maqbara.

I hope to hear your reply soon, should the item still be available, that we might see if my budget can stretch toward such a luxury.

Live and Drink
Deputy Chief Scribe al-Samar
Scribes of the Sublime Garden, Ephia's Well Branch
Office of the Sublime Bank


i walked one morning to the fair


Honoured Brothers Silhan & Silhan, Esquire.

In the wake of our negotiations, and parting in friendship and understanding, it seems that one of the Legates of the well has made certain assumptions based soley on his observing my meeting with your messenger in the Palatial Pyramid.

As such I would humbly request that when you deliver the item that you might also provide me with documentation that clarifies it's nature as a gift, as we agreed, rather than a Purchase, Trade or Barter.

It would be a deep shame to see the opportunity for future discussion between us denied by an Over-eager reptile impersonator's heavy handed attempts to see my downfall come about.

Live and Drink

Your Friend
Deputy Chief Scribe al-Samar
Scribes of the Sublime Garden, Ephia's Well Branch
Office of the Sublime Bank