Wyatt Duskmore is Dead

Started by UnholyWon, March 17, 2014, 09:28:30 AM

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Wyatt Duskmore aka "Kisses" is no more, and his ending was extremely bitter for me because I really loved this character, and loathe what he was made into in the end. Unfortunately, the events leading up to Wyatt's death were some of the worst moments I've had on the server to date, and found absolutely no fun in them at all. It was not the fault of the DMs or Players, but my personal gut-retching displeasure for what the character was turned into, and how the character was portrayed in the end in game and on the forums.

Character history: Wyatt Duskmore was a Lightfoot Halfling that looked for adventure before the fall of the surface to the Dread Empire. He joined an adventuring company in his early years that traveled the greater Toril in search of glory and riches of lost kingdoms. Travelling by way of the sea, on a ship named the Wild Winds, Wyatt and friends found many adventures until they met with an unfortunate slaver ship that captured both the ship and cure. The destination was Skullport, and that is where Wyatt's life would take a turn for the worst.

Wyatt's adventuring company was split up, and sold to various denizens of the Underdark and Surface. Wyatt's master was Jerithal Erridetha, a sun elf and psionist, and regularly tortured Wyatt with visions of dead companions, slaughtering innocents, being feasted upon by vermin, and being compelled to act out cruel and sadistic fantasies for his master. One of the lesser known and rarely seen was when Wyatt was compelled to flay the skin from his mouth and cheeks so that it always appeared that Wyatt was smiling for his master, which is why Wyatt always wore the bandanna. Since being a slave, Wyatt developed a deep racism towards all elves, personally never trusting them, and often referring to them as knife-ears.

During the fall of the surface to the Dread Empire, Wyatt found his chance for freedom in the chaos of Skullport being overran by Thralls. Escaping as a stowaway on a ship attempting to outrun the Dread Empire, the ship was destroyed and the remnants were left floating out to sea. Floating on a piece of wood and battling the elements Wyatt was cast to the shore, where he developed the mind frame of personal survival first and foremost by any means necessary. Robbing, looting, and stealing from both the living and the dead, Wyatt stumbled upon a portal to Sanctuary.

Once in Sanctuary Wyatt worked first as a worminger, and then started the Duskmore Observer to become a neutral voice to the populace. The Duskmore Observer was also the attempt to attract the attention of his friends should they ever find their way to Sanctuary, sadly his friends never arrived. Wyatt reported on various topics that interested him, and were currently hot among the people. Regretfully, Wyatt Duskmore sold his paper to J.T. Firefly in an attempt to retire peacefully in sanctuary and live his days out in peace.

An adventure into the sewer tunnels of Lower Sanctuary would lead Wyatt to have an extreme hatred of the Chosen, which he would hunt daily tallying the numbers of his kills. Alone Wyatt was careful and tactful when attacking Chosen, but with a party he was careless and seething with blind fury to kill every Chosen he saw.  

Wyatt's adventurous nature would soon get the best of him, and he would find himself in Lower Sanctuary joining the Scrapper Scamps. Here he would to wonderful and true friends in Trem and Pipes, and a cause to fight for to save the Scrappers.

Screen shots:

Wyatt's business outfit for the Duskmore Observer.

Wyatt's Pissrat outfit, he thought it would help him hunt Chosen if he smelled like them. In his mind it worked.

Interviewing Renee Greystarred, she was creepy and Wyatt never liked her.

INFORMER! FHLKJHHLRKJHR Blam! I lick your boom boom yeah! Wyatt was actually an informant for the Watch, and was given certain leniency and privileges.  

Even here, Wyatt states he not a killer or assassin. He forced into that role, because I certainly didn't want that for him.

The Start of the Pissrat extermination run, Praise Chequen!?

The Pissrat leader, facing his soon to be death.

Chequen is BORN!! And Will tries to get his arm back.

Strange dealings, poor Will.

Finishing the Pissrat destruction, again poor Will.

Stealing a kiss from Queen Sialoorta. This was actually my favorite in game moment because it led to some wonderful roleplay, and genuine friendships.

The naming ceremony, good times.

Dialog from the naming ceremony.

Living up to the Scrapper name Kisses was tough on Wyatt.

The dialog from stealing that second kiss. Still makes me laugh when I read the talk between Trem and Wyatt, Trem was easily Wyatt's best friend.

The hunt for the Magnetic Mangler, this was a personal goal for Wyatt, which he saw completed despite the interruption from the Spellguard, and them being slaughtered.

The gathering of Scrappers and the plan to hunt the Magnetic Mangler, unfortunately all the screenies of the battle I thought I got didn't take. Sorry Sternhund, but thank you for allowing Wyatt to achieve one of his goals. It was nice to race against the clock.

Wyatt taking a moment and standing next to his friend Will. Wyatt never stopped thinking about trying to figure out a way to get his arm back.

During a late Saturday night, I decided to test my Hide/MS against the server creatures. I found some really interesting places I had no business being alone in, but it was the most fun I had with Wyatt.

Hiding out in the shadows, it was his finally look. I got rid of some epic gear because I didn't want Wyatt smelling like rat piss.

Sialoorta was HOT! Wyatt secretly wished he was taller or a human so he could warm Sialoorta up all private like. Seriously Wyatt thought Sialoorta was the sexy creature alive!

The beginning of the end for Wyatt, captured and forced to follow. He was be ordered to kill Kojirak in the end. Oh yeah, this was Wyatt's first meeting with the Sons of Cyric, but it seemed like everyone believed he was a Cyricist -all- the time. Sorry to disappoint.

Again just trying to survive the "suck" in the end they would kill Wyatt.

Here is Wyatt, dead and gone, I'm actually very, very sad that Wyatt was made out to be a villian, and resent everything leading to his end.  

Wyatt always attempted to live between Upper and Lower Sanctuary, and secretly wished they would put their differences aside and create a greater home for all people.

Thanks for all the memorable moments that really enriched the character's life on the server, you know who are who contributed. Till the next one.


Could have cleared your name, man. q.q

RIP in peace, misunderstood one, ensnared in a web of lies, bound by a snare of wiles. I don't think I have ever seen a character so masterfully wronged before.


Good character. Enjoyed him and his presence in the world a lot.


I never met your character, I don’t think, but can I just say that the frustration at the end of your character is natural, and actually important part of EfU. Without the frustrating losses and setbacks (up to and including death), the good moments of the server would not be as sweet. Sometimes characters become controlled by greater powers, deceived by players, become outlaws etc, and that process is mostly out of your own control. But when you do succeed in keeping a character on the path to wherever you wanted to go, it is awesome, because you know at any point you could have failed.

Also, it looks like you had a wild ride, and had some fantastic adventures. You should be proud of your character, not sad at his end!


Try to avoid spoilers regarding ongoing plots!

Cool character. :)


I am sorry things turned out the way the did in the end. Wyatt was a cool bean and it's a shame to see him go.



That moment with sialoorta was probably the funniest thing I'd ever seen Ig. Sad to see Wyatt go. He wasn't your first golden char tho, and I'm sure he won't be the last. Cheers mate, sorry about how it all ended
"Proving concerned parents from the 80's wrong, just in time for them to be dead. "


I'm glad to have interacted with your PC, and sad to see him gone. Chasing a trio of mischievous halflings back to Lower is one thing I can cross off my PC's bucket list, I guess.

Knight Of Pentacles

One of EFU:R's first character and always had a hand in things.  Never got to see much of him, but I'm going to guess that's because he was always in the shadows.  I'm sorry he didn't pan out as expected though that's the nature of character development and all-in-all he was still an awesome character whether he lived up to what you'd hoped for.


Truly enjoyed RP'ing with him! He left a great mark upon the server.  Look forward to your next UnholyWon!

The Samophlange

It is understandable that you are upset regarding the loss of a beloved character, especially one that you still felt like you could do more with. Truth be told right after Kojirak died, even though I knew it was coming with the way he was acting, I was incredibly upset. I had to take some time off and cool down, let my head clear. That said...

The way he died is not necessarily a bad thing. I know it can hurt when a character you like is vilified for reasons you did not anticipate, and it may seem unfair that somebody who was overall a force of good will be remembered IC as a cruel soul. As unfortunate as it is, this is the stuff good stories are made of. A good man turns to hideous ends to try and save himself, and is ultimately undone for them. It might not have won him any friends IC, but I think I can speak for most everybody when I say it's a choice that has to be respected from an OOC perspective. You took actions that impacted the server in a very meaningful way, even though it wasn't necessarily the way you would have liked.

I didn't really know Wyatt before our interaction. It is a shame the two had to meet under such conditions, because they probably would have been good friends. Still, sometimes the universe unfolds such that good men are forced to kill one another. And on Efu, that makes damn interesting roleplay.

Look forward to seeing what you make next.


The Samophlange, you summed it up.


Don't think I ever formally met Wyatt on any of my PCs. Still, I'm a fan of any Scrapper PCs I see, and he had a pretty cool journey man. RIP.


I enjoyed RP'ing with you on two different character. First in Thoren Jeagvars last moments as you tried to calm him down and let him escape, but he would have none of it. Loved reading in your journal about the meeting. You were the first character to actually lie to us, and we all just took it at face value. A great character through and through, and I cant wait to see what you will make next.


Hey Unholy,

It was a real bummer for me to get back from vacation and see that Kisses was gone.  Loved the PC, and I was always thinking of how glad I was that we got Kisses into the Scrappers.  He brought a lot of enthusiasm, which is extremely important.  Trem was extremely jealous of Kisses' talent with the ladies.  The stealing of a kiss from Sialoorta was a truly outanding moment in my one-year EFU history.  And I'll never forget when Kisses slaughtered Umberhulks like a boss.

I wish Trem had been around to help Kisses deal with his issues, but real life called :(  May he regale Brandobaris with his stories in the life after.

(I thought of posting some screenies, but all mine are spoilerish - maybe later)